Hes being made to look like a fool on national TV and he doesnt like it. His little brother played a better game and he doesnt like it. He cant handle the big leagues.
Victor and Paul think they have final 2 in the bag
Rumor on Twitter is that if the round trip ticket isn't found on Thursday, America will get to vote on who comes back in
Lol how stupid is that?! Production knows damn well who has the RT ticket. Just let the tickets expire or something. 2 "returns" are dumb, especially because we'd choose between jury members only I assume, meaning day z Bridgette or paulie.
No thanks. Apparently production loves Day.
Corey: You didn't see It all though, James told Paulie to calm down and that Paulie was scaring people, because he was. Like, It was honestly scary, Paullie was freaking out.
Nicole: See? I didn't see that..
Corey: Yeah, It was bad. It was aggressive. Overly aggressive. If I was a girl, I would have been scared. I thought he was going to get called In the DR and get evicted for hitting Michelle with the door.
What happens if he doesn't bake his pies? He's already nominated, so no punishment nom.
quote:Josea? He was the Big Brother messiah.
He thinks hes bigger than the game. I mean he was "bred for this" after all. I cant remember a house guest who has acted like this big of a ***** before. Its pretty amazing and I hope they continue to show his true colors.
After Paulie gets the boot, I'm ready for Natalie to go...not a chance in hell she wants to be anything more than friends with James...she's just using him...and she is extremely insecure.
Would actually like to see James, Paul and Vick in the final three...would be OK with any of those guys winning.