Wayyyy back in the day, we used to do a chant that sent chills down the spine of our enemies, and made our venues sound nearly if not as haunting as Rock Chalk, I give you Farmers Fight.
Here is a quick history lesson for any of you who don't know what I'm talking about:
That's a quote from Colonel Walter S. Hunnicutt, the author of Texas Fight.
I would really really love to see us do something like this, apparently it was done during the days of D.X. Bible and subsequent years. Don't know why we stopped doing it.
So here is my full idea for the Redux Farmers Fight chant.
First, we would use Echo Taps, with the student section on the NE side beginning it, and the section on the SW side echoing it. I don't think we'd have to add anything to it to increase it's haunting feel, just chant it in the manner described above, no band or any other music used but the voices of the fans. If you need an idea of how this sounds see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81lD5sy-YdY(sorry about the topic of the aforementioned video, it was the best example I could find)
Using the current setup, IMO we have three choices for its use:
A. Before Player Introductions, like a little after we do the Spirit
B. Before our own Player Introductions, and after the Opposing Team Introductions.
- In this one, it would happen before the entrance video, and for full effect, when the lights are turned out.
C. When victory is in hand near the end of the game.
Personally, I would like to see it done with the second option. I think it would be too solemn to do it in the middle of the game (C).
Remember this is a song we used to do a LONG time ago, making it something unique to us, instead of us copying every other school's traditions.
[This message has been edited by Raggy09 (edited 2/3/2009 7:13p).]
Here is a quick history lesson for any of you who don't know what I'm talking about:
"Long before I entered The University of Texas in 1909 and until about the year 1928 the Aggies had one of the most effective and awe inspiring songs used by any student body any where any time. 'Farmers Fight' at that time was their sacred College song. ... It was to them what 'The Eyes of Texas' had always been to us. The song was a repetition of the words 'Farmers Fight' sung to the well known bugle call 'Taps' in the same slow tempo as the bugle call is used by the army for lights out at night.
That's a quote from Colonel Walter S. Hunnicutt, the author of Texas Fight.
I would really really love to see us do something like this, apparently it was done during the days of D.X. Bible and subsequent years. Don't know why we stopped doing it.
So here is my full idea for the Redux Farmers Fight chant.
First, we would use Echo Taps, with the student section on the NE side beginning it, and the section on the SW side echoing it. I don't think we'd have to add anything to it to increase it's haunting feel, just chant it in the manner described above, no band or any other music used but the voices of the fans. If you need an idea of how this sounds see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81lD5sy-YdY(sorry about the topic of the aforementioned video, it was the best example I could find)
Using the current setup, IMO we have three choices for its use:
A. Before Player Introductions, like a little after we do the Spirit
B. Before our own Player Introductions, and after the Opposing Team Introductions.
- In this one, it would happen before the entrance video, and for full effect, when the lights are turned out.
C. When victory is in hand near the end of the game.
Personally, I would like to see it done with the second option. I think it would be too solemn to do it in the middle of the game (C).
Remember this is a song we used to do a LONG time ago, making it something unique to us, instead of us copying every other school's traditions.
[This message has been edited by Raggy09 (edited 2/3/2009 7:13p).]