*** Disney's The Little Mermaid (Live Action Remake) ***

43,199 Views | 445 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by GrayMatter
Duncan Idaho
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nai06 said:

Duncan Idaho said:

I haven't read through that thread but has Zwarte Piet come up? I mean we are talking about black characters and dutch source material
I think Zwarte Piet is more of a Netherlands thing. Hans Christian Anderson was from Denmark

Laplanders! The lot of them!
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Please, I would love to hear how else I'm supposed to react to a place that champions the idea that half the country is literally "evil," is full of posters who believe in a coordinated, nation-wide, thousand-person conspiracy to steal an election, constantly gay bashes and reduces the left to "pedophiles" and "groomers," has a tinge of racism in its margins, featured an insanely popular, years-long QAnon discussion, and is filled with off-the-charts hate and vitriol in general?

Are there good, sane people who post there? No doubt. Are there productive conversations had that make great, insightful points? Absolutely. But, by and large, nearly every single thread *also* provides at least one, if not dozens of examples of everything I listed above, in addition to so much more trash. And I'm so f/cking sick of people popping up here, defending it, acting like I'm the bad guy for calling a spade and spade/getting annoyed when the spillover makes its way here.
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TCTTS said:

Please, I would LOVE to hear how else I'm supposed to react to a place that champions the idea that half the country is literally "evil," is full of posters who believe in a coordinated, nation-wide, thousand-person conspiracy to steal an election, constantly gay bashes and reduces the left to "pedophiles" and "groomers," has a tinge of racism in its margins, featured an insanely popular, years-long QAnon discussion, and is filled with off-the-charts hate and vitriol in thread after thread?

Are there good, sane people who post there? No doubt. Are there good, productive conversations had that make great, insightful points? Absolutely. But, by and large, nearly every single thread *also* provides at least one, if not dozens of examples of everything I listed above, in addition to so much more. And I'm so f/cking sick of people popping up here, defending it, acting like I'm the bad guy for calling a spade and spade and getting annoyed when the spillover makes its way here.
I mean, it's your choice, but ignoring them is an option.
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Not when they make their way into every last thread on *this* board as well.
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You should learn to look the other way every once in a while to avoid an aneurysm
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Madmarttigan said:

You should learn to look the other way every once in a while to avoid an aneurysm
Lol... that's impossible for narcissists.
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Yeah, that's the thing. I constantly look the other way/am ignoring it. But it's so damn prevalent here, that when I do react it comes across as if I react all the time, when that's not even close to the truth.
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Well that certainly didn't last long.
The Porkchop Express
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Life is better with a beagle
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Spot. On.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Bruce Almighty
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The fictional fish woman for a movie I'll never see must be white!!!!!!!!!!!
Duncan Idaho
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Definitely Not A Cop said:


MerMAN pop.MerMAN
Urban Ag
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TCTTS said:

Please, I would love to hear how else I'm supposed to react to a place that champions the idea that half the country is literally "evil," is full of posters who believe in a coordinated, nation-wide, thousand-person conspiracy to steal an election, constantly gay bashes and reduces the left to "pedophiles" and "groomers," has a tinge of racism in its margins, featured an insanely popular, years-long QAnon discussion, and is filled with off-the-charts hate and vitriol in general?

Are there good, sane people who post there? No doubt. Are there productive conversations had that make great, insightful points? Absolutely. But, by and large, nearly every single thread *also* provides at least one, if not dozens of examples of everything I listed above, in addition to so much more trash. And I'm so f/cking sick of people popping up here, defending it, acting like I'm the bad guy for calling a spade and spade/getting annoyed when the spillover makes its way here.
I have an idea. Look in the mirror. Your half of the country does the exact same thing and owns 90% of the sports, entertainment, and "news" media. You have a severe lack of self awareness. There is a book called "The Outward Mindset" you should check it out. You have a very well documented history of making things personal, of name calling, and attacking posters that simply do not agree with you, when most have done nothing to attack you. You have done this to me several times, when I never made something personal to you or others posters of like minds. You personally call out posters who have not done the same to you just because their opinion differs from you. That is fact. You are 10x as guilty of what accuse others of.

So, "how else should you react"? If that is serious question I would be happy to dismantle it. Grow thicker skin maybe? You don't own this site and you don't run it. If the mods take your side and let you run wild, so be it. I never question them as it is literally their site. Otherwise you are simply the self appointed king of the entertainment board because your "Too Close to the Source" followed by your betas. Next time you take pics of Beckinsale at CVS, add a link that you banged her too. Otherwise you're a tool.

Urban Ag
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TCTTS said:

Not when they make their way into every last thread on *this* board as well.
It's not your board until the mods/Brandon say it is your board.

Should we pose this question? Maybe it is time to do so.

Mods - does this board belong to TCCTS? He is taking very personal offense to those who post here that don't follow his lead. He said he is sick of us. Should we all be seeking a standard that TCCTS approves in regards to entertainment media opinions before we post this particular forum? Thanks.
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Don't understand what the issues are with BIPOC Representation? Disney has made a major commitment - why we are proud to be early + subscribers, which has been maintained and utilized.
Urban Ag
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Redstone said:

Don't understand what the issues are with BIPOC Representation? Disney has made a major commitment - why we are proud to be early + subscribers, which has been maintained and utilized.
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The only people I disagree with on this board, in the way you're describing, are the ones who go on and on about things like the race of an imaginary mermaid, insist on turning every last subject into an anti-woke soapbox, and flood this forum with crazy Hollywood conspiracy theories.

Everyone else? I get along with perfectly fine. Sure, a dumb Star Wars discussion or two can get heated from time to time, but that's par for the course and almost never personal. By and large, the only people on this site who have a seething problem with me are the ones who *constantly* insist on bringing their politics into every thread, or engaging in objectively ridiculous crap like this mermaid nonsense.

Painting me as this villain who pushes everyone else around isn't even remotely accurate. But yes, I do speak up in this face all the other bullsh*t, and I'm sorry if *you're* skin isn't thick enough to deal with that. You guys seem to never recognize the irony and the hypocrisy in implying that you can do whatever you please on this board, but for some reason I can't. Your opinions are the right kind of opinions, and you can post them all over the place, yet mine aren't, and I'm not allowed to do the same.
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Urban Ag said:

TCTTS said:

Please, I would love to hear how else I'm supposed to react to a place that champions the idea that half the country is literally "evil," is full of posters who believe in a coordinated, nation-wide, thousand-person conspiracy to steal an election, constantly gay bashes and reduces the left to "pedophiles" and "groomers," has a tinge of racism in its margins, featured an insanely popular, years-long QAnon discussion, and is filled with off-the-charts hate and vitriol in general?

Are there good, sane people who post there? No doubt. Are there productive conversations had that make great, insightful points? Absolutely. But, by and large, nearly every single thread *also* provides at least one, if not dozens of examples of everything I listed above, in addition to so much more trash. And I'm so f/cking sick of people popping up here, defending it, acting like I'm the bad guy for calling a spade and spade/getting annoyed when the spillover makes its way here.
Grow thicker skin maybe?

Fantastic personal advice to find… in a thread overrun with outrage that a black person was cast as a mythical human/fish hybrid?
Urban Ag
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Not my problem, I couldn't care less about it

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You opened the thread to view the carnage like I did… you care a little bit about it.
Urban Ag
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People look at car wrecks.

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It's not about my "approval" of the proper opinions, or whatever the hell you're talking about, and it never has been. This is a straw man you guys always try and create.

It's about the dumbest political sh*t dominating EVERY last conversation on this board. We've gotten to the point where there can't be a single thread without someone b*tching about the race of an imaginary mermaid, going on anti-woke tirades, or ranting about some kind of insane liberal "agenda." And I'm not saying that I oppose anti-wokeness or that there aren't liberal agendas in Hollywood. Valid points *are* made from time to time on those fronts.

But it's EVERYWHERE on this board.

And for me, in response, it's not about trying to stomp out political opposition or silence those who disagree with me. That's such a bad faith argument, because I've addressed this on record a hundred times, time and time again. Rather, I'm expressing my exhaustion with those who insist on making every last conversation on an entertainment board about politics. For some insane reason, we can't talk about a single movie or a single show anymore without politics being injected. Day after day after day. Thread after thread after thread. And when anyone, especially me, complains about it, without fail, you guys immediately start playing the part of victims and turn yourselves into free speech crusaders, while painting me as a Nazi overlord/message board cop. And it's just so stupid, and so disingenuous, and amounts to nothing more than a gaslighting effort by a handful of people here who feel that their opinions are to never to be questioned, while doing whatever they can to stifle mine in the process.
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Nah… you like a type of car wreck and you like to go demolish derby towards it too.

There's plenty of 11 page threads on this website. You come to the entertainment board, see a thread about The Little Mermaid that is that long and know it is going to be culture war driven so you open it up to spar.

You can say you don't care… but you care plenty.
The Porkchop Express
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I think we should all take a deep breath, let it out, and be like Flounder and Scuttle and remind ourselves, "Hakuna Matata".
Life is better with a beagle
Urban Ag
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ATM9000 said:

Nah… you like a type of car wreck and you like to go demolish derby towards it too.

There's plenty of 11 page threads on this website. You come to the entertainment board, see a thread about The Little Mermaid that is that long and know it is going to be culture war driven so you open it up to spar.

You can say you don't care… but you care plenty.
care about what? Really? A black mermaid? Not in the least. Keep trying.
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That's total horsesh*t. How many posts on this thread now? Can't everyone that's participating in this tiresome slap fight at least admit they care?
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Additional post for the intended smirk
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Hollywood makes all their **** political and you're surprised it results in political response.

Simply stunning.
Sapper Redux
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After reading this thread…
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They insert a four second scene between a same-sex alien couple made of rocks and it results in post after post of people losing their minds.

They subtly nod to a third lead/teenage character being bisexual and we have to listen to endless rants about Hollywood's groomer agenda.

A suspect rumor leaks that they're not going to show the American flag being planted on the moon, gullible posters take it as gospel, then we have to listen to weeks of griping about how anti-American Hollywood is. The movie hits theaters, turns out the rumor wasn't even remotely true, and not a single poster who b*tched about it admits they were duped. All the while moving on to the next rage-inducing issue.

It's an endless airing of political grievances around here, over the smallest, dumbest stuff.

And normal people don't give a sh*t about any of it.

Normal people want to be able to talk about these movies without having to wade through irrational take after irrational take about why a two-second gay kiss ruined a movie for you.

Normal people are capable of ignoring it. Normal people aren't bothered by it in the first place.

You guys constantly tell me that I need thicker skin, and to just ignore it all, but whenever Hollywood does these minuscule, innocuous things you don't agree with, your skin proves to be so thin it might as well be translucent, and you couldn't not post about it if your life depended on it.

Once again, *you're* allowed to gripe endlessly, but I'm not allowed to gripe about the griping. Always a double standard, and it's always the exact same people complaining about the exact same crap. Over and over and over again.

For some reason, that I will never fully understand, one board (F16) isn't enough. All of these political grievances can't just be aired there. No, the endless b*tching *must* make its way here too, in every last thread, as if these complaints are so important, and so crucial that the masses hear them, that nothing short of two boards will suffice. And if anyone dare speak up or challenge this? They're ridiculed, gaslit, and labeled as personally "attacking" said posters.

It's so incredibly stupid, and I'm so incredibly over it.
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TCTTS said:

They insert a four second scene between a same-sex alien couple made of rocks and it results in post after post of people losing their minds.

So you click on the last post on a thread you haven't been to in a long time….

All I can say is that this is a really weird thing to see on a Little Mermaid thread.
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" Normal people…"

I don't think you have your finger on the pulse of those you claim to speak for. This country is far more divided than you realize.

I'm very pro gay rights so none of that **** bothers me. But for a significant portion of this country I realize it does or it's at least eye rolling because they know it's inserted for political effect. I don't think Hollywood people nefarious. I think they are just mostly morons who live in a bubble. Nothing wrong wih that.
The Collective
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$1.65B = The Lion King (2019)
$1.27B = Beauty and the Beast (2017)
$1.04B = Aladdin (2019)
$1.02B = Alice in Wonderland (2010)
$953M = The Jungle Book (2016)
$758M = Maleficent (2014)
$542M = Cinderella (2015)
$498M = Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
$353M = Dumbo (2019)
$276M = Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)
$226M = Cruella (2021)
$197M = Christopher Robin (2018)

Damn shame - Cruella might have been my favorite of the listed movies. Perhaps I'm just intrigued by "crazy".
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