quote:They are bad but I think they made a good point - its 8 girls and 6 guys left. It would be easy for the girls to get rid of the remaining guys when its 8-5 or 8-4 which its shaping up to be.
updates from last night:
James threw the HOH comp to help ensure Victor couldn't win
Victor and Paul so bad at game talk, go to Paulie and say "if you want, we can do something like the brigade."
Bronte worked Paulie a bit, typical "i'm a strong competitor. I wont put you up if you don't put me up" type stuff.
Natalie trusting James. Said she doesn't like how Victor/Paul tried to turn her against James.
Seems the possible idea is Bronte/Paul, with Victor getting the back door if all things work out.
Ian Terry made the statement last night that if Victor isn't nominated and he wins the Road Kill he should nominate himself to ensure he will play for the veto. Its crazy but I think he's right.