Unpopular opinion: We (Catholics) need to be more like the taliban

15,325 Views | 314 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Joe Boudain
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PabloSerna said:

You started this thread by saying Catholics should be more like the Taliban. Please do some research on the Taliban before writing something like that. Hard to find any moral good in their actions lately.

Catholics should be more like Jesus brother.

Time to dust off the sandals. Joe/Bustup is evil. Whether it's wanting to emulate an evil organization like the Taliban, imprison people because he doesn't like who they are, or revealing his racism by sharing antisemitic images, the rotten fruit of a heart consumed by evil is evident.
RebelE Infantry
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Joe Boudain said:

I have nothing but respect, grudging admiration, and disgust at the taliban. They have kept their eye on the prize and haven't been deterred from their goal of an Islamic Caliphate in Afghanistan.

There will be no abortions nor pride parades in Kabul. No rainbow flags flown over embassies. Their relationship to Allah informs their actions and influences every facet of society.

We need to be more like them, intolerance not tolerance is a Christian virtue. Jesus Christ is priest, Prophet, king of the World, and any society that does not claim him as such is doomed to failure.

I think what OP is getting at is that the Taliban has zeal for their (false) religion, a martial spirit, and absolute unwillingness to compromise with modern decadence.

In a certain light these things are admirable. Our entire civilization is built on Catholic confessional states collectively known as "Christendom." Now Christendom has fallen and I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing for a return to that.
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RebelE Infantry
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PacifistAg said:

Staff, seriously can we get this filth that slithered over from F16 off this board. Is the purposeful misgendering and call that I be thrown in jail simply for being who I am not enough?

I guess bustup couldn't resist coming back over here.

Is misgendering against the terms of service now?
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Our entire civilization is built on a lot of stuff, and some of it's ****ty.

If you want to "return to Christendom", convince the population to vote for it. Probably that isn't going to work, but it's the only legal option you have. The other, less legal, option you have is a coup of some kind.

It's understandable that your ideology doesn't allow you to peacefully lose a culture war, but that's why your ideology is a problem. If nobody is buying what you're selling, you turn to violence. That's an option you have, but we have mechanisms to remove you from society if you choose that route.
RebelE Infantry
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PacifistAg said:

Joe Boudain said:

PacifistAg said:

Joe Boudain said:

PacifistAg said:

Joe Boudain said:

PacifistAg said:

The thing that makes me so happy is 1) satanic people like bustup/Joe will not gain power in my life, so he's really just exposing the evil in his heart for no reason, and 2) satanic people like bustup/Joe will not be able to do a damn thing if the day ever comes that I happen to share a public restroom with his wife. Of course, I would only be going in to use the restroom, but the thought of him being apoplectic over not being able to do a damn thing about a trans woman in the proper restroom with his wife makes me happy.
That's weird that you get happy thinking about using a public restroom around my wife, regardless of context.
Not happy to be there with her. Happy that you couldn't do **** about it.
"Hey look, this guy is uncomfortable with a biological male being exposed near his wife, everyone laugh at him"

I'm going to keep this bookmarked as exhibit A whenever anyone tells me the LGBTQIA crew is normal just like we are and it's just a few bad eggs making them look bad.

Imagine admiring the Taliban, then claiming I'm the one who isn't normal because I think it's funny that you can't do **** about people like me.

I mean, this is why people like you are such cowards. You want someone else to do all these evil things on your behalf, while you sit there apoplectic yet unwilling to do **** yourself.
I have the most powerful weapon in the world against people like you, Prayer. You're trying to egg me into violence, through belittling me, accusing me of things I haven't done, but it's not going to work. I will pray for you and your family.
Dude, I'm a pacifist...because I am a follower of Christ. I don't want you to be violent. I want you to repent of the evil you're promoting here. You're the one arguing for violence. Now you're trying to play the victim. But please do pray for me and my family. I'll never turn down prayers, even the self-righteous declaration of "I'm gonna pray for you, even though I never will" types.

Imagine saying this to King St. Louis IX, Charlemagne, or Doctor of the Church St Bernard of Clairvaux who passionately preached Crusade.
RebelE Infantry
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jrico2727 said:

I thought taking a day of Texags, I wouldn't miss much, lol.

Do Catholics support a theocracy?

If Christ is your king, then by definition you live in a theocracy. For he sits on his throne at the right hand of the Father. Without glorifying any group of terrorists, how are we called to live? Are we not to bring the light of Christ to the world. Do we do that by tolerance of sin, especially the sins that cry to heaven? No, neither does intolerance of sin advocate violence. Despite the incredibly poor choice for comparison in the OP, I don't believe any here have advocated for violence. However it is troubling to see how poorly this thread went, and how personal it became.

For all the professed Christians on this thread. When you pray thy Kingdom come, are you praying for the rule of Christ in your heart, in your home and your country? What does that mean to you? What standard does that mean we all must live under? When Our Lord proclaimed that the gates of hell will not prevail, was this not a call for a offensive campaign against the sin of the world? For the gates are a defensive measure against the Kingdom of Christ that has come to reclaim the world.

We have been taught that separation of church and state is a virtue. How has that worked out? Our government sanctions infanticide, Sodomy, divorce on demand and countless other demonic practices that attack the bedrock if society which is the family.

One thing I do agree with the OP on is patience. Why because we know how this ends. Our Lord will come in glory, he will bring the sword of judgement. He will judge all according to their deeds and create a new heaven and earth.
May by God's grace we all will dwell there with our King.

Great post.

"Separation of Church and State" is a condemned error. No Catholic may believe it.
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That's fine, and I hope any Catholic running for office is clear about their position on this, so we can elect somebody else.
Joe Boudain
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I'd rather have a king who believe his eternal salvation rides on the treatment of his subjects than a President who sells out to special interests every 4 years.
RebelE Infantry
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Joe Boudain said:

I'd rather have a king who believe his eternal salvation rides on the treatment of his subjects than a President who sells out to special interests every 4 years.
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OP, you, through your thoroughly misguided opinion, are a terrible representative of the Church Christ founded.
RebelE Infantry
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Athanasius said:

OP, you, through your thoroughly misguided opinion, are a terrible representative of the Church Christ founded.

Because he wishes to conform the civil law to Divine Law? Because he has zeal for the Faith? Because he believes that the current wicked order must be deposed?
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"his subjects" ??

I thought Jesus said, no greater love does one have than that he lay down his life for his friends. In another part of scripture, Jesus says that he no longer calls us servants but friends.

For non-Catholics you are seeing first hand why we have a teaching body. We can't even agree as properly catechized (I presume) on the basics of the scriptural meaning of "Priest, Prophet, and King". Thankfully there are volumes of this all written and incorporated into the latest CCC (catechism book).


This reminds me of why Judas betrayed Jesus. He was convinced that Jesus was this earthly King. When he discovered otherwise, he felt it his duty to turn him in. Even Jesus could not get through to him. That my friends is the real tragedy facing the good people of Afghanistan. Freedom and a hope for the people to participate in a democratic elected government. All because of fear.
Joe Boudain
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PabloSerna said:

"his subjects" ??

I thought Jesus said, no greater love does one have than that he lay down his life for his friends. In another part of scripture, Jesus says that he no longer calls us servants but friends.

For non-Catholics you are seeing first hand why we have a teaching body. We can't even agree as properly catechized (I presume) on the basics of the scriptural meaning of "Priest, Prophet, and King". Thankfully there are volumes of this all written and incorporated into the latest CCC (catechism book).


This reminds me of why Judas betrayed Jesus. He was convinced that Jesus was this earthly King. When he discovered otherwise, he felt it his duty to turn him in. Even Jesus could not get through to him. That my friends is the real tragedy facing the good people of Afghanistan. Freedom and a hope for the people to participate in a democratic elected government. All because of fear.

Yes, subjects. As I've posted multiple times you have both Scriptural and Magisterial precedent for the necessity of integrated spiritual life into society through government, and the duties of ruler to ruled, and of ruled to ruler. In the Church we know that within the marriage covenant the husband is called to be the spiritual head of the household, and the wife is called to obedience. The husband has a reciprocal mandate to love his wife perfectly as Christ loves the church, which obviously includes laying his life down for his her. This does not invalidate his leadership role.

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I am pretty sure he was referring to a earthly monarch and not Christ. However, Christ is our king and we are his subjects. Out of his humility he became friends with his apostles to whom he is referring in scripture and with us if we have cultivated our hearts to be like his. Remember if you love Christ you will keep his commandments as he has said. It is a modern innovation to have this image of a Buddy Christ who tolerates all, regardless of conversion of heart. A concept where he is one of many good teachers who all have a path to God. I fear many will be placed with the goats at the judgment and told to depart from him for he knows them not, for believing this false gospel.
Joe Boudain
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jrico2727 said:

I am pretty sure he was referring to a earthly monarch and not Christ. However, Christ is our king and we are his subjects. Out of his humility he became friends with his apostles to whom he is referring in scripture and with us if we have cultivated our hearts to be like his. Remember if you love Christ you will keep his commandments as he has said. It is a modern innovation to have this image of a Buddy Christ who tolerates all, regardless of conversion of heart. A concept where he is one of many good teachers who all have a path to God. I fear many will be placed with the goats at the judgment and told to depart from him for he knows them not, for believing this false gospel.

For many the Church is a rotary club that gives some lip service to the corporal works of mercy, and it stops there.
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So help me understand your idea of a personal relationship with Christ - is it
a. King - Subject
b. Zeus - Greek peon
c. Friend - friend

It would seem we both are reading scripture and coming away with a different understanding. I am still forming my conscious, so keep that in mind, but I have mentioned before on this board that I am a Lay Dominican. We regularly read scripture and discuss with each other the readings. I'm my 20+ years, we have always understood that Jesus gave us the best example when he laid down his life for his friends (us).

I already told you how evil will be won over - with good. Jesus goes further when he tells us that we should love our enemies, turn the other cheek, and serve the poor. All this he did and mind you - he is God incarnate. This is what pissed off Lucifer. Why would the highest serve man? Love.

Scripture is full of imagery, like the "sword" - but we know it means truth. Truth that cuts through all of this fear.

Joe Boudain
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PabloSerna said:

So help me understand your idea of a personal relationship with Christ - is it
a. King - Subject
b. Zeus - Greek peon
c. Friend - friend

It would seem we both are reading scripture and coming away with a different understanding. I am still forming my conscious, so keep that in mind, but I have mentioned before on this board that I am a Lay Dominican. We regularly read scripture and discuss with each other the readings. I'm my 20+ years, we have always understood that Jesus gave us the best example when he laid down his life for his friends (us).

I already told you how evil will be won over - with good. Jesus goes further when he tells us that we should love our enemies, turn the other cheek, and serve the poor. All this he did and mind you - he is God incarnate. This is what pissed off Lucifer. Why would the highest serve man? Love.

Scripture is full of imagery, like the "sword" - but we know it means truth. Truth that cuts through all of this fear.

Christ is a King who loves me, and my abba, not merely a friend. This is why I don't go to mass wearing flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt like I'm going to a BBQ at a friend's house.

Both the angels and mankind fell due to disobedience and refusing to serve. Non serviam-I will not serve, yes Satan was the first liberal who thought he knew better than God himself and seeking independence was cast down into hell, very similar story to Adam Eve.

Again, we have the magisterium which directs us to what these puzzling passages mean in the Bible, and we know that they don't actually mean to let people go on hitting you all day, or that you have to cut off your hand if you're a sinner.

Read the life of Bl Karl of Austria, for a look at how a real king treats his subjects
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I think the question isn't what you want; lots of people want a theocracy to some degree.

The question is what you're willing to do to get it. That's where I think the Taliban comparison is interesting.

For the infantry guy and for Boudin, what's the answer? What are you willing to do to make it happen? Argue on the internet? Campaign? Fight someone? Blow up an abortion clinic? Where's the line for you?
Joe Boudain
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Dilettante said:

I think the question isn't what you want; lots of people want a theocracy to some degree.

The question is what you're willing to do to get it. That's where I think the Taliban comparison is interesting.

For the infantry guy and for Boudin, what's the answer? What are you willing to do to make it happen? Argue on the internet? Campaign? Fight someone? Blow up an abortion clinic? Where's the line for you?

Nice try FBI. Right now we are just out to find like minded people who are unhappy with the way liberal atheist democracy is progressing. We have a group of Catholic men in the Houston area who belive mens sano en corpore sano. We engage in fellowship with our families, we have a book club, we have a boxing club, and we challenge each other spiritually through frequent fasting, confession and daily mass attendance.

Argue on the internet- Yes
Campaign- Yes
Fight someone- Heck yes (boxing fanatic here)
Blow up Planned Parenthood- No. While I wish to end abortion by any means necessary that is the duty of the state.
1st Generation Ag
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OP, you know how I can tell you're not an Afghanistan vet? You are talking out of your . . . lack of knowledge.

You need to drop your grudging admiration for the Taliban. They are pure evil with no redeeming qualities. You do not want to be like them.

There is nothing they won't do for power. If you're Catholic, then that alone separates them from you. Even their own religion won't restrain them. If Islam prohibits the Taliban from doing anything they want, they just get one of their Mullahs to issue a fatwa saying it's all a-ok.

When I was in Afghanistan they shot up the bazaar in Delaram just to remind everyone that they were still around. They tried to blow up one of our convoys with a remote-controlled IED daisy chain, and when we avoided it they triggered the IED on a bus full of Afghan civilians. Even though I was on painkillers from a back injury, I stood in line after my shift in BDOC and donated blood in an attempt to save the life of one of their victims.

And if my personal experience doesn't convince you, turn on the news.

Be thankful to God that you - and we - are not like them. If you want inspiration, go pick up Fox's Book of Martyrs.
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Daily mass? Is mass a formal thing with a priest, or is it informal gatherings?
Joe Boudain
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Dilettante said:

Daily mass? Is mass a formal thing with a priest, or is it informal gatherings?

It's a full mass, just like on Sunday.
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The Holy Mass is the liturgical celebration of the Church. It is where Our Lord is made present on the altar. It is a formal celebration that can only be performed by a priest, either in public or private. It is performed daily all throughout the world.
Joe Boudain
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Also, need to point out, we sometimes attend daily mass, we do not attend mass daily, Catholics will understand haha
RebelE Infantry
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1st Generation Ag said:

OP, you know how I can tell you're not an Afghanistan vet? You are talking out of your . . . lack of knowledge.

You need to drop your grudging admiration for the Taliban. They are pure evil with no redeeming qualities. You do not want to be like them.

There is nothing they won't do for power. If you're Catholic, then that alone separates them from you. Even their own religion won't restrain them. If Islam prohibits the Taliban from doing anything they want, they just get one of their Mullahs to issue a fatwa saying it's all a-ok.

When I was in Afghanistan they shot up the bazaar in Delaram just to remind everyone that they were still around. They tried to blow up one of our convoys with a remote-controlled IED daisy chain, and when we avoided it they triggered the IED on a bus full of Afghan civilians. Even though I was on painkillers from a back injury, I stood in line after my shift in BDOC and donated blood in an attempt to save the life of one of their victims.

And if my personal experience doesn't convince you, turn on the news.

Be thankful to God that you - and we - are not like them. If you want inspiration, go pick up Fox's Book of Martyrs.

I am an Afghanistan vet and I see where he's coming from and more or less agree with him.

He's not arguing that we should be blowing up busses full of civilians. He is referring to their religious zeal and martial spirit. A willingness to fight relentlessly to achieve your goals.

Heck if only 10% of Catholics had the zeal that these dudes do for their false religion, then things like like abortion would be an absurd and outlandish fantasy.
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Duncan Idaho said:

Spyderman said:

Looneyville I tells ya...
when you lose spyderman....
"After the plane from Roswell arrived with the material I asked the base commander to personally transport it in a B-26 to Major General McMullen in Washington DC. The entire operation was conducted under strictest secrecy. The weather balloon explanation for the material was a cover story to divert the attention of the press".
-Brigadier General Thomas Dubose
Commanding Officer of Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Affadavit 09/16/01

Jus something to ponder before you hit the sack tonight...
Grab some popcorn...why the ongoing cover-up? The Phenomenon: FF to 1:22:35 https://tubitv.com/movies/632920/the-phenomenon

An est. 68 MILLION Americans, including 19 MILLION Black Children, have been killed in the WOMB since 1973-act, pray and vote accordingly.

TAMU purpose statement: To develop leaders of character dedicated to serving the greater good. Team entrance song at KYLE FIELD is laced with profanity including THE Nword..
The greater good?
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What's a martial spirit? Willingness to kill people?
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Joe Boudain said:

Dilettante said:

Daily mass? Is mass a formal thing with a priest, or is it informal gatherings?

It's a full mass, just like on Sunday.
Except generally shorter by up to a half an hour (maybe more if your pastor tends to get a little long winded with his Sunday homilies).
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jrico2727 said:

The Holy Mass is the liturgical celebration of the Church. It is where Our Lord is made present on the altar. It is a formal celebration that can only be performed by a priest, either in public or private. It is performed daily all throughout the world.
Except on Good Friday.
Beer Baron
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Dilettante said:

What's a martial spirit? Willingness to kill people?

Yeah, but only if they refuse to abide by the rules of your religion whether they believe in it or not. It's really a "look what you made me do" type thing.
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After reading the last few maniacal ramblings of the resident Taliban supporter, now all I can picture is a bunch of internet warriors getting together in their garage and having slap fights...oops I mean "boxing matches"...to prove how tough they are.

I think that's "martial spirit" to this crew.
Joe Boudain
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PacifistAg said:

After reading the last few maniacal ramblings of the resident Taliban supporter, now all I can picture is a bunch of internet warriors getting together in their garage and having slap fights...oops I mean "boxing matches"...to prove how tough they are.

I think that's "martial spirit" to this crew.

We don't do it to prove how tough we are, we do it for exercise and to practice self defense. Getting dunked on by a pacifist for not engaging in bare knuckle blood sport is weird.
RebelE Infantry
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PacifistAg said:

After reading the last few maniacal ramblings of the resident Taliban supporter, now all I can picture is a bunch of internet warriors getting together in their garage and having slap fights...oops I mean "boxing matches"...to prove how tough they are.

I think that's "martial spirit" to this crew.

Note well how the trans dude is denigrating traditional male bonding activities.
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