PabloSerna said:
So help me understand your idea of a personal relationship with Christ - is it
a. King - Subject
b. Zeus - Greek peon
c. Friend - friend
It would seem we both are reading scripture and coming away with a different understanding. I am still forming my conscious, so keep that in mind, but I have mentioned before on this board that I am a Lay Dominican. We regularly read scripture and discuss with each other the readings. I'm my 20+ years, we have always understood that Jesus gave us the best example when he laid down his life for his friends (us).
I already told you how evil will be won over - with good. Jesus goes further when he tells us that we should love our enemies, turn the other cheek, and serve the poor. All this he did and mind you - he is God incarnate. This is what pissed off Lucifer. Why would the highest serve man? Love.
Scripture is full of imagery, like the "sword" - but we know it means truth. Truth that cuts through all of this fear.
Christ is a King who loves me, and my abba, not merely a friend. This is why I don't go to mass wearing flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt like I'm going to a BBQ at a friend's house.
Both the angels and mankind fell due to disobedience and refusing to serve. Non serviam-I will not serve, yes Satan was the first liberal who thought he knew better than God himself and seeking independence was cast down into hell, very similar story to Adam Eve.
Again, we have the magisterium which directs us to what these puzzling passages mean in the Bible, and we know that they don't actually mean to let people go on hitting you all day, or that you have to cut off your hand if you're a sinner.
Read the life of Bl Karl of Austria, for a look at how a real king treats his subjects