Sounds like a great trip! We went offshore, so no tarpon for me. But I took a cool pic of this poon from the rail seating @ Robbie's.

quote:I'm curious - is this for the benefit of the fish, or if it so you will be eligible for a record if you get lucky and it's just your day.
on a 20# class tippet. A lot of guides down here are sticklers for using the IGFA approved tarpon recipe.
quote:I'm curious - is this for the benefit of the fish, or if it so you will be eligible for a record if you get lucky and it's just your day.
on a 20# class tippet. A lot of guides down here are sticklers for using the IGFA approved tarpon recipe.
6.06 If the Angler and Guide decide to score a caught fish as a Release, then Release points are earned by taking a digital image is of the fish clearly demonstrating that the Angler or Guide has complete control over the fish by hand or lip gaff. The image should show as much of the fish as possible. If necessary, the length should be verified with the four foot stick, as measured along the side (lateral line) from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. A Release is worth 300 points.
It is a life changing experience. I know that sounds dramatic, ya it's a little much, but as far as your FISHING LIFE goes; it's life changing. Getting bit by the tarpon bug just leaves you planning everything else around the next opportunity to be in the same place tarpon are. Lots of people catch tarpon and aren't bit by the bug - but if you ever get the tarpon bug, look out.
ETA - I misspoke about Eyebalz, he fished the Golden Fly, pg 7 on this thread
They caught a 120 and 180. Must have been the week to be there!
Will it still be on Vimeo?
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