Woman tazed and handcuffed at high school football game...for no mask

22,129 Views | 343 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Average Guy
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My quick observation:

Lot's of conservatives on this thread are criticizing this girl for resisting arrest even though a good portion of those criticizing the girl are very much opposed to the imposition of face masks and doubtful of the state executive's constitutional authority to impose such impositions.

No matter how you feel about this issue particular incident......isn't this refreshing? We see critical thinking by conservatives that don't automatically line up and criticize police action because their political sentiments tend toward the girl. We see honest debate about application of the rule of law and its potential boundaries.

We consistently hear that F16 isn't tolerant of thoughtful discussion and debate and that group think prevails. My impression is quite the opposite.
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ValleyRatAg said:

MassAggie97 said:


You just compared this to BT case how stupid. ?
Maybe a bad analogy, but I'm moving back-and-forth between threads. The point I was trying to make is that, in every case, it is best to just avoid entanglements with the law. This girl didn't get arrested because of a mask. She got arrested because she failed to comply with a legal order. To say this is solely about the mask is to miss the point entirely.

Similarly, Breonna Taylor is not dead because of drug crimes, but because her interaction with police when they came to search her house became violent. Maybe Jacob Blake would've been a better comparison.
Except this girl was no physical threat to the LEO.
It's not always about a threat to the LEO. It's also about the inability of the LEO to bring the suspect under control using normal methods. The tazer is a less than lethal method. It's put into action to get them to stop resisiting, not to eliminate a threat to the LEO.
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What happened before the video? I can't believe the others in the stands would just sit there and let the girl be arrested unless something happened earlier to turn the crowd against her.

Was the lady sitting immediately next to her and helping security her mom?
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This supposed "Law" was made up by the governor and should have been fought by the legislature, maybe it has, hopefully this woman, who shouldn't have resisted, will get a fund started to fight this in court and the legality of the "mandate" by the governor be decided in court.
Is this even about a governor's mandate? This is in Ohio, right? If it is anything like Texas, the ISDs have strict rules about wearing masks at events like football games. If there's a rule in place to attend a UIL event, and you willfully refuse to comply with the rule, then it's on YOU when you get arrested, and the governor rescinding a mask order will not change that.
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Bondag said:

What happened before the video? I can't believe the others in the stands would just sit there and let the girl be arrested unless something happened earlier to turn the crowd against her.

Was the lady sitting immediately next to her and helping security her mom?

The woman arrested was an adult with a child playing in the middle school football game. The woman next to her was the child's grandmother.
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In my community, if a group of men came over and said "let's take a step back and calm things down here", things would deescalate quickly. The girl would feel as those she was not alone and was not being wrongfully attacked.

There would never be a need to tase a small girl!
This is exactly what needed to happen. Other people needed to help her calm down. She was embarrassed more than anything. I just wish the rest of the stands would have taken off their masks and forced them cops to arrest every mask violator. This would have started the push back. Much like pot, officers no longer even write tickets for having possession of pot. They have self decriminalized it. The cops need to do that here or the people need to make them spend all their time doing paperwork and showing up to court. Perhaps after a few years of this, we the people can go to watch our kids at football games without wearing govt. apparel.

The next football game needs to have the max amount allowed to attend ready to go to jail for not wearing a mask, thus trespassing while watching a football game. Make the cops write 300 tickets and take 300 people to jail or let them make the decision to allow 300 people to watch the football game without masks.
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Doing what the cop says would have prevented that scene, you don't have to agree with the law.
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Comanche_Ag said:

I think I mostly disagree with the consensus here. I'm hearing "follow the rules, follow the rules", but where is the line where that logic ends?

The line where that logic ends has already been crossed with the mask requirements.

Most everyone here knows the mask requirement is a farce and you still say follow the mask rules?

That's hard to reconcile in my simple thinking.

Also, there should have been MANY men in those stands coming to help or at least investigate the situation.

(I do agree that she should not physically fight the officer, but she should be screaming for help and men should respond.)
Remember, all it takes for stupid laws (or stupid rules) to stick (and defy logic) is for someone or some organization willing to enforce said stupid law. This is a slippery slope that ends up leading to a government being able to force someone to have an abortion, take their property because of their religion, usurp parenting decisions, take away their god given right of self defense, their freedom of speech, making them use a different bathroom or water-fountain, etc BECAUSE it is the LAW!

This incident not withstanding, the fact that someone feels the need to "enforce" a mask law when said offender is outside and socially distanced from others (just because it is a law, when we ALL should know that instance of enforcement is absurd) should be worrisome. Instead of calling out the stupidity of said law and demanding change, we go along to be good law abiding subjects.

This never ends well and these instances, thou seemingly minor, are what ends with us all having less and less liberty and freedom.
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IndividualFreedom said:


In my community, if a group of men came over and said "let's take a step back and calm things down here", things would deescalate quickly. The girl would feel as those she was not alone and was not being wrongfully attacked.

There would never be a need to tase a small girl!
This is exactly what needed to happen. Other people needed to help her calm down. She was embarrassed more than anything. I just wish the rest of the stands would have taken off their masks and forced them cops to arrest every mask violator. This would have started the push back. Much like pot, officers no longer even write tickets for having possession of pot. They have self decriminalized it. The cops need to do that here or the people need to make them spend all their time doing paperwork and showing up to court. Perhaps after a few years of this, we the people can go to watch our kids at football games without wearing govt. apparel.

The next football game needs to have the max amount allowed to attend ready to go to jail for not wearing a mask, thus trespassing while watching a football game. Make the cops write 300 tickets and take 300 people to jail or let them make the decision to allow 300 people to watch the football game without masks.

This is not accurate. Cops still write tickets and even arrest people for pot.

She was likely arrested for trespassing. Here's how it works. Venue employee asks you to put on a mask, you refuse. Venue employee then asks you to leave the facility, you refuse. You are now trespassing. The cops are informed. You still refuse to leave. The cops attempts to arrest you. You pull away and refuse to cooperate, you are now resisting a lawful arrest.

Like it or not you don't get to trespass just because you don't want to wear a mask in public.
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Another reason to ban sports if they have stupid rules you do not agree with like wearing a useless, over the top stupid mask then just dont go.

Liberals ruin everything this mask crap is going to keep lots of folks from going to do the things we once could do, it is all for the good little sheep, if you dont comply you dont get to participate we will arrest you we will force you to our will. Think about that when you vote for liberal progs and socialist folks. You are giving them control over every facet of your life.
“Death is preferable to dishonor"
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Yes yes yes, we all understand how and why the girl was arrested. I am going past that, around that point. I am suggesting that the max allowed crowd make a point to this police department and all other police departments that they should have looked away to a freaking mask violation. PROTEST the mask. And cops do look the other way many times on pot, beer, driving without a seatbelt, etc... Pot in particular has dramatically been devalued as a ticket worthy offense. Hell, entire states have decriminalized it.
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IndividualFreedom said:

Yes yes yes, we all understand how and why the girl was arrested. I am going past that, around that point. I am suggesting that the max allowed crowd make a point to this police department and all other police departments that they should have looked away to a freaking mask violation. PROTEST the mask. And cops do look the other way many times on pot, beer, driving without a seatbelt, etc... Pot in particular has dramatically been devalued as a ticket worthy offense. Hell, entire states have decriminalized it.

The cop was like contracted by the ISD to work the game. He's definitely going to enforce the trespassing law if the ISD wants someone removed.

This fantasy uprising against the mask just isn't going to happen. Most people don't care and don't see it as "tyranny".
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I just wish the rest of the stands would have taken off their masks and forced them cops to arrest every mask violator.
I like this idea a lot!
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SoupNazi2001 said:

So many idiots in this thread defending the police tazing an adult for trespassing and resisting arrest. If Biden wins and locks us down again will all you sheep continue to comply. See Australia situation for how bad it can become.

There, now your post actually reflects what really happened.
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MassAggie97 said:


This supposed "Law" was made up by the governor and should have been fought by the legislature, maybe it has, hopefully this woman, who shouldn't have resisted, will get a fund started to fight this in court and the legality of the "mandate" by the governor be decided in court.
Is this even about a governor's mandate? This is in Ohio, right? If it is anything like Texas, the ISDs have strict rules about wearing masks at events like football games. If there's a rule in place to attend a UIL event, and you willfully refuse to comply with the rule, then it's on YOU when you get arrested, and the governor rescinding a mask order will not change that.
You didn't read any article on the incident. It is clearly stated the mask "law" for all sporting events even outdoors came from the governor's mandate. You're off the rails and ranting now.
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IndividualFreedom said:

This is exactly what needed to happen. Other people needed to help her calm down. She was embarrassed more than anything. I just wish the rest of the stands would have taken off their masks and forced them cops to arrest every mask violator. This would have started the push back. .....

The next football game needs to have the max amount allowed to attend ready to go to jail for not wearing a mask, thus trespassing while watching a football game. Make the cops write 300 tickets and take 300 people to jail or let them make the decision to allow 300 people to watch the football game without masks.
This would have been much better, but takes organizing.
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SoupNazi2001 said:

SirLurksALot said:

SoupNazi2001 said:

So many idiots in this thread defending the police tazing an adult for trespassing and resisting arrest. If Biden wins and locks us down again will all you sheep continue to comply. See Australia situation for how bad it can become.

There, now your post actually reflects what really happened.

Yes in Australia they arrest elderly women for sitting on a park bench. I assume if that was the rule here you would support them being arrested for trespassing in the park.

I don't live in Australia and I don't care what happens to the people in that country. Post about a real incident that happened in the US and I'll share my views.
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This fantasy uprising against the mask just isn't going to happen. Most people don't care and don't see it as "tyranny".
Most??? As in most American people or most conservative people or most enemy people?

Most Americans do not know what Tyranny is, so you are probably correct if you ask it that way. However, if you simply gave Americans the option to wear the mask or not............

I'd say a super large majority would have not worn a mask at that football game or any other across this nation, thus defining the tyranny of the mandate.
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You should care - to an extent. Australia is one of our closet allies and is in an extremely strategic region of the world. The last thing we want is for one of our allies to become more like china.
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SoupNazi2001 said:

SirLurksALot said:

SoupNazi2001 said:

SirLurksALot said:

SoupNazi2001 said:

So many idiots in this thread defending the police tazing an adult for trespassing and resisting arrest. If Biden wins and locks us down again will all you sheep continue to comply. See Australia situation for how bad it can become.

There, now your post actually reflects what really happened.

Yes in Australia they arrest elderly women for sitting on a park bench. I assume if that was the rule here you would support them being arrested for trespassing in the park.

I don't live in Australia and I don't care what happens to the people in that country.

The same thing can easily happen here if Biden wins. He has talked about national mask mandates and lockdowns.

What does this have to do with a woman arrested for trespassing?
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This would have been much better, but takes organizing.
Yes it does, but that is why I am suggesting that the next home football game in Logan, Ohio have the max amount of fans enter with their mask and then remove them while in the stadium, ready to be given then option to leave or be arrested. When you are given your options, you lift your wrists and have them haul you and everyone else away. This will make national news, well maybe. People will talk about it. Perhaps even a go fund me page or some wealthy individual pays for all the cost. Perhaps other football game attendees do the same.

It is the first domino, but sadly I will end the charge with this post on TA. Local Loginians will have to fight this battle.

Edit: copy pasted wrong quote
Fightin TX Aggie
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She was likely arrested for trespassing. Here's how it works. Venue employee asks you to put on a mask, you refuse. Venue employee then asks you to leave the facility, you refuse. You are now trespassing. The cops are informed. You still refuse to leave. The cops attempts to arrest you. You pull away and refuse to cooperate, you are now resisting a lawful arrest.

Like it or not you don't get to trespass just because you don't want to wear a mask in public

This sounds highly likely.

Also, probably some Mask-Karen reported her to get the whole ball rolling.
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WorkerBee said:

You should care - to an extent. Australia is one of our closet allies and is in an extremely strategic region of the world. The last thing we want is for one of our allies to become more like china.

Austalia enforcing harsh pandemic restrictions does not equal placing citizens in concentration camps.

Either way, my problem with China is that they are an adversary attempting to counteract American influence. I don't really give a crap how they treat their own people. Historically, If a country supports our interest then we tend to overlook A lot of human rights abuses committed by their governments.
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Bunk Moreland said:

"If she simply followed the cop's orders she'd have nothing to worry about"

80% of F16 pre-covid
It was true then, and it's true now.
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That was a slick move grabbing the young ladies boob by the guard, that must be a new de-escalation thing.
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IndividualFreedom said:


This fantasy uprising against the mask just isn't going to happen. Most people don't care and don't see it as "tyranny".
Yes it does, but that is why I am suggesting that the next home football game in Logan, Ohio have the max amount of fans enter with their mask and then remove them while in the stadium, ready to be given then option to leave or be arrested. When you are given your options, you lift your wrists and have them haul you and everyone else away. This will make national news, well maybe. People will talk about it. Perhaps even a go fund me page or some wealthy individual pays for all the cost. Perhaps other football game attendees do the same.

It is the first domino, but sadly I will end the charge with this post on TA. Local Loginians will have to fight this battle.

Don't hold your breath. I'm guessing the locals don't really care either.

Besides all the ISD has to do is tell the parents that they'll cancel the game and all future games if people refuse to wear masks. The parents would cave instantly.
Moon Shadow
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Was anything done against persons not wearing masks properly???
In and around B/CS I continually see a lot of people "wearing" masks down off their nose, pulling the mask down to talk, or even on their chin.
The Fife
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Coming soon: City 17, it's safer here

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sadly you are probably correct

Edit to add:

Besides all the ISD has to do is tell the parents that they'll cancel the game and all future games if people refuse to wear masks. The parents would cave instantly.
However, my public follow up question to that threat from the ISD ***** would be, "Then are the players/cheerleaders going to stay socially distanced and have masks for the entirety of the game including huddles?" "Will they be asked to leave, then tased and arrested for refusing to comply?" "One more thing, will the law enforcement showing up to arrest everyone have with their masks on this time?"
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CSTXAg92 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

"If she simply followed the cop's orders she'd have nothing to worry about"

80% of F16 pre-covid
It was true then, and it's true now.
If he asked her to put a mask on and she refused, he should have ticketed her. If you're okay with taking people to jail by force for not wearing a mask that is not proven by science to be effective, then you shouldn't be concerned with whatever laws the government places upon you.
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aggierogue said:

CSTXAg92 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

"If she simply followed the cop's orders she'd have nothing to worry about"

80% of F16 pre-covid
It was true then, and it's true now.
If he asked her to put a mask on and she refused, he should have ticketed her. If you're okay with taking people to jail by force for not wearing a mask that is not proven by science to be effective, then you shouldn't be concerned with whatever laws the government places upon you.

But, based on what I've read and how this conversation is going, she wasn't arrested/jailed for not wearing a mask. The incident happened because she refused to wear a mask, refused to leave the premises (trespassed) and then resisted arrest. Those are not all the same thing. Did it escalate because of her refusal to wear a mask? By all appearances, yes.
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