icrymyselftosleep said:
fka ftc said:
icrymyselftosleep said:
fka ftc said:
icrymyselftosleep said:
Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:
icrymyselftosleep said:
And I'm sure you independently confirmed it by comparing the two on your own, right?
You play goalie on some strange subjects.
I'm playing goalie by not trusting some random tweet posted here?
Its not other people's responsibility to verify tweets so some socialist "trusts" it. Sometimes truth lies outside of Mary Poppins flying umbrella of information.
Not when people have access to both documents and can compare the two.

So why didn't you chump? Lazy liberals are a cancer on our country and must be treated as you would any cancer.
Because I'm not the one who claimed they were identical?
Edit: What'd you mean when you were talking about cancer?
Treat it relentlessly until it gets better or go away before it kills the patient, in this case, our Country. What the heck did you think I meant?!
FWIW - I can claim anything I want. You can choose to accept it, believe it, do your own research, etc. I have no obligation to educate you on what I know and then continue educating you on why I reached a certain claim, opinion, conclusion.
You saying "I don't believe its your cause you do not have the receipt" means its on you to prove its not mine and not on me to prove it is. You think you have the right to take and put it on me to prove I had the right to possess it. We built a Country that believes the latter is wrong. Your ilk is the cancer trying to establish the former on our freedoms.