I am at the tournament, by the time the final shot was miscalled by the ref there had to be close to 100 people crowding around Jeanette's court, most were Wisconsin people showing up for their upcoming match. The ONLY person who agreed with the ref's call was a person I assume is on Cal's coaching staff as the Cal head coach at one point motioned for this a**ho** to come down to the courts (only players and coaches are allowed on the courts during play). Nick's write up for the 12th Man site has to meet certain criteria, but believe me this had to be the WORST called tennis match in all the years I've been watching tennis. The Cal HC literally went onto the court and asked the ref, "You called that shot out, RIGHT?" Losing to a better opponent is one thing, but that is NOT what happened here. EVERYBODY around me was commenting about the Cal girl's style of play and to lose on a bad ref's call was totally demoralizing for even people up in the observation area. In all fairness, let it be known that Jeanette did get the benefit of an earlier REALLY bad call too, but the entire match was not hedging on it. By far and away the brightest spot of the match was doubles. All 3 courts were slicing up Cal like a scalpel. If we can continue that style of play, we are going to be VERY hard to beat.