"There Is No Climate Crisis"

86,690 Views | 928 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by oh no
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Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

Cromagnum said:

As with everything, follow the money. The same people who made a mint lieing about covid are the same people lieing about a climate crisis.
and a majority of the time, following the money on the climate change denial side of the debate brings you to the oil and gas industry. what are we to do? it's agendas and ulterior motives and shadow money all the way down!

Oxy sure got some climate BS money. What you say does not jibe with the advertisements from big oil advertising how environmentally resposible they are and kneeling to kiss the evil ring.
that's all corporate greenwashing advertising to appease the public and activist investors. overwhelming majority of O&G capital investment still goes to hydrocarbons.

When did looking for oil and gas by an oil and gas company become ulterior motives and shadow money?

You need to sit down and examine your ulterior motives.
if someone on the Marlboro bankroll put out a declaration signed by "scientists" saying cigarettes are actually not that bad for you, you'd laugh in their face. if the O&G industry is paying or influencing someone to downplay or deny manmade climate change (as is very obviously the case with the declaration in the op), when they have a very obvious financial incentive to do so regardless of whether it's true, you should be skeptical of the impartiality and veracity of those claims.
you described your cult leaders Al Gore and John Kerry perfectly - who justify their over inflated carbon footprint as all good because of their righteous work. Keep lapping up their drivel
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Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

Cromagnum said:

As with everything, follow the money. The same people who made a mint lieing about covid are the same people lieing about a climate crisis.
and a majority of the time, following the money on the climate change denial side of the debate brings you to the oil and gas industry. what are we to do? it's agendas and ulterior motives and shadow money all the way down!

Oxy sure got some climate BS money. What you say does not jibe with the advertisements from big oil advertising how environmentally resposible they are and kneeling to kiss the evil ring.
that's all corporate greenwashing advertising to appease the public and activist investors. overwhelming majority of O&G capital investment still goes to hydrocarbons.

When did looking for oil and gas by an oil and gas company become ulterior motives and shadow money?

You need to sit down and examine your ulterior motives.
if someone on the Marlboro bankroll put out a declaration signed by "scientists" saying cigarettes are actually not that bad for you, you'd laugh in their face. if the O&G industry is paying or influencing someone to downplay or deny manmade climate change (as is very obviously the case with the declaration in the op), when they have a very obvious financial incentive to do so regardless of whether it's true, you should be skeptical of the impartiality and veracity of those claims.

Your side has been caught so many times manipulating data, under that scenario can you blame O&G companies? I would say that oil and gas companies
are playing defense. There are no studies which can be relied upon to warrant turning over control to a buch of wannabe authoritarians. And every day it looks more and more to be only about control.
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if someone on the Marlboro bankroll put out a declaration signed by "scientists" saying cigarettes are actually not that bad for you, you'd laugh in their face.

Doctors actually did this
No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See full Medical Disclaimer.
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I'm sure it's been mentioned as well but doctors and scientists also had their part in our country's opioid crisis.
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XXXVII said:

wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

This lack of critical thinking is what makes liberals liberal.
That and a poor understanding of statistical analysis. Dude takes a snap shot of a single year with selected sites. 1936 and 1876 were far worse. And highest ever, so in 1688 they were able to accurately sample global weather ? What a supid suggestion.

Where I live, SE US its been cool and rainy. Seriously every year someone somewhere on this planet is under a big dome of high pressure (heat) or under a trough of low pressure (cool and rainy) This year as in 2011,2005, 2000, 1995, 1989, and 1980 it was Texas's turn to be under the dome.
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StrickAggie06 said:

Against my better judgement, I'm going to attempt to educate you. To preface, I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering, a PhD in Genetics, and have experience in real world mathematical modeling, big data analytics, and advanced statistical analyses. My first publication in graduate school is the highest cited paper in my Columbia-graduated advisor's entire career.

1. Climate scientists aren't scientists. They are wannabe mathematicians that are bad at math, as climate science applicants have appallingly low average quantitative GRE scores that are inadequate for admission to hard science programs. Calling them scientists is an insult to REAL scientists.

2. The climate is a massively multivariate system akin in scale and complexity to the human body. Saying that we can accurately model the climate is like saying we can accurately model exactly how a person will age, quantitatively predict disease manifestation, or pre-determine the effect of a new drug or genetic change on the entire body. We have clinical trials for a reason.

3. The models used by climate science are derived from a number of different data sets, with vast differences in error variance. Combining the sets together creates a statistical nightmare with error tolerances so large that the model is essentially useless.

a. Satellite data is generally the most accurate, and is limited to less than 100 years of data.

b. Thermometer data is typically derived from airports, which has to be normalized on a time gradient because of the expansion of big cities and the heat island effect. This is rarely done in studies. In addition, there isn't a central starting point in time for creating a baseline global average, as airports were fewer in number early on and largely concentrated in North America and Europe. As a result, this data prior to maybe the 1960's (and possibly later) is going to have to either be extrapolated to other parts of the world based on other data sources (i.e. ice cores), or else missing crucial data points. Either way, a very significant amount of error tolerance is present in the set.

c. Water based temp data. There are 2 types - ship based ocean surface readings, and buoy based ocean subsurface readings. Surface data is widely accepted as unreliable due to a roughly 2 degree artificially inflated reading due to light reflection off the surface. Notoriously, buoy based data was removed from the NOAA report under Obama that was presented to the UN, as the initial results including it didn't fit the narrative.

d. Ice Cores. Horribly inaccurate with huge error variance. This variance also scales exponentially the further you go back in time. In addition, they are limited to areas near the poles, so they are a very poor indicator of historical average global temperatures. As they are the only source of somewhat historical data, they constitute a very very poor "control" to base a climate model on.

e. CO2 data. This comes from either weather balloons, which started somewhere in the mid last century, or ice cores which as noted above are horribly unreliable as a data set. As far as I'm aware, there hasn't even been a control study done to assess how accurate trapped CO2 readings are over time. That would require measuring CO2 in atmosphere at site of ice cores, and then taking an ice core sample every year to measure what is trapped in ice. You would need at least a 50 year study to even begin to validate ice cores as a reliable source for CO2 data, and really not even then since layers become compacted together when you are looking at anything beyond 100 years or so. Without that control study, there is no way to normalize the data to account for less than 100% CO2 capture. As a result, it will artificially look like CO2 is rising over time.

f. Size of Data Set. The Earth is hundreds of millions of years old, and we only have data that goes back at best about 10,000 years with any degree of usefulness. There are a few additional data points derived from geological records and older ice core data tied to known historical events (mass extinctions, eruption of Pompeii, etc), but there is no way to validate the accuracy of the readings and they are too far in between to build any sort of ancient data set. This is especially problematic because the Earth goes through sustained periods of heating and cooling as the axis wobbles. It is widely believed that we are actually near the peak in a warming cycle, but this is not properly reflected in the climate models. In addition, the Earth's magnetic poles shift on occasion, with far far more impact on the climate than man could ever dream of causing.

4. Even if all the data was 100% accurate, you still have to show that the climate change is man made.

a. Their only "proof" of this is to correlate temperature change to CO2/greenhouse gas level change. First, that correlation doesn't equal causation is a cornerstone of scientific research. Second, that correlation is heavily dependent on how the data is represented and sourced (ex: how average global Temps are calculated). The correlation could be supported by a series of site specific t-tests and correlations subsequently analyzed together in both One Way ANOVA and MANOVA (i.e. showing a statistically significant correlation independently at a variety of cities/locations), but to my knowledge this hasn't been done.

b. How do you accurately attribute how much is man made? You would need to be able to exactly calculate the amount of greenhouse gas produced by man vs nature, and there is simply no way currently to do this. Everything is based on a flawed aggregate of calculated estimates rife with more error variance (plant emissions, car emissions, cow farts, etc). In addition, these models have either done a poor job of modeling or else left out entirely the effect of volcanoes, solar flares, and sub-sea magma vents, which is a MASSIVE source of both heat and CO2.

5. Climate science has been so heavily politicized that the scientific method and ethics have been abandoned. There have been several examples of data tampering (most notably by the NOAA), and any academic that tries to publish a study that runs contrary to the established narrative is ostracized. The formerly well respected researcher at Georgia Tech comes to mind, in particular.

6. In conclusion, there simply isn't enough data to to build an accurate model of our climate or determine how much change is attributed to man. There is too much variance and too high of error tolerances to achieve statistically significant results. The models are built by highly politicized, unethical academics that aren't even good at math. I would be absolutely ashamed to attribute my name to any of these pseudoscience "studies".

DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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How about that climate change that killed off the dinosaurs? Guess man caused that too?
Old McDonald
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geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

Cromagnum said:

As with everything, follow the money. The same people who made a mint lieing about covid are the same people lieing about a climate crisis.
and a majority of the time, following the money on the climate change denial side of the debate brings you to the oil and gas industry. what are we to do? it's agendas and ulterior motives and shadow money all the way down!

Oxy sure got some climate BS money. What you say does not jibe with the advertisements from big oil advertising how environmentally resposible they are and kneeling to kiss the evil ring.
that's all corporate greenwashing advertising to appease the public and activist investors. overwhelming majority of O&G capital investment still goes to hydrocarbons.

When did looking for oil and gas by an oil and gas company become ulterior motives and shadow money?

You need to sit down and examine your ulterior motives.
if someone on the Marlboro bankroll put out a declaration signed by "scientists" saying cigarettes are actually not that bad for you, you'd laugh in their face. if the O&G industry is paying or influencing someone to downplay or deny manmade climate change (as is very obviously the case with the declaration in the op), when they have a very obvious financial incentive to do so regardless of whether it's true, you should be skeptical of the impartiality and veracity of those claims.

Your side has been caught so many times manipulating data, under that scenario can you blame O&G companies? I would say that oil and gas companies
are playing defense. There are no studies which can be relied upon to warrant turning over control to a buch of wannabe authoritarians. And every day it looks more and more to be only about control.
i don't blame the o&g companies one bit. they exist to make money and will therefore do what it takes to protect the bottom line. I simply contend you can't trust them or their surrogates to be impartial about climate change.
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Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

geoag58 said:

Old McDonald said:

Cromagnum said:

As with everything, follow the money. The same people who made a mint lieing about covid are the same people lieing about a climate crisis.
and a majority of the time, following the money on the climate change denial side of the debate brings you to the oil and gas industry. what are we to do? it's agendas and ulterior motives and shadow money all the way down!

Oxy sure got some climate BS money. What you say does not jibe with the advertisements from big oil advertising how environmentally resposible they are and kneeling to kiss the evil ring.
that's all corporate greenwashing advertising to appease the public and activist investors. overwhelming majority of O&G capital investment still goes to hydrocarbons.

When did looking for oil and gas by an oil and gas company become ulterior motives and shadow money?

You need to sit down and examine your ulterior motives.
if someone on the Marlboro bankroll put out a declaration signed by "scientists" saying cigarettes are actually not that bad for you, you'd laugh in their face. if the O&G industry is paying or influencing someone to downplay or deny manmade climate change (as is very obviously the case with the declaration in the op), when they have a very obvious financial incentive to do so regardless of whether it's true, you should be skeptical of the impartiality and veracity of those claims.

Your side has been caught so many times manipulating data, under that scenario can you blame O&G companies? I would say that oil and gas companies
are playing defense. There are no studies which can be relied upon to warrant turning over control to a buch of wannabe authoritarians. And every day it looks more and more to be only about control.
i don't blame the o&g companies one bit. they exist to make money and will therefore do what it takes to protect the bottom line. I simply contend you can't trust them or their surrogates to be impartial about climate change.

I wouldn't believe anyone who told me they understand the global climate well enough that I should cede control or base a financial decisionon on their expertise.
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ttu_85 said:

XXXVII said:

wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

This lack of critical thinking is what makes liberals liberal.
That and a poor understanding of statistical analysis. Dude takes a snap shot of a single year with selected sites. 1936 and 1876 were far worse. And highest ever, so in 1688 they were able to accurately sample global weather ? What a supid suggestion.

Where I live, SE US its been cool and rainy. Seriously every year someone somewhere on this planet is under a big dome of high pressure (heat) or under a trough of low pressure (cool and rainy) This year as in 2011,2005, 2000, 1995, 1989, and 1980 it was Texas's turn to be under the dome.

For my memory, 2000 was the worst in Houston, compared to this year, but it is all relative.
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wxmanX said:

i'm not even a liberal.
Voted republican since I was born.

Just know the science is correct. Later.

I've got some ocean front property.....
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VaultingChemist said:

Excellent post.

However, I would like to respond to your following statement:

b. How do you accurately attribute how much is man made? You would need to be able to exactly calculate the amount of greenhouse gas produced by man vs nature, and there is simply no way currently to do this. Everything is based on a flawed aggregate of calculated estimates rife with more error variance (plant emissions, car emissions, cow farts, etc). In addition, these models have either done a poor job of modeling or else left out entirely the effect of volcanoes, solar flares, and sub-sea magma vents, which is a MASSIVE source of both heat and CO2.
This has been analyzed by David Evans as shown from the following video (which is difficult to find using Google or YouTube searches).

Please watch the first few minutes and go to 37:45 to get more detail on tracking carbon emissions.

Thanks for posting, as this is an absolutely fantastic video. Should be mandatory watching for anyone who wants to have an opinion on climate change.

I'm only about a third the way through, and he's hit on almost all the points I laid out, except with even more detail at times. His background is also stellar: an engineer, six total degrees, extremely data driven, and actually worked on government climate modeling projects.

I can't recommend enough that everyone watch this.
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FTA 2001 said:

I have a lack of critical thinking skills because I'm skeptical of 1,609 scientists?
don't know if this was already discussed, but the original link is misleading. there aren't 1600 scientists in these signatories. there are many, but there is plenty of variety of many types of backgrounds.

for example

Captain Walter Bates, flew virtually all of United Airline's aircraft all over the world, including everything from the old DC-6 up through the largest Boeings such as the B-777 and the B 747-400; from his lifetime of experience he knows that the so-called man-made Mid-Troposhere Hot Zone just does not exist

Donna Barr, lifetime career as investigative journalist worldwide

Dr. J.D. Gold, lifetime experience in Clinical Psychology; worked in the frontlines of the war against the madness of terrifying people

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wxmanX said:

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.
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no **** sherlock.
But the trend is straight the F up.
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The trend has been up, up, up for about 20,000 years. Around then is when vast sheets of ice covering much of the Northern Hemisphere receded. Sea levels have been rising since that time, when they were 125 m lower than today.

Our civilization, if it had existed then, would not have been able to stop Earth's climate from changing if we wanted to, no more than we can prevent its changing now, whether the trend goes up (which is likely positive for us on balance) or back down to a glacial maximum where glaciers hundreds of meters deep cover former human settlements scraping them off the world for good.
Woods Ag
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You're using 1 years worth of data and the claim "it's the hottest EVER"

EVER… like we've been measuring since the beginning of time. Hell, can you even be sure we were correctly measuring 120 years ago?
Woods Ag
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It's not "straight up" dip ****… that's why they changed it from "global warming" to "climate change"
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

You keep say "highest ever". How far back do your records actually go?
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all from greenhouse gases bud.
every bit of it.

if we didn't have co2, our planet would be frozen over.

here is the formula 5.35*ln(co+c/co) = watts

Since 1979 we have added about 1.5 w/m^2...doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.

that is about 80w per 25ft^2, everywhere on this planet.

Radiative forcing - Wikipedia

read this article and learn something.
Philip J Fry
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Ever? Ever? Definition of ever here, please.
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Now that's some straight up ignorance there. As if water vapor plays no part in the radiative heat transfer process. Of course, water vapor can't be taxed punitively, so it's the elephant in the room that gets ignored.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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BC Canada all-time record high yesterday.

42C = 108F!
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Damn, when China and India keep cranking away, it's going to be boiling hot in 2060. My family won't have to pay for my cremation, they can just toss me on the sidewalk to burn up.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
American Hardwood
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wxmanX said:

Science is settled, you fail.

Most of your posts are like this. Bumper sticker mentality. When you do try to back up your position, you quote Wikipedia and promptly get crushed in response. You really aren't good at this. I suggest a little more practice on the East Texas board.
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wxmanX said:

BC Canada all-time record high yesterday.

42C = 108F!

Well that settles it then. Government take all my money to stop this! The horror!
DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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don't really care. Ya'll have fun.

Gig'em, I am out.
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Texas is just got past the ice & snowpocalypse that killed the electrical infrastructure. The only thing this heat is killing is our rights.
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DarkBrandon01 said:

and 100,000 other scientists believe in man made climate change. this means nothing. when you burn fossil fuels that energy has to go somewhere, it just doesn't disappear. it is the ONLY explanation. there are no other natural factors that account for the rapid increase of greenhouse gases.
You do realize that humans and animals release "greenhouse gasses" every second of every day of every year, correct?

And that there are 8 BILLION people on earth, the absolute highest human population that has ever existed. Just 12 years ago it was only 7 BILLION people. That doesn't account for the overall increase in domesticated livestock either.

But sure....no other natural factors at play here. None. Nope, all those evil fossil fuels!
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American Hardwood
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Old McDonald said:

If someone on the Marlboro bankroll put out a declaration signed by "scientists" saying cigarettes are actually not that bad for you, you'd laugh in their face. if the O&G industry is paying or influencing someone to downplay or deny manmade climate change (as is very obviously the case with the declaration in the op), when they have a very obvious financial incentive to do so regardless of whether it's true, you should be skeptical of the impartiality and veracity of those claims.
This is laughable. I can't believe you can't see the obvious problem with your statement. You seem to think that O&G is the only side with a money incentive?!?!? O&G make a plethora of well-known products that are constantly in high demand with very little effort needed to "sell" what they produce.

Green on the other hand makes products nobody wants, requires a reduction in freedoms and lifestyles, can't produce without subsidies. Green initiative wouldn't exist if wasn't "sold" and sold hard. Sold by force if necessary. And Green's potential financial reach across all industries rivals that of O&G, maybe even more.

So tell me, who has the greater interest in dubious claims, the industry whose products have been around for over a hundred years that sell themselves or the brand-new industry with dubious products with little market demand that require sacrifices by the consumer and whose chief selling strategy is fear?

Let me answer that for you, the "very obvious financial incentive" to lie is going to be the industry that has the hardest job selling their product, and that industry is not O&G.
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wxmanX said:

BC Canada all-time record high yesterday.

42C = 108F!
All-time record within about 150 years of temperature measurement of a planet that is been around 4.5B years. I don't think all-time means what you think it means.
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Let's not forget how accurate temperature measurements really are

B-1 83
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wxmanX said:

Science is settled, you fail.

That "science" doesn't follow the scientific method for repeatability. There are far too many natural factors (creating ever changing variables) that dwarf anything man can cook up or quantify. The concept that anyone can draw "conclusions" with such variables, and base an economy on them, is laughable.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
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wxmanX said:

BC Canada all-time record high yesterday.

42C = 108F!
all-time? Prove it...give us the temp readings for the last 250,000 years
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