Ah, got it. Disregard my comment re strength/technique, you're definitely well past that stage of rolling....I knew that but had forgotten it when I replied.
Do you think maybe it's just the combination of lifting / BJJ putting strain/stress on the body and causing cramping?
I had a similar thing happen when I started running ultra-distance trail races a few years ago. Pushed my training miles up quite a bit and assumed that it would also result in my BJJ endurance being better. But the opposite tended to happen....all the running was making me 'hit the wall' faster in BJJ.
I was staying on top of my BJJ, taking supplements, stretching, etc....but the combined running/BJJ was too much for my calves (that's the only cramp I've ever had in running or BJJ).
Consistency: It's only a virtue if you're not a screw-up.