Checkered garter in the pool
quote:WoooHooooo! I was gonna say that!
Yellow bellied water snake
quote:from page 9 of this thread.
I usually send this pic out to people who get confused between the venomous cottonmouth and non-venomous water snake.
I don't know how many people have told me they killed a cottonmouth and they show me a pic of it. Only for me to tell them it wasn't a venomous cottonmouth but a harmless non venomous water snake.
Earless lizard..... Interesting yet seemingly unnecessary, description.
Would be like Texas "legless" Brown Snake.
Cool pic either way! Thanks for sharing.
Found 3 legit cottonmouths in Dallas this morning. All are still alive, one briefly showed off, and damned wouldn't you know it, none of them chased me.
I was doing a balancing act through the swamp, playing dodge the poison ivy, so no pictures.