More limbs to break! My nightmare is an octopus. Or an alien who's joints all bend the opposite way.
Very cool, thank you sir.Max Power said:
This is what I use. I have a strong gag reflex so I can't use most of the mouth guards other people use. This one is thin and can be remolded a bunch if necessary. Several of the other guys at my gym now use these as well.
My sister made me one. It's really thin and is for my upper teeth only, but it stays in without biting down, and I can talk/coach clearly without taking it out. I put it in when I walk on the mat and have to peel it off/out when I leave the mat (sometimes forgetting I have it).O.G. said:
Lets talk Mouth Guards, please.
I have a "boil and bite" mouth guard that I put in but its seen better days and I am competing in February.
Does anyone here use anything that is more professional grade? I've looked online but I'd rather ask around first.
Thanks & that is for sure. I felt like a run over dog on Monday. Went back to class Wed night & was back at it....slowly.Gnome Sayin said:
Intensity in a tournament match is 10x class rolling. I would say it gets easier but it never did when I competed.
edit: congrats btw