...and now i have a huge hankerin' for some Lavaman too.
Smoked Hemp Ale - honestly can't remember much about this one. the waitress recommended it, but it left no real memory with me.
I'm sure glad I'm not burdened with remembering pointless, trivial arguments with people online.
I don't recall seeing Bud/miller/coors one time, and we went in, oh about 10-12 bars/pubs/restaurants.
You specifically mentioned that they didn't serve Coors or Miller Lite when I brought it up that some actually like this beer EARLIER in the thread.
Hahahahah. Thanks for laugh man. Sorry, but in my alaska post when I mentioned there was no BMC, it breaks my heart to tell you this, but I was in no way thinking back of you or our conversation back on page 2, from 2 months ago.
It's nice you flattered yourself though
As this is for the most part a craft brew thread, I was pointing out what almost any craft brew drinker would: That it was great to be in a city where you could go into any drinking establishment and see only great local and regional beers, and not any beer of the american, mass produced mediocre kind.
So the jokes on your for even remembering your page 2 post. You really need to clear your head man
quote:between this and the name, you have to be 16 years old....right? I mean I see the Ag Tag....but....lolwut?
I picked up a sixer of Real Ale's new seasonal, 'Devil's Backbone'. This stuff is filthy gross. There wasn't much of a description on the bottles or the six pack holder, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I want my seven bucks back, as well as damages done to my tastebuds. All of you that enjoy the weedwhacker and other nasty stuff will probably really like it, so give it a shot.
quote:Funny, it was my first cruise, everybody I talked to that had been on multiple cruises said alaska was their favorite.
Who in the f PAYS to go on a cruise to freakin Alaska? That sounds absolutely terrible.
since bro and I got married
Actually the joke is on you buddy. Who in the f PAYS to go on a cruise to freakin Alaska? That sounds absolutely terrible.