75,822 Views | 444 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Brian Earl Spilner
Brian Earl Spilner
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Saw those earlier and thought of this thread.
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Add a space, texags is stupid.
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Don't mind me...I'm just watching this thread from afar.
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No, no, no ,no, no. George Lucas already ****ed up the prequels and backstory enough. We don't need to turn Obi Wan into a gigilo. He needs to fit the monk mold. He sits in his hut for 20 years jackin' it waiting for Luke to come of age.

If anything, Luke should be the one getting that poontang.
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Hold the truck up!

What if Luke did pound some sand-vag before he went under OB's tutelage?!?!?

Then REY could be his grandkid and not kid. Would still fit the time line.
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First, love the idea, but I do agree it doesn't sound like a Star Wars movie, at least in the classic mold we knoe from the existing seven.

I love the idea of him struggling with love. His main failure is losing Anakin to the dark side. Amongst the many missteps Anakin took, one of the biggest was breaking the oath and falling in love. Would Kenobi view himself falling in love as failure? I think the comparison to religion is a great one. Catholic priest comes to mind. If he was the last Catholic priest on earth how strong would his resolve be? Would the last priest break his faith and marry? I could see him bargaining that marriage and children were necessary to carry on the faith.

Offspring brings to mind another question. How are jedi mainly produced? We know there is a genetic component since Anakin passes it on to Luke, but there must be something else. In the pre-quels we see an entire academy of jedi kids, but they obviously aren't jedi offspring since jedi can't marry and have kids, right? Or am I missing something?

Lastly I am a complete sucker for isolation movies. Hanks in Castaway, Rockwell in Moon, and Damon in The Martian come to mind. The puzzle of making a single person on screen interesting is fascinating to me. I picture that being a portion of this movie. As such, in most isolation movies there is a non-human counterpart that helps drive the dialog (Wilson in Castaway, the video diary in The Martian). I know we have talked about Kenobi talking to a force ghost, but maybe he could also have a service droid of some sort to talk to? Or perhaps his documentation of the Jedi way includes a video aspect where he reflects on things?

Anyway that's just a few quick thoughts on it.

As for an ending I favor the Casablanca type ending where he does NOT end up marrying and being with the girl. I think the relationship with the woman only galvanizes his faith in the force.
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What if Jabba actually boned Leia in ROTJ?... and Rey was the illegitimate child that had to be left on a similar desert planet?
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I just watched episode III the other night (so my son can get all caught up).
At the end, Yoda tells Obi Wan that he has more training for him, through Qui Gonn. I can't remember if that has come up in this thread yet... or if it should be incorporated.
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The Clone Wars heavily suggested that the additional training was how to become one with the Living Force, which is how Force Ghosting is possible... no explanation for how Anakin could do that, though.

Not the strongest TCW arc, but there it is...
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So are we talking Netflix Exclusive type stuff?
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So are we talking Netflix Exclusive type stuff?

The Living Force stuff? Yes.
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The Clone Wars heavily suggested that the additional training was how to become one with the Living Force, which is how Force Ghosting is possible... no explanation for how Anakin could do that, though.

Not the strongest TCW arc, but there it is...

While I agree, at least it was better than the Mortis arc..... Still probably the best arc from the last Netflix season was the Order 66 conspiracy arc.
Ag Since 83
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The new issue of the Star Wars comic that came out yesterday was another "Luke reads Ben's journal about his time on Tatooine" issue. Since it's pertinent to this idea, I'll summarize the issue. Comic spoilers follow...

About a year after the previous Obi-Wan issue, Jabba is still looking for the man who took on his thugs during the water shortage

Luke flies through Beggars Canyon for what seems like the first time and crashes (we actually see young Biggs!). Owen is angry, and bans him from flying again (just as well, since the T-16 is wrecked)

Obi-Wan, watching from a distance, talks to Qui-Gon (who we never see or hear talk back), and speculates that Anakin may be the chosen one in a way because he's Luke's father. And he knows Luke has to be able to fly, so he takes a job protecting some Jawas from Sand People raids, and as payment he has the Jawas slip Luke some free T-16 parts the next time they are selling the Lars family droids. Luke thinks Owen bought him the parts and thanks his uncle.

So Owen takes them out to Obi-Wan's house at night to return them and tell him that he knows what Obi-Wan is up to...that he knows why the Lars homestead is the only one that never gets attacked by Sand People, Jabba's thugs, etc. And he tells Obi-Wan to stop, because he knows if Luke ever leaves Tatooine he won't come back alive (he thinks Anakin is dead, at least in the version of events Obi-Wan left Luke in the journal)

The end of the issue has Jabba hiring one of the bounty hunters we've seen in the comic series to hunt down the man was giving his thugs trouble, dead or alive.

End spoiler
Fat Bib Fortuna
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You'd think Owen would be a bit happy to not have the Sand People come around considering they were the reason his father lost his legs and his step-mother was kidnapped and ultimately died.

So many jokes you could make about young Biggs being in it. Should have him beat Luke in a race and say, "The day a Skywalker outflies me is the day I die!"
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Late to the party but this is great
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Working some more on building characters and the bones of the story:

Karst Mekolo, Bothan Bounty Hunter

In a business full of violent cutthroats, Karst is a professional. He's in it for the money, not the thrill of the hunt or the satisfaction of a disintegration. He does his species credit in his methodical process and the fact that he observes things that others overlook. It has made him very good at his job.

Karst operates under license from the Black Sun, one of the largest criminal syndicates in the Galaxy, and an organization that often deals with the Empire. He was also a favorite agent of Lord Tion, an Imperial noble and commodore who patrolled parts of the Outer Rim in his flagship, the Devastator.

It is Karst who discerns that there is something afoot other than smuggling on the Nova Ruby, and becomes suspicious of Miar. Suspicious enough to follow her when she leaves the ship to seek alternative transportation home when the yacht is impounded.

General Plot Outline

  • Open with an establishing montage of Kenobi, going about his daily life. No lines spoken let the music say it all. These are daily chores and mindless work. He harvests black melons in the desert for water. He closes off windows against an approaching sandstorm. He takes cover to avoid passing Tusken. He checks traps and pulls out desert rodents that he uses for food. He trudges on foot to Anchorhead/Toshi Station to barter for supplies. Finish montage with Kenobi settling down at a table in this alien place, looking around carefully before realizing that nobody even cares he's there. He calls over a waiter. Last lingering shot as he looks really depressed and alone.
  • Next sequence needs to establish Miar and her journey on the Nova Ruby, but also needs to be an action sequence. Maybe a raid by Imperials, or Imperial-hired mercenaries, as it turns out that the captain of the Ruby has been smuggling on the side and drawn undue attention. When the authorities in question search the computer's records for evidence of the smuggling, they note that the personal files of the passengers have been sliced. This isn't what they're looking for, and is dismissed by most, but lingers with one of the mercs our Bothan bounty hunter antagonist.
  • The slicing was done, of course, by Miar. She was hacking the transmissions and records of the passengers to turn over to the Rebels for data mining.

Plot Problems

  • Kenobi needs a way to get around. How does he get to and from the Lars farm, or to Anchorhead/Mos Eisley to get supplies? Traditionally these things are all written as very far apart. Solution may just need to be that things are relatively close together, at least close enough for a Jedi Master to be able to walk in a couple of days.

Forgot to mention that Karst being Black Sun affords some interesting story opportunities. First, it brings this canon organization into the mainstream for the first time. Second, it further establishes a rival syndicate to the Hutts; after all, if we ever get a film about the Star Wars underworld, the Black Sun would be at the forefront.

Finally, it puts Karst in a bind on Tatooine. He would either have to meet with the Hutts to tell them he is operating in their territory, or else try to operate under their radar. Both have story opportunities. He might even do both... first the latter, then the former.
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Have definitely been keeping up with the thread. Finally back from Sundance as well, where we solidified our schedule/plans a bit more, and I was able to take a back seat on one of the projects, which should open up my schedule considerably. It was just getting to be too much to juggle effectively, so I'll have a bit more time to devote to this. That said, I have a lot to do in the next couple of days in order to catch up and get acclimated again, but once I am, I'll start heading up the outline again. Just give me a few days, and I'll be back at it.

Still loving so many of these ideas!
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Working on a post at home about casting the roles we have so far, just to help give a unified vision. Looking at actresses for Miar in particular. Would need to be able to play 32 when it films in a couple of years, play the role of the noble, but also be able to throw a convincing punch and get her hands dirty. Comparison I've come up with is a softer version of Marion from Raiders.

So far I like Karen Gillam and Olivia Wilde as options.

Any other names to throw into the ring?
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I don't really remember who the character is supposed to be, but here are a few other ideas:
Gemma Arterton
Emilia Clarke
Analeigh Tipton
Genesis Rodriguez

Slightly older:
Elodie Yung
Katrina Law
Katie McGrath
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These casting ideas are great in general, but we might want to tap the breaks a bit. There's so much to go through, and I/we haven't even locked down half of these yet. I was under the impression that these characters were just suggestions/ideas so far. There's still a lot of character refining to go...
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And btw, I should start being able to officially dive back in tomorrow, spending an hour or so a day on it...
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These casting ideas are great in general, but we might want to tap the breaks a bit. There's so much to go through, and I/we haven't even locked down half of these yet. I was under the impression that these characters were just suggestions/ideas so far. There's still a lot of character refining to go...

Definitely ideas. Just trying to put faces to names, all in good fun while you catch up.
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Soon, it begins...

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The variant...

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Yes. The second one is awesome. Perhaps a little too much New Mexico/Arizona, but yeah I like it.
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I have some more detailed thoughts on specific events and support characters to weave in, but I figured I should propose a structure first. Primary characters are Kenobi, Miar his rebel love interest, and Karst the Bothan bounty hunter in pursuit of Miar. Where I can think of a good Western trope, I include it in the brief description.

Curious to know everyone's thoughts and feedback.

General Plot Outline

First Act

  • Establish Miar, Karst, and Kenobi
  • Story kicks off with Karst capturing the ship on which Miar travels, and recognizing Miar's crime where others do not.
  • First turning point: Kenobi gets mixed up in Miar's mess at Mos Eisley.

The Big Question: Am I still a Jedi?

Second Act

  • Pursued by Karst, like a crooked Federal Marshall come to town. Posse assembled, harass the locals as they seek their prey. Kenobi and Miar are on the lam.
  • Kenobi's identity crisis manifests in his internal romantic struggle and the plight of those suffering because he is pursued. The call to action is strong, as is Miar's pull. The cynical veteran falls for the young belle, and regains some of his old fire.
  • Second turning point: in his darkest hour, Kenobi allows himself to become attached to Miar.

The Big Answer: I am still a Jedi, but that means something different to me now

Third Act

  • Kenobi makes his decision to live his Jedi code, and that his love for Miar doesn't conflict with that. The retired gunslinger finally picks up his guns for one last fight.
  • Kenobi and Miar stand and fight, defeat Karst. Showdown at high noon.
  • Kenobi and Miar find their purposes renewed, part ways. Ride off into the sunset.
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I like the variant, gives a bit of the western vibe.

The alignment of that bottom line with the "A Star Wars Story" text kills me though. (I realize it's not your alignment.)
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The alignment of that bottom line with the "A Star Wars Story" text kills me though. (I realize it's not your alignment.)
I know they want to distinguish the anthology films from the regular episode movies, but I really think that the anthology film titles would be better served to be titled as Star Wars: [insert story title here]. It would look cleaner and I think would center better.
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I think there's a lot of better ways to do it. Personally I really liked this treatment:

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