Woman tazed and handcuffed at high school football game...for no mask

22,176 Views | 343 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Average Guy
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Faustus said:

Cassius said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.
If she has asthma that gives her the right to circumvent the school's mask requirement? She presumably had the America-themed mask on to get in the gate, and decided trickery was the way to go rather than state she had asthma at the entrance.

She shouldn't attend then if she can't abide by the school's entrance requirements. If a Doctor has asthma does he get to skip out on wearing a mask, because to require him to wear one is an ADA violation?

Lawls.. what part is trickery? At an entrance there are people near you, which means a mask, hypothetically, could be useful. When she's sitting down in the stands, several feet from others, why would she need to wear a mask?

And when have you seen a doctor be arrested and tazed for not wearing a mask? Lolol

Such a dense and very stupid take on your part. Wow.
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Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

Here's Texas' medical exemptions for masks, and it's fairly broad. It includes "anyone who has trouble breathing".


However that doesn't get you very far not wearing your mask.
It just means "businesses and government agencies must consider making "reasonable modifications" to face mask policies for those who have a disability."

The article includes several examples of "reasonable modifications" to a face mask policy such as allowing the person to wear a mask alternative, allowing curbside pickup, allowing the person to wait in their car instead of a waiting room, etc.

They also state that a business or government agency do not have to accommodate those with a disability:
  • If the accommodation would require a "fundamental alteration" to the business or service.
  • If the accommodation would pose an "undue burden" on the business or service.
  • If the individual with a disability poses a "direct threat" to the health and safety of others

So a reasonable modification similar to curbside pick up or waiting in the car would have been for the woman to watch from outside the stadium or on a video feed. The school can also easily fit under the "direct threat" to the health and safety of others exception, regardless of whether you think it's true or not, it's the fiction we are living under.

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She was asked to put on a mask. She refused stating she had asthma.
She was asked to leave. She refused.
She was told she would be arrested if she did not comply. She refused.
The officer began to arrest her. She resisted.
The officer told her he would tase her. She did not comply.
He tased her while touching her shoulder with the taser rather than firing the taser at her.
He then arrested her and she was let free in the parking lot. She has charges pending against her, but not for not wearing a mask.

Either we support the police or we don't.
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Faustus said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

Here's Texas' medical exemptions for masks, and it's fairly broad. It includes "anyone who has trouble breathing".


However that doesn't get you very far not wearing your mask.
It just means "businesses and government agencies must consider making "reasonable modifications" to face mask policies for those who have a disability."

The article includes several examples of "reasonable modifications" to a face mask policy such as allowing the person to wear a mask alternative, allowing curbside pickup, allowing the person to wait in their car instead of a waiting room, etc.

They also state that a business or government agency do not have to accommodate those with a disability:
  • If the accommodation would require a "fundamental alteration" to the business or service.
  • If the accommodation would pose an "undue burden" on the business or service.
  • If the individual with a disability poses a "direct threat" to the health and safety of others

So a reasonable modification similar to curbside pick up or waiting in the car would have been for the woman to watch from outside the stadium or on a video feed. The school can also easily fit under the "direct threat" to the health and safety of others exception, regarding less of whether you think it's true or not, it's the fiction we are living under.

I'm still VERY weak and have shortness of breath from my recent almost 3 week hospital stay.

I have actually tried wearing tard flair, but on top of mental issues from stuff that happened as a kid, I have more trouble breathing all the while still smelling everything through the worthless flair.

Luckily, nobody says anything when I take it off. I think it's because even sick, I'm a giant mother ****er.
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."
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AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

Cassius said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.
If she has asthma that gives her the right to circumvent the school's mask requirement? She presumably had the America-themed mask on to get in the gate, and decided trickery was the way to go rather than state she had asthma at the entrance.

She shouldn't attend then if she can't abide by the school's entrance requirements. If a Doctor has asthma does he get to skip out on wearing a mask, because to require him to wear one is an ADA violation?

Lawls.. what part is trickery? At an entrance there are people near you, which means a mask, hypothetically, could be useful. When she's sitting down in the stands, several feet from others, why would she need to wear a mask?

And when have you seen a doctor be arrested and tazed for not wearing a mask? Lolol

Such a dense and very stupid take on your part. Wow.
The part that is trickery is that they announced at the gate and over the PA that masks must be worn in the stadium, but she presumably wore the one she brought to get by the gate and then doffed it. Their rules didn't say wear the mask by the gate and then take it off when you think the coast is clear. The part where she wore the mask only to get in is the trickery part, since she apparently had no intention of wearing beyond getting by the door.

As I cited the law regarding the ADA, and as countless others have noted she was tased for resisting arrest, and was fortunate to be only charged with trespass rather than resisting arrest, I'd say you're describing your own stance - which in addition to being so aptly put - also has no basis in law.

It's like you didn't read the thread or the various links.
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She was asked to put on a mask. She refused stating she had asthma.
She was asked to leave. She refused.
She was told she would be arrested if she did not comply. She refused.
The officer began to arrest her. She resisted.
The officer told her he would tase her. She did not comply.
He tased her while touching her shoulder with the taser rather than firing the taser at her.
He then arrested her and she was let free in the parking lot. She has charges pending against her, but not for not wearing a mask.

Either we support the police or we don't.
Headshot. And back to my original point. I support the police across the board. Whether they're questioning a black felon in Kenosha OR a white Karen with no previous record in Ohio. When you are asked by a police officer to follow a law or a policy, do it. Period. If you don 't, everything that happens after is on you.
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Lots of delicious irony on this thread.

Obey the laws - obey the LEO's.

But I also expect the same zeal and enforcement in all settings, and with all illegal activities.
Don't choose to enforce at rural Ohio football games and Idaho outdoor prayer services,
and then turn a blind eye to the lawlessness and rioting that we see night after night in cities across the country.

That's part of what makes all of this so absurd.
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Cop doing his job.

Woman knew full well what the law was. She intentionally decided to be a pain in the ass.

Vote for better laws and politicians.

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BigRobSA said:

I'm still VERY weak and have shortness of breath from my recent almost 3 week hospital stay.

I have actually tried wearing tard flair, but on top of mental issues from stuff that happened as a kid, I have more trouble breathing all the while still smelling everything through the worthless flair.

Luckily, nobody says anything when I take it off. I think it's because even sick, I'm a giant mother ****er.
All the political banter aside I'm glad you're doing better, and certainly wouldn't begrudge you not wearing a mask. Many peeps in my law firm are fairly lax about wearing them at times. I'm not militant on it, although I wear it where required.
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agmeister said:

She was asked to put on a mask. She refused stating she had asthma.
She was asked to leave. She refused.
She was told she would be arrested if she did not comply. She refused.
The officer began to arrest her. She resisted.
The officer told her he would tase her. She did not comply.
He tased her while touching her shoulder with the taser rather than firing the taser at her.
He then arrested her and she was let free in the parking lot. She has charges pending against her, but not for not wearing a mask.

Either we support the police or we don't.


The whole arrested for not wearing a mask is 100% fake news. If you are asked to leave a venue by a representative of that venue then you have to to leave, there are no exceptions. Refusing to leave is criminal trespassing. Her alleged asthma does not give her the right to trespass on property that she does not own. It's pretty simple.
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"Others noted that she was tasered for resisting arrest not for her refusal to wear a mask. "It's generally a bad idea to fight with armed men wearing badges," tweeted one viewer. Another noted, "She had a mask in her pocket and went through all this because she didn't want to put it on. Smh [shaking my head]."
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"She had a mask in her pocket and went through all this because she didn't want to put it on. Smh [shaking my head]."
If true, the asthma thing is completely moot.
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agmeister said:

She was asked to put on a mask. She refused stating she had asthma.
She was asked to leave. She refused.
She was told she would be arrested if she did not comply. She refused.
The officer began to arrest her. She resisted.
The officer told her he would tase her. She did not comply.
He tased her while touching her shoulder with the taser rather than firing the taser at her.
He then arrested her and she was let free in the parking lot. She has charges pending against her, but not for not wearing a mask.

Either we support the police or we don't.
Yep. You can disagree with the rules but you don't have the right to fight off cops because you think you are in the right. Comply and sue if you think you were wronged. She should have been tazed for resisting and I'm a state hating libertarian.
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Faustus said:

AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

Cassius said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.
If she has asthma that gives her the right to circumvent the school's mask requirement? She presumably had the America-themed mask on to get in the gate, and decided trickery was the way to go rather than state she had asthma at the entrance.

She shouldn't attend then if she can't abide by the school's entrance requirements. If a Doctor has asthma does he get to skip out on wearing a mask, because to require him to wear one is an ADA violation?

Lawls.. what part is trickery? At an entrance there are people near you, which means a mask, hypothetically, could be useful. When she's sitting down in the stands, several feet from others, why would she need to wear a mask?

And when have you seen a doctor be arrested and tazed for not wearing a mask? Lolol

Such a dense and very stupid take on your part. Wow.
The part that is trickery is that they announced at the gate and over the PA that masks must be worn in the stadium, but she presumably wore the one she brought to get by the gate and then doffed it. Their rules didn't say wear the mask by the gate and then take it off when you think the coast is clear. The part where she wore the mask only to get in is the trickery part, since she apparently had no intention of wearing beyond getting by the door.

As I cited the law regarding the ADA, and as countless others have noted she was tased for resisting arrest, and was fortunate to be only charged with trespass rather than resisting arrest, I'd say you're describing your own stance - which in addition to being so aptly put - also has no basis in law.

It's like you didn't read the thread or the various links.

Oops. Except you obsessed over the ADA regulations for some reason? How about the mask order in Ohio itself?


All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:

At an indoor location that is not a residence

Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members

Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.


ETA: Still waiting for you to provide an example of doctors being arrested for not wearing a mask; since apparently it's so sensical/common.
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If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.

Told you he would cry. Libs don't get to decide what does and doesn't affect an asthmatic. If she can't breathe with the mask and has asthma, she's gonna get paid. Sorry you don't do data or science.

Hey smart guy. What's that in her back pocket? An inhaler? Nope.
Weird that someone with asthma that can't wear a mask would be carrying around...a mask. Sorry you don't do....reality?
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MassAggie97 said:


If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.

Told you he would cry. Libs don't get to decide what does and doesn't affect an asthmatic. If she can't breathe with the mask and has asthma, she's gonna get paid. Sorry you don't do data or science.

Hey smart guy. What's that in her back pocket? An inhaler? Nope.
Weird that someone with asthma that can't wear a mask would be carrying around...a mask. Sorry you don't do....reality?

I carry a mask or neck gaiter to get by the moronic mask Nazis at the door and then take it off and then..

***gasp*** put it in my pocket.

She was outside, and distanced with family members. There was zero reason for ****tard cop to even look in her direction. I mean, according to the rules and all.
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."
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Just because you disagree with a law doesn't entitle you to break it.

Either the law applies equally to everyone, or there is no rule of law.

This willful woman earned the consequences that arose from her choices.
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74OA said:

Just because you disagree with a law doesn't entitle you to break it.

Either the law applies equally to everyone, or there is no rule of law.

This willful woman earned the consequences that arose from her choices.

Good Lord, as pointed out in their own unlawful mask edict, she was in the right being socially distanced and outside where....again....the mask edict itself states no mask is needed.
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."
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BigRobSA said:

MassAggie97 said:


If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.

Told you he would cry. Libs don't get to decide what does and doesn't affect an asthmatic. If she can't breathe with the mask and has asthma, she's gonna get paid. Sorry you don't do data or science.

Hey smart guy. What's that in her back pocket? An inhaler? Nope.
Weird that someone with asthma that can't wear a mask would be carrying around...a mask. Sorry you don't do....reality?

I carry a mask or neck gaiter to get by the moronic mask Nazis at the door and then take it off and then..

***gasp*** put it in my pocket.

She was outside, and distanced with family members. There was zero reason for ****tard cop to even look in her direction. I mean, according to the rules and all.

Except for the fact that she was committing the crime of trespassing.

Cop was likely working a contract overtime gig for the ISD during the game. ISD representatives ask the woman to leave, she refused, so the cop was notified.
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Good Lord, as pointed out in their own unlawful mask edict, she was in the right being socially distanced and outside where....again....the mask edict itself states no mask is needed.
The venue had a mask policy, and she refused to comply.
Strawman arguments are usually the tactic for people who don't have the facts on their side.
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BigRobSA said:

74OA said:

Just because you disagree with a law doesn't entitle you to break it.

Either the law applies equally to everyone, or there is no rule of law.

This willful woman earned the consequences that arose from her choices.

Good Lord, as pointed out in their own unlawful mask edict, she was in the right being socially distanced and outside where....again....the mask edict itself states no mask is needed.
"In the clip, the school resource officer can be seen approaching the maskless woman, who appears to be with a couple of young children and another woman, all of whom are wearing masks."

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AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

Cassius said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.
If she has asthma that gives her the right to circumvent the school's mask requirement? She presumably had the America-themed mask on to get in the gate, and decided trickery was the way to go rather than state she had asthma at the entrance.

She shouldn't attend then if she can't abide by the school's entrance requirements. If a Doctor has asthma does he get to skip out on wearing a mask, because to require him to wear one is an ADA violation?

Lawls.. what part is trickery? At an entrance there are people near you, which means a mask, hypothetically, could be useful. When she's sitting down in the stands, several feet from others, why would she need to wear a mask?

And when have you seen a doctor be arrested and tazed for not wearing a mask? Lolol

Such a dense and very stupid take on your part. Wow.
The part that is trickery is that they announced at the gate and over the PA that masks must be worn in the stadium, but she presumably wore the one she brought to get by the gate and then doffed it. Their rules didn't say wear the mask by the gate and then take it off when you think the coast is clear. The part where she wore the mask only to get in is the trickery part, since she apparently had no intention of wearing beyond getting by the door.

As I cited the law regarding the ADA, and as countless others have noted she was tased for resisting arrest, and was fortunate to be only charged with trespass rather than resisting arrest, I'd say you're describing your own stance - which in addition to being so aptly put - also has no basis in law.

It's like you didn't read the thread or the various links.

Oops. Except you obsessed over the ADA regulations for some reason? How about the mask order in Ohio itself?


All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:

At an indoor location that is not a residence

Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members

Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.


I looked at it under the Texas ADA guidance since that's what the poster referenced. How about the Director's Order from the Ohio Department of Health regarding Contact Sports issued after your link?


9(b)(i) Spectators - Spectators must conduct daily symptoms assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms, including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing . . . must stay home.

Moreover she was arrested for refusing to comply the school's terms for attendance at the event and then refusing to leave the premises. She was arrested for trespass, and should count herself lucky she wasn't arrested for resisting arrest. The asthma claim is an after the fact farcical justification. She clearly wasn't having trouble breathing, and if she was she was required to stay home.
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MassAggie97 said:


She was asked to put on a mask. She refused stating she had asthma.
She was asked to leave. She refused.
She was told she would be arrested if she did not comply. She refused.
The officer began to arrest her. She resisted.
The officer told her he would tase her. She did not comply.
He tased her while touching her shoulder with the taser rather than firing the taser at her.
He then arrested her and she was let free in the parking lot. She has charges pending against her, but not for not wearing a mask.

Either we support the police or we don't.
Headshot. And back to my original point. I support the police across the board. Whether they're questioning a black felon in Kenosha OR a white Karen with no previous record in Ohio. When you are asked by a police officer to follow a law or a policy, do it. Period. If you don 't, everything that happens after is on you.
So you base your support on the occupation someone has, everyone within that occupation the same, and not by their performance in that occupation.
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The venue authority was the school district, which had a policy of wearing a mask at all times at sports activities on school property. No need to even reference the state guidelines. This was a venue policy, not a mandate from the government.

The fact that she had a mask hanging out of her back pocket completely obliterates the asthma excuse.

There's really no defense left except strawmen "mandate" arguments.
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MassAggie97 said:


Good Lord, as pointed out in their own unlawful mask edict, she was in the right being socially distanced and outside where....again....the mask edict itself states no mask is needed.
The venue had a mask policy, and she refused to comply.
Strawman arguments are usually the tactic for people who don't have the facts on their side.

If the lady has asthma, they violated the ADA and they will pay. You also ok with a venue forcing people to stand, then charging paraplegics with trespassing after being told to leave because they are not obeying. Sounds like it. Sorry lib.
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AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

Cassius said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.
If she has asthma that gives her the right to circumvent the school's mask requirement? She presumably had the America-themed mask on to get in the gate, and decided trickery was the way to go rather than state she had asthma at the entrance.

She shouldn't attend then if she can't abide by the school's entrance requirements. If a Doctor has asthma does he get to skip out on wearing a mask, because to require him to wear one is an ADA violation?

Lawls.. what part is trickery? At an entrance there are people near you, which means a mask, hypothetically, could be useful. When she's sitting down in the stands, several feet from others, why would she need to wear a mask?

And when have you seen a doctor be arrested and tazed for not wearing a mask? Lolol

Such a dense and very stupid take on your part. Wow.
The part that is trickery is that they announced at the gate and over the PA that masks must be worn in the stadium, but she presumably wore the one she brought to get by the gate and then doffed it. Their rules didn't say wear the mask by the gate and then take it off when you think the coast is clear. The part where she wore the mask only to get in is the trickery part, since she apparently had no intention of wearing beyond getting by the door.

As I cited the law regarding the ADA, and as countless others have noted she was tased for resisting arrest, and was fortunate to be only charged with trespass rather than resisting arrest, I'd say you're describing your own stance - which in addition to being so aptly put - also has no basis in law.

It's like you didn't read the thread or the various links.

Oops. Except you obsessed over the ADA regulations for some reason? How about the mask order in Ohio itself?


All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:

At an indoor location that is not a residence

Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members

Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.


ETA: Still waiting for you to provide an example of doctors being arrested for not wearing a mask; since apparently it's so sensical/common.
The doctor comment was in response to Cass stating that the ADA required them to let her in due to asthma. I pointed out that a doctor couldn't get out of the mask requirement by claiming asthma under the ADA.

Also, for the umpteenth time, she was arrested for trespass and was resisting arrest, not for failure to wear a mask. Here's an example of a Doctor being arrested for trespass.


Here's me responding to your repeated comment about doctors being arrested for not wearing a mask.

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MassAggie97 said:

The venue authority was the school district, which had a policy of wearing a mask at all times at sports activities on school property. No need to even reference the state guidelines. This was a venue policy, not a mandate from the government.

The fact that she had a mask hanging out of her back pocket completely obliterates the asthma excuse.

There's really no defense left except strawmen "mandate" arguments.

Did the mask belong to her son?
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So you base your support on the occupation someone has, everyone within that occupation the same, and not by their performance in that occupation.
Wrong. In cases where police are clearly enforcing laws or policies, and people are refusing to comply with that enforcement, I fall on the side of the police. Of course there are limits, but it is a stressful job and from watching that video, the officer gave her every chance to comply peacefully before he started to forcibly remove her. He didn't taze her until it was obvious that she was not going to comply under any circumstance. His actions were justified.
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If the lady has asthma, they violated the ADA and they will pay. You also ok with a venue forcing people to stand, then charging paraplegics with trespassing after being told to leave because they are not obeying. Sounds like it. Sorry lib.
That's the stupidest analogy I've ever heard. I forgot you were one of those.
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MassAggie97 said:


If the lady has asthma, they violated the ADA and they will pay. You also ok with a venue forcing people to stand, then charging paraplegics with trespassing after being told to leave because they are not obeying. Sounds like it. Sorry lib.
That's the stupidest analogy I've ever heard. I forgot you were one of those.

Its a perfect analogy to highlight the dumbassery of your position.
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Faustus said:

AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

Cassius said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.
If she has asthma that gives her the right to circumvent the school's mask requirement? She presumably had the America-themed mask on to get in the gate, and decided trickery was the way to go rather than state she had asthma at the entrance.

She shouldn't attend then if she can't abide by the school's entrance requirements. If a Doctor has asthma does he get to skip out on wearing a mask, because to require him to wear one is an ADA violation?

Lawls.. what part is trickery? At an entrance there are people near you, which means a mask, hypothetically, could be useful. When she's sitting down in the stands, several feet from others, why would she need to wear a mask?

And when have you seen a doctor be arrested and tazed for not wearing a mask? Lolol

Such a dense and very stupid take on your part. Wow.
The part that is trickery is that they announced at the gate and over the PA that masks must be worn in the stadium, but she presumably wore the one she brought to get by the gate and then doffed it. Their rules didn't say wear the mask by the gate and then take it off when you think the coast is clear. The part where she wore the mask only to get in is the trickery part, since she apparently had no intention of wearing beyond getting by the door.

As I cited the law regarding the ADA, and as countless others have noted she was tased for resisting arrest, and was fortunate to be only charged with trespass rather than resisting arrest, I'd say you're describing your own stance - which in addition to being so aptly put - also has no basis in law.

It's like you didn't read the thread or the various links.

Oops. Except you obsessed over the ADA regulations for some reason? How about the mask order in Ohio itself?


All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:

At an indoor location that is not a residence

Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members

Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.


I looked at it under the Texas ADA guidance since that's what the poster referenced. How about the Director's Order from the Ohio Department of Health regarding Contact Sports issued after your link?


9(b)(i) Spectators - Spectators must conduct daily symptoms assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms, including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing . . . must stay home.

Moreover she was arrested for refusing to comply the school's terms for attendance at the event and then refusing to leave the premises. She was arrested for trespass, and should count herself lucky she wasn't arrested for resisting arrest. The asthma claim is an after the fact farcical justification. She clearly wasn't having trouble breathing, and if she was she was required to stay home.

You realize that means if they feel sick they are supposed to stay home right (i.e. they might have covid)?

Read 9.b.vii - that's the part that's relevant. Notice item 5 on that list.
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Faustus said:

AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

AggieKeith15 said:

Faustus said:

Cassius said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

So, she had asthma.

Most states have medical exemptions for masks. (Texas does.) Did Officer Taserface take that into consideration?

If she does have asthma, big lawsuit coming. That's an ADA violation. MassAggie97 will cry.
If she has asthma that gives her the right to circumvent the school's mask requirement? She presumably had the America-themed mask on to get in the gate, and decided trickery was the way to go rather than state she had asthma at the entrance.

She shouldn't attend then if she can't abide by the school's entrance requirements. If a Doctor has asthma does he get to skip out on wearing a mask, because to require him to wear one is an ADA violation?

Lawls.. what part is trickery? At an entrance there are people near you, which means a mask, hypothetically, could be useful. When she's sitting down in the stands, several feet from others, why would she need to wear a mask?

And when have you seen a doctor be arrested and tazed for not wearing a mask? Lolol

Such a dense and very stupid take on your part. Wow.
The part that is trickery is that they announced at the gate and over the PA that masks must be worn in the stadium, but she presumably wore the one she brought to get by the gate and then doffed it. Their rules didn't say wear the mask by the gate and then take it off when you think the coast is clear. The part where she wore the mask only to get in is the trickery part, since she apparently had no intention of wearing beyond getting by the door.

As I cited the law regarding the ADA, and as countless others have noted she was tased for resisting arrest, and was fortunate to be only charged with trespass rather than resisting arrest, I'd say you're describing your own stance - which in addition to being so aptly put - also has no basis in law.

It's like you didn't read the thread or the various links.

Oops. Except you obsessed over the ADA regulations for some reason? How about the mask order in Ohio itself?


All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:

At an indoor location that is not a residence

Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members

Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.


ETA: Still waiting for you to provide an example of doctors being arrested for not wearing a mask; since apparently it's so sensical/common.
The doctor comment was in response to Cass stating that the ADA required them to let her in due to asthma. I pointed out that a doctor couldn't get out of the mask requirement by claiming asthma under the ADA.

Also, for the umpteenth time, she was arrested for trespass and was resisting arrest, not for failure to wear a mask. Here's an example of a Doctor being arrested for trespass.


Here's me responding to your repeated comment about doctors being arrested for not wearing a mask.

The question becomes why was she trespassing? Was she unfairly descriminated based something she did? The policies seem to suggest she had every right to be there, so long as she was social distancing.

Also, there's a paywall on your article.
How long do you want to ignore this user?

The policies seem to suggest she had every right to be there, so long as she was social distancing.
You are looking at the wrong policy. The ISD of the football game she was attending required masks be worn by all spectators while on school property.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
MassAggie97 said:


The policies seem to suggest she had every right to be there, so long as she was social distancing.
You are looking at the wrong policy. The ISD of the football game she was attending required masks be worn by all spectators while on school property.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
MassAggie97 said:


The policies seem to suggest she had every right to be there, so long as she was social distancing.
You are looking at the wrong policy. The ISD of the football game she was attending required masks be worn by all spectators while on school property.
Why is a SCHOOL district so anti-science!?

Bunch of tards running that place.

But, I will submit I was going off the state/local edict, as idiotic as IT is. Didn't realize there was an even more ridiculous bunch of morons.
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