WaltonAg18 said:
Maroon Dawn said:
WaltonAg18 said:
Maroon Dawn said:
WaltonAg18 said:
backintexas2013 said:
As opposed to the left on here that ignore it when it's a blm or basically any minority. It's crazy how that also happens.
Notice there was another Maas shooting a few days ago and not a single progressive posted on that thread because minorities were involved and they aren't important to progressives except to get their vote.
I love this childish train of thought that if you don't participate in every single thread on TexAgs it's because people are scared of what's in it.
Have you tried rubbing two brain cells together and considering the fact that threads where people say more obviously unhinged things like the idea of this being a false flag is going to garner more responses. Critical thinking is a plus sometimes.
Ah so this is how you pretend to justify the MSM completely ignoring a black man ramming his car into a Christmas parade to kill white people because it doesn't fit the narrative but making this national news because it does
Sure buddy
Completely ignoring? You're telling me that right now, if I start to google this incident there won't be a single new story about it?
Or are you exaggerating because that's the last desperate attempt to prove your point?
I want you to show me where it was national news, the killers race and and racist motivation was extensively discussed and politicians were calling it domestic terrorism and demanding the full force of the federal government be brought to bear
Please do that
You can't even keep the goalposts in the same spot during your post! The cognitive dissonance is fascinating, please give me more.
First, it was "completely ignoring" the story.
Now, it has to be "extensively discussed".
Define extensively discussed. How many articles does it take to earn the Maroon Dawn seal of authenticity?
The difference in media coverage is obvious between incidents that involve perpetrators from different socio economic backgrounds.
The issue isn't "one article I found googling".
The issue is wall to wall coverage with 98 font chyrons about white supremacy; town halls; panel discussions about guns and white supremacy; coverage that carries on for weeks in this fashion ( usually until politicians react by creating legislation).
When other groups commit heinous mass casualty events it is like " man that is bad. What a weird guy. Oh well, now sports".
If you don't see this difference then you are willfully blind to it and more than happy to carry on.
Further... the reason the coverage is different is because the assumptions about non white people: they don't have 'power'; they are oppressed; they can't be racist; the evil acts committed by them are still actually derived from a reaction to living in a white supremacy world.
Further still that white supremacy is now defined as those characteristics that have propelled western civilization for hundreds of years.
This is THE brain child of the left.
The media has hitched their wagon to it and have become stenographers for a political party and ideology.
Thus the coverage difference and why a lot of people get bent.