That is a true statement, and I'm not exactly sure what that number is. I remember years ago when Bobby was head coach Anna Lubinsky and Nicki Mechem had to lay out a couple of "preseason" matches because of the possibility of running over the number of matches. But starting conference play all the girls playing have enough remaining games to play to get us through conference and the NCAA's. Tati and Jaycee intentionally were not taken to Rice earlier in the fall, nor did they play at the tournament Jordan put together in November to ensure the number wouldn't be surpassed. Florida will be a better test on Sunday it sure would be nice to have a big crowd out there for the girls. Not trying to look forward too much, but the match we have to get by is Georgia being played there. But watching them in Madison at the ITA's, line for line, I believe wholeheartedly that Georgia is going down this year against us. Plus, using the Rice doubles point as an example, on any given day, a smaller, weaker dog can rise up and take down a bigger one. The girls will and HAVE to come to play every single day.