***Survivor: Worlds Apart***

77,304 Views | 578 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by gambochaman
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Rodney or Dan... who is a bigger dumbass?
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Carolyn voted for Tyler...why? She knew Mike was voting Tyler. I assume she knew no one was really voting for Dan (just editing to try to make this an interesting episode). So why risk angering her closest ally, when she could have just thrown her vote at Mike and it wouldn't count?

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I assume it was just wanting to make damn sure it was Tyler.
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Its an easy way to get tyler to vote for you. Tyler, I voted for you because I could not beat you.
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She knew no one was voting off Dan. Dan is someone you want sitting by you at the final 3. Tyler will vote whoever played the best game without holding a grudge.

Would Dan, Will, and Sierra be the worst final 3 ever?
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I can't stand grownups who act like 7 year olds when it comes to their birthdays. Seriously, it's just another day. Just accept your happy birthday wishes and don't expect any special treatment.
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"I'm not gonna make my pitch to them. Nuthin' like that Jeff.....but it is my birthday, that's all Imma say."
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Was it even his birthday? Makes it even worse
Fat Bib Fortuna
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I would guess Carolyn knows somewhere soon there's going to be a mental/problem solving challenge, and that Tyler is an impediment to her winning that. The rest of them really aren't - maybe Mike, but she's the smartest person (on paper) left with Tyler gone, so it makes sense to get him out when she could - I don't think her argument would be better than his in a final 3.

Her hidden idol - assuming she knows when to play it - guarantees her at least final 5. If there is a mental challenge in there, taking out Tyler probably gets her to final 4. Going into the vote tonight, only two people could beat Carolyn at the final tribal. She couldn't get rid of Mike, so she took out Tyler.

Honestly, Will, Rawdney and Dan need to former the Unappealing Trio alliance. The logic for all three is the same - they've got to vote for one of us!

Obviously the Tyler vote out shook up the fantasy standings a lot, and those of us with Mike got the extra bonus of him saving himself at tribal with the idol.

Several people are now locked into a final score - I've put those in red. Kudos if you had Carolyn tonight and had her since the start - she racked up 5.5 by herself (1.5 reward, 2.5 immunity, 1.5 surviving tribal).

Updated standings:

Aero Aggie 44 53.5

gravy 97 53

ronnie 51.5

Blacklab 51
zap 51

tx1c 46.5
hurleyag 46.5

earp16 45
muckraker96 45

LHIOB 42.5

double aught 41.5
CheeseSndwch 41.5
MooreTrucker 41.5

UnthoughtKnown 41

ChipFTAC01 36.5

txaggiefarmer05 35

Quinn 30.5

jdgilberg 28.5

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Honestly, Will, Rawdney and Dan need to former the Unappealing Trio alliance. The logic for all three is the same - they've got to vote for one of us!

This is the only chance for those three, bro.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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if mike or carolyn gets to to the final 3 with Radneey and Will, their opening statement should be "I'm here with Rawdney and Will, that's it. Thanks."
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yep. mama C has gone into 'who can i beat in the final 3' mode and that's smart. she took out one of the threats to win the game. not only that, but she took out the only person who knew she has an idol.
i dont like her a whole lot, but she's playing a VERY smart game.

loving this season so far
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Mama Is playing to win. Gotta like that.

Jeff called it at Tribal. Taking the least likely to win to the end.
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Being a sure loser being dragged to the end would be torture for me. Just send me to the ponderosa so that I can take a shower and then go balls deep into Jenn or Haley.
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The only problem with that is that they're so delusional, every one of them believes they can win at this point.
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Being a sure loser being dragged to the end would be torture for me. Just send me to the ponderosa so that I can take a shower and then go balls deep into Jenn or Haley.
I'm sure that Jenn and Hali are just waiting to be taken balls deep by Will, Dan, or DannyDuberstein.

I would be fine being taken to the final 3 - doesn't 2nd and 3rd pay at least $100K?

What are the remaining alliances: Will and Rawdney, Sierra and Mama C, with Dan and Mike as outliers? Will is 100% going to the final. Sierra seems pretty likely to get to the final as well IMO. That leaves one spot. Mike will be eliminated the second he doesn't win Immunity, though will his idol be replaced in the wild? Mama C is up next, though she still has an idol. Dan would probably be safe with Will if it wasn't for his extra vote. Who knows about Rawdney - I could see him winning it all.
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I'll be furious if Rahwdney wins. I usually like new yorkers/jersey boys but that guy is just a self important azzhole.

Rooting for Mike, with Caroline a close second.
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Well, I can't speak for Will or Dan, but I'd have them begging for it! Please, Danny, please!

At this point, the biggest factor is whether those losers can actually win enough challenges to flush Mike and Mama C. That is going to be a tall order for the band of misfits.
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yeah...nothing in this season's performance leads me to believe that dan, will, rodney or sierra can win a challenge against mike or mama c
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That last challenge was set up for Rodney to no worse than 2nd. He's short and strong. He may be one of the worst competitors in the last few seasons. Even Dan is performing better.

I couldn't take him *****ing about his birthday, bro. What a child. I loved Mike seeing right through his plan and calling him out.
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I agree that Tahm Brady in the 4th quahter has been terrible at challenges, but disagree that the last one was made for him. That one is made for skinny people who don't have a ton of weight to hold up.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Two montages I hope to see on the reunion show:

1) Someone telling Will what to do/who to vote for and him saying "Yeah, OK."

2) Dan prematurely claiming victory in a challenge, only to have it go awry.
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I'll be furious if Rahwdney wins. I usually like new yorkers/jersey boys but that guy is just a self important azzhole.

Rooting for Mike, with Caroline a close second.

He is Baaahston strong, so maybe that is it?
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I agree that Tahm Brady in the 4th quahter has been terrible at challenges, but disagree that the last one was made for him. That one is made for skinny people who don't have a ton of weight to hold up.

Agreed. That is set up for the lean people. Strong but thin.
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I think his advantage over Mike or Tyler and even Sierra is that he is short. He can't be taller than 5' 5" right?
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Right, Rowdney is not necessarily thin, but he's light at 150. Seems like a challenge suited for strong but light.

I just don't think he's tough. Workout junkies can always put the weight down. As someone described perfectly earlier, it's more about how much you can take. That is where Rawdney fails miserably.
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Tyler's game seemed on point but I can't figure out why he voted for Mike last night when he knew that Mike would play his hidden immunity idol.
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I think the last vote and the reaction to what he did threw him off.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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I've decided I want a future season of Survivor to have one three-member tribe consisting of Russell, Tony, and Rawdney. And every challenge will be a puzzle.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Here's the link to vote on the next season's cast: You have to sign up, which is a bit annoying, but whatevs. You can vote for 10 men and 10 women, which for me became: 10 guys that I recognize, and the 10 best looking women.

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which for me became: 10 guys that I recognize, and the 10 best looking women.

great minds my friend...great minds

although...I had to really think about abi maria...she takes bat sheet crazy insane to a whole new alien level
but...dat ass doe
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ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What do you think: Did Rodney make too big a deal about nobody giving up their reward to him on his birthday?
JEFF PROBST: One of the things I'm constantly presented with as the host of the show is, when I'm on the show or when I'm answering your questions each week, I'm answering from the point of view of Survivor, not Jeff Probst. And I've been feeling it very much with all of the comments against women. Between Rodney, Will and Dan, there's been a lot of stuff going on. My job on Survivor is not to condone or condemn. My job is to solicit information: "How does that make you feel? Do you want to apologize? What do you think? Could that hurt you in the vote?" Personally, I have a different feeling.

So, in the answer to your question on Rodney, I would say from a show point of view, I think Rodney is losing his mind and I get why. It's incredibly difficult to be deprived at this level especially in Rodney's case when he's used to a lot of calories, and used to getting his way. He sort of does things on his own time, his own way with who he wants when he wants that's why he's in the job he's in. And while he's a hardworking guy, he's got a little bit of that No Collar attitude, like, "Yeah, maybe, maybe not."

So I think for Rodney, it is about his birthday. His birthday is clearly important. I think he feels let down by these people who aren't taking care of him, and has maybe lost track of the fact that they're all in this game too. They're all being deprived as well. They all want to eat too, and maybe they don't want to bring him maybe he's not in their alliance, any number of reasons. He just doesn't have that awareness right now, and I would chalk that up to the amount of days that he's been on the show. I don't know if Rodney's birthday was on the second day of shooting if he would've been as offended.

But personally, when I watch it, I think, "What are you talking about?! It's just another day! I mean, I know it's your birthday, but dude, we're in a million dollar game you should have not done it if your birthday was so damn important!" So I can see both sides of it, but I think that one of the reasons that Rodney is so compelling is whether he's saying that women should be held to a higher standard, or whether he's saying this is a bunch of BS that nobody's helping me out on my birthday, it's compelling to watch. And then as a viewer you have to decide: Do you like it or not? Do you despise him or laugh at him? Are you in on the joke? Is Rodney just a funny guy with good impressions? Whatever [is] your opinion is your opinion.

We have seen so many schoolyard pick 'ems this season, except we never actually see them take place. Explain the process of how they work in terms of choosing captains and deciding who picks first, because it has been a while since we saw one and people always ask me about it. Does it ever yield any drama?

I think in the past, we've shown them a few times. But they just eat up so much time because imagine watching this, and it's interesting, but then you have to decide what you want to give up. I explain the challenge, I say we're going to do a schoolyard pick, I walk over with a bag of rocks. Somebody picks yellow, somebody picks blue you're the two captains, take a spot over here. We do shoot it. We shoot everything just in case something bizarre happens. But now you have the two captains, now they have to rock-paper-scissor. "Who's going to pick? All right, you go first. Okay you've got that person. All right, let them get to the mat. Now you go. All right, now you go again. Okay, now it's your turn. And you pick again and now you pick again. You've got one pick left, who do you want? And that leaves you with you."

And then you do a little Q&A, "How does it feel to be picked last?" or "How does it feel to not be picked at all?" if it's uneven numbers. So when you're in the edit bay and you're looking at what you have to cut from the episode, there's almost always more interesting reality or a more dramatic challenge, or a more interesting argument at Tribal Council than what is ultimately a bunch of shoe leather that I can explain quickly by just saying "here's who they picked." And you can read between the lines: that's who they wanted. So that's why we don't show it.

I like to pretend that I have no heart and no soul, but even I get mushy when you guys do these rewards when you deliver supplies to a local orphanage or something. We know this is big for the contestants and a once in a lifetime experience for some of them, but how important is it for you all in production to give back to these communities that host you?

The whole thing about giving back is big for us, because what we never talk about is that Survivor brings in a lot of money for these communities millions of dollars in actual dollars that are spent in the community. Plus, the hiring of local labor. Plus, the teaching of skills a lot of times we'll go into communities and people will come in and work with us as locals, and they will learn trades through our art department or different vocations. So on top of that, anything we can leave behindin Guatemala we built a school, and in Africa I think we did the same thing. Or, in a case like this, going and really loading up a truck. And there's often more stuff that you don't even see because it's simply too much.

It's important to us because it's symbolic. We're coming herewe stay here for a long time. Our earliest team that gets here is the same team that leaves at the end, and they're here six months. So that's really getting to know people, and it is a way for us to say we really appreciate you hosting us and letting us come in and basically take over. And then there's also the "adventure of a lifetime" element. You want the participants who have given up so much of their life you do want them to have memories. Whether it's watching turtles lay eggs, which is truly once in a lifetime, or whether it's being the sponsor that gets to come in and deliver bikes and basketballs. I remember Woo with the basketball just amazing with that reward. And I think for a lot of people, that was when they fell in love with Woo 100 percent because they saw his truth he's a really good person who was giving.

So it reveals story, it can turn relationships sometimes an alliance will be formed because it's such a bonding moment. So it's just a win, win, win all the way around. And I remember last season when we did a baseball little league team, the excitement in the art department when Jordan Ferrer had all of the supplies and I walked into the office area and it was packed filled with cleats and gloves and helmets and bats and baseballs. It was like Christmas, and you could see the excitement in our guys' faces of being the guys that get to coordinate all this. It's definitely cool. It always touches me because it's real. There's no staging, these aren't actors, we aren't paying these kids to pretend to be who they are. They're just kids, and they don't know what's coming. And then this truck rolls up and we let them loose and all of the sudden they're being consumed with toys and love and attention. Very fun.

You and I spoke last week about in our Q&A about some of the really harsh comments made by men like Will and Dan towards Shirin, and you referenced them again earlier. Looking ahead, I have to imagine this is going to be a reunion with I don't know if fireworks is the right word, but I have to assume we're going to get a lot of discussion about what we saw out there and how people have been sitting with those comments eight months later.

Yeah, I think you can't avoid it. And I haven't talked to any of those guys since we left the show, so I'm really curious what they're feeling. I have no idea if there are apologies coming or if they're going to jump over and punch me out. I really have no idea. I only know that it's been a while since we've seen this kind of a response, and if I were watching, I would feel the same way there's been quite a bit said and done. And then some hard to understand opportunities to recover that have been passed up, so I'm really curious once it's all said and done to say, "Where'd it come from? What was it like to watch it? What are you feeling now? Have you had to defend it? Have you been getting support for it?" All kinds of things.

And I don't really know what questions I want to ask until we sit down. I'm certainly not in attack mode, I'm just curious. But I will not have to be the host anymore. I don't have to sit behind the wall of not being personal, or don't editorialize. I can be as personal as I want because when I'm hosting the reunion show, I have an opinion. Now I'm just a guy. The show is over, there's no million dollars at stake. So now I can ask questions the way I want, and I'm really curious to see how it goes.

Okay, tease next week's penultimate episode for us.

Mike has no option as we've left him, other than to break something open or continue to win. The game, I guess it's maybe not any different than any season in that you start to feel not paranoia, but the tightening of a body. Mike has the advantage of being able to play loose because he has nothing to lose. But the people who feel they have something to losethis allianceyou start to feel this pressure of, "What are we going to do? Is it going to be me? It can't be me, I know you don't want it to be you, but I don't want it to be me." It's like when a football team starts playing defensively, and they sit back on their heels rather than playing offensively. That's the only advantage I think Mike has, is, "Hey man, I've got nothing to lose I can say and do whatever I want to any of you because all of you want to vote me out."

The game has changed dramatically over the last five years, and we've never had this many seasons in a row where you didn't know what was going to happen. You just don't know. You can't predict right now. You can't. You don't know because there's too many variables, and people play too hard, and they'll change their minds at the last minute. And that's something that will be interesting in Second Chancers: if you have somebody from season 28, or 29 or 30 they just played this game. They're ready. And you go back to Kelly Wiglesworth in season 1the game was a walk then. You were skipping. People now have cleats on. They're sprinting. It's a completely different energy.

To watch an exclusive deleted scene from last night's episode, with Rodney discussing how he would be celebrating his birthday back home, just click on the video player below. Also make sure to read Dalton's full '
Survivor: Worlds Apart' recap, as well as his Q&A with Probst about the big twist for NEXT season. And also check out ourSecond Chance gallery featuring exclusive intel on each of the 32 contestants vying to be selected for the 'second chance' season. For more Survivor scoop, follow Dalton on Twitter @DaltonRoss.
Holy cow, the formatting was very poorly pasted over here. Hopefully it's more readable now.

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The big twist for the next season of Survivor was announced at the end of Wednesday night's Worlds Apart episode, and we've got the exclusive scoop from both host Jeff Probst and the people that will be competing to play.

Thirty-two former (and current) players comprise a pool from which fans will vote to determine the entire cast for next season. The voting takes place atcbs.com/survivorsecondchance. Unlike CBS' Big Brother: All-Stars season in 2006, in which viewers voted in only some cast members while the network and producers picked the rest (including Mike Boogie, who went on to win), this time, fans will pick all 20 players (the top 10 men and top 10 women) for the season, which will air in the fall.

Voting is open now, and goes until 9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20th, one hour into this season's finale. The cast will be announced that night at theWorlds Apart live reunion showall 32 nominees will be present, and they'll find out their fates live like everyone else. (You can hear from the entire pool of players right here.)

The 32 possible players (full list is below) all have two things in common: They have only played Survivor once, and none of them won in their first time out. Among the wannabe contestants are old-school selections like season 1 runner-up Kelly Wiglesworth (who lost the first million dollar check by one vote to Richard Hatch), Jeff Varner and Kimmi Keppenberg from season 2 (The Australian Outback), Andrew Savage (Pearl Islands), and Terry Deitz and Shane Powers (Panama). Also on the list are four names (Woo, Spencer, Kass, and Tasha) from the thrillingCagayan installment, as well as five faces from the current Worlds Apart season.

In fact, the inclusion of two particular Worlds Apart players could lead to a bit of controversy. While this next "Second Chance" season is clearly being billed as a contest for non-winners, two of the possibilities on the listCarolyn Rivera and Mike Hollowayare still in contention for Worlds Apart. The list, then, seems like a pretty major spoiler that neither of them will win their current season.

What does Probst have to say about that? Where did the inspiration for the twist come from? Is the host worried about giving viewers all that power? And should we expect that all the most current players will be voted in, similar to what happened on Big Brother?

We asked Probst all of that and more. Read on for his answers and then peruse the full list of eligible contestants below that. (Also make sure to check out our Survivor gallery to read exclusive pitches from the contestants themselves as they tell you how they will play differently their second time out, should they be selected to compete.) But first, here's my Q&A with the hostmaster general:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You guys have been listening to the fans a lot latelylike giving us three seasons in a row with all new playersand now you're giving the fans even more power by letting them pick your cast. Tell me how this new fan-voted twist came about.

JEFF PROBST: Well, like a lot of Survivor ideas, we've wanted to do this one for a long time because we knew we had a group of really good players who didn't last in the game long enough to warrant being put on an all-star type of season. But we believed they had great game inside them if they were to be given a second chance. So the key came down to timing, because we always wanted the fans to be the deciders in this group. We wanted the fans to make the decision, and then we immediately wanted to be able to go shoot the season. So this is the first time our shooting schedule has allowed us to pull that off, because we're actually shooting earlier in the year than we normally do. So it lined up. And the minute it did, we pitched it to CBS and they said, "This is great, this is the perfect time to do it. Let's do it."

What I love about it is that all the people competing for votes have only played once, so we're not getting folks that have played two or three times already. I have to imagine that was a conscious decision to keep it feeling fresh.

That was the point. The point was, we have all these great playerspeople that we liked enough to put on the showbut in most cases, they got cut earlytoo early to have made the jury. And if they didn't make the jury, then they probably weren't known enough to be an all-star. And yet, you would look at them and think, "Man though, they had great game. If they had just lasted a couple of more votes, who knows?" There's always going to be people who deserve a second shot because they just didn't get far enough the first time, for whatever reason. And then the no winners thing was the other part of itit's not a second shot if you've already won. So it was people who have only played once and have not won.

Big Brother did a fan voted all-stars season back in 2006, but only allowed the audience to pick half of the cast so they could make sure that certain players they really wanted in the show made it regardless of being voted in or not. Any concern about giving this much power to viewers to pick the whole cast?

We've been on so long that our philosophy has evolved. Six or seven or eight years ago, we would not have given them the power to choose everybody for the exact same reason you just said. But as more time goes on and as our relationship with our audience deepens, I'm certainly a proponent of taking bigger chances. You said at the top of this that we continue to let our fans be involved, and I like to have fun on Twitter and say, "I hate memory challenges." And then people go, "We love them! We love them!" And I'm like, "Okay, they'll be back." Those aren't do or die decisions.
The real truth is that fans are much better at telling you what they don't wantthey're not always so good at telling you what they do want. It's like [Henry] Ford said: "If I'd asked people what they wanted, they would've wanted a faster horse." I believe that to be true. Sometimes fans will say this is what we should do and they don't know what they're talking about. This is a case where the whole premise was based on picking people that we think either played a great game and it got cut off early, or they barely got started and we think they have a better game. Or, in the case of a couple of people, the first time they played, they were maybe lambedthey were virgins. And we feel like maybe they learned something and it'd be fun to watch them play a second timekind of like Amber when she came back and everybody said "Why Amber?" And I still remember Lynne Spillman and I talking and saying, "Because what if? What if she's figured it out? That would be fun to watch."

So that was kind of the idea from the beginning is, when we do this, let them choose. The power we had was putting the list together, and as people will see, we took some chances. We put some people on here that are obvious, and we put some people on there that fans may go, "Wow, really? Huh." It's your call: Who do you want to see? You pick!

One thing I remember from the Big Brother voting is that for the most part, the people voted in were all from very recent seasonsbecause, you know, out of sight out of mind. Are you concerned that you might get all very recent contestants, and that folks from the very early seasons like Kelly, Kimmi, Jeff Varner and others might not make it because of how long ago they were on the show?

I think that's a good question. In a perfect world, having Kelly Wiglesworthwho is the ultimate second chancer, because she was the first runner-up; she lost by one vote to Richard Hatch in the first season, so there's certainly a little bit of nostalgia for someone like Kelly that you'd love to seebut you give it to the fans. And the beauty is, the people who are watching the show are telling you who they want. So if they choose everybody from the last five seasons, let's go. I'm good with that. We have great people. I look at the people on this list and I'm happy to have any collection of 2010 men and 10 womenand really, honestly, ultimately I don't care. It'd be great if we had it diverse going back to season 1 all the way to season 30, because that would represent our entire run. But if that's not what they decide, that's okay. What was important to us was that we give you the choice. We're giving you people that span the globeit's up to you who you want.

You are calling this twist "Second Chance," and you clearly mentioned it's for people that did not win the first time around. But you have two people in Mike and Carolyn that are still in contention for the current season airing. By having them be potential contestants in a second chance season, isn't that a huge spoiler in big neon letters that they do not win this season?

Oh my God, I didn't even think of this! You've just caught me off guard! [Laughs] As you would expect from Survivor, we found a way to add a little twist, a little layer of mystery, into the Second Chance voting. So the definition of Second Chance is, contestants who have only played once and never won. So, that means either Mike and Carolyn both lost, or one of them could be, ultimately, ineligible.

So people could throw all of their voting into Carolyn, and then if she wins Worlds Apart, you have to tell them that their votes don't count? That's kind of a bummer for people wasting all that time voting for her!

Well, that's the way it goes. This is an interactive, fun game, and this is, in a way, like being blindsided. And the good news is, if it was Carolyn who won and she had a bunch of votes but wasn't able to play, then whoever was the eleventh woman would suddenly be in the game and that would be fun for them. It's just a fun way to do it, and I wouldn't want it any other way. There's like an implied agreement that everything that happens on Survivor will have some sort of "Huh, is that all there is to it? Or is there something else?"

Not to lobby, but I really think Shane Powers and Jim Rice would be fun to see again.

You are hitting on what we hope will happen, which is true fans will vote for people they remember. They may have to think for a minute, but I agree with youthat's why Jim Rice is on there, because he was a really interesting guy, very conniving, good player, but got voted out early. What would happen if he had lasted a few more weeks? Who knows? He could've been a perennial all-starthat's what fun about Second Chance. I can tell you one thing: from talking to these guys, there is a level of motivation that rivals even the most hardcore fan who finally gets on the show, because some of these peoplelike, Savage has been waiting since Season 6. That's what, 13 years or something like that? Pining over this, thinking over and over again. Kelly Wiglesworth thinking about one vote didn't change my lifethat one damn vote. And hers will have been almost 16 years. So those people have had a lot of time to think about it, and I think that makes the stakes for them really big. And yet, someone will still be the first person voted out of Second Chancers.

If Michael Skupin hadn't fallen in the fire, Jeff Varner's whole deal in Season 2 could have been completely different as well.

If Jeff Varner didn't step down for peanut butter! Jeff Varner said he has not had peanut butter since, and that was Season 2, fourteen plus years agobecause he stepped down and got voted out. And he got voted out on a rule that we used to have, which is if there was a tie, then whoever had the most total votes at that point went home. We since got rid of it, because it didn't really seem like that was an appropriate way to break a tiebreaker. So Varner could make the case that "I was voted out on something you guys don't even use anymore." Savage could make the case, "I got voted out on the Outcast twist," which I've said is one of the few times I think we blew it. So there are those kinds of stories, and then there are stories like Natalie, who played with Boston Rob and the story about her wasa lot of people would say she was just a young girl who was dragged to the end. But, in being dragged for 39 days, she was being dragged by one of the bestdid she pick anything up? I don't know. If you're interested, vote for her.

Woo kept saying after his season that he did not regret taking Tony to the end, and would do the same thing again. If he makes it back in, I would be fascinated to see if he would actually stick with that line of thinking or not.

Yeah, Woo is definitely a well-liked guy. The kids loved Woo. I've wonderedshould I be in an alliance with Woo? Or does he still have some resentment and bitterness and maybe that's a bad choice, I don't know. But he's a likeable guy. And all of the people we've mentioned so farif all of those people made it, I'd be through the roof. They're all greatno matter who you pick, I could give you a story about why I think they'd be fun.

So how is the announcement of who actually makes the cast going to work?

Here's how this is going to workyou vote up until the first hour of the finale when we're live. We're in Los Angeles, we kick off the show, we start running that last episode. And for an hour, the polls are still open.

Up until 9 p.m. Eastern.

Then they close. Then we finish this season, we have a reunion show, and in the audience will be the 32 people with their suitcases ready to go. And at the end of the reunion show, we will do a live reveal of the new cast and they will literally leave the studio, get on a bus, and start heading out. And what I love about these guys is they know thatthey know that it's going to be in front of everybody, and you're either in or you're out. And that speaks to what I talked about: that motivation. They don't care that they might be embarrassed by not getting the votes, because they want it bad enough that they're willing to risk that. That's a ballsy move, to sit in an audience on a live television show and know that you may be told yes or you may be told no. And if you're told no, it really is being voted out. The audience of your favorite show just told you, "We don't want to see you, sorry."


Kelly Wiglesworth

Season 1
Survivor: Borneo
Previous Finish: Runner-up

Jeff Varner

Season 2
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Previous Finish: 10th place

Kimmi Kappenberg

Season 2
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Previous Finish: 12th place

Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper

Season 3
Survivor: Africa
Previous Finish: 5th place

Andrew Savage

Season 7
Survivor: Pearl Islands
Previous Finish: 10th place

Shane Powers

Season 12
Survivor: Panama
Previous Finish: 5th place

Terry Deitz

Season 12
Survivor: Panama
Previous Finish: 3rd place

Peih-Gee Law

Season 15
Survivor: China
Previous Finish: 5th place

Stephen Fishbach

Season 18
Survivor: Tocantins
Previous Finish: Runner-up

Monica Padilla

Season 19
Survivor: Samoa
Previous Finish: 7th place

Natalie Tenerelli

Season 22
Survivor: Redemption Island
Previous Finish: 3rd place

Stephanie Valencia

Season 22
Survivor: Redemption Island
Previous Finish: 14th place

Jim Rice

Season 23
Survivor: South Pacific
Previous Finish: 12th place

Mikayla Wingle

Season 23
Survivor: South Pacific
Previous Finish: 14th place

Sabrina Thompson

Season 24
Survivor: One World
Previous Finish: Runner-up

Troy "Troyzan" Robertson

Season 24
Survivor: One World
Previous Finish: 8th place

Abi-Maria Gomes

Season 25
Survivor: Philippines
Previous Finish: 5th place

Brad Culpepper

Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 15th place

Ciera Eastin

Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 5th place

Vytas Baskauskas

Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 10th place

Kass McQuillen

Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: 3rd place

Spencer Bledsoe

Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: 4th place

Tasha Fox

Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: 6th place

Woo Hwang

Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: Runner-up

Jeremy Collins

Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
Previous Finish: 10th place

Keith Nale

Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
Previous Finish: 4th place

Kelley Wentworth

Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
Previous Finish: 14th place

Carolyn Rivera

Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: ??? (still in game)

Joe Anglim

Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: 10th place

Max Dawson

Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: 14th place

Mike Holloway

Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish:: ??? (still in game)

Shirin Oskooi

Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: 8th place

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huh...just doing some survivor googling i found that Caleb (colton's fiancee on blood vs water) died last year on a train derailment accident....
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No way...He seemed like a great guy.
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