As I'm sure is the case with a lot of Ags around the world this week, I began to look back through some of the Bonfire posts and this one caught my eye. While I was in high school when the stack collapsed and didn't yet know I'd be attending A&M, I remember seeing this picture in the Dallas Morning News that day. I also remember the impact it had on my dad, class of '70, and my uncle, class of '77.
During my freshman year, I attended FLDR and had the chance to hear Tim's parents speak. I was absolutely blown away by the story of their son and what he did for his fellow Ags. His story stayed with me throughout my tenure at A&M and every year, I am reminded of it on 11/18. His story serves as an inspiration to all that know it and as a testament to the heart of the Aggie Spirit.
To his parents: Thank you for all you do for the Aggie community. And thank you for sharing his story with us that day. It had a profound impact on me and my experience at A&M. My prayers are with you.
May God bless the fallen and their families. Gig 'em!
[This message has been edited by KanderAg07 (edited 11/17/2009 2:57p).]