"Texas Fight"
"The Eyes of Texas" is frequently followed by another traditional song: "Texas Fight", known to LHB as "Taps". "Taps" is the official fight song of The University of Texas and was written by Colonel Walter S. Hunnicutt in collaboration with James E. King, then director of the Marlin High School Band. The words of the song as finally adopted, were written by "Blondie" Pharr, director of the Longhorn Band from 1917 to 1937. "Taps" is played following touchdowns and extra points at Texas football games as well as on thousands of other occasions.
From a 1952 letter by Colonel Walter S. Hunnicutt on the history of Texas Fight:
"I wrote 'Texas Fight' ... in an attempt to counteract the songs and yells of the Texas Aggies, which were not too complimentary to our Student Body and some of which tended to ridicule 'The Eyes of Texas'.
"Long before I entered The University of Texas in 1909 and until about the year 1928 the Aggies had one of the most effective and awe inspiring songs used by any student body any where any time. 'Farmers Fight' at that time was their sacred College song. ... It was to them what 'The Eyes of Texas' had always been to us. The song was a repetition of the words 'Farmers Fight' sung to the well known bugle call 'Taps' in the same slow tempo as the bugle call is used by the army for lights out at night.
"Returning to Marlin, TX after World War One I resumed my practice of attending most of the Texas foot-ball games, especially those with A. & M. It occurred to me that an effective way to strike back at the Aggies was to write a 'Texas Fight' song in answer to their 'Farmers Fight' using the same bugle call 'Taps' changed to lively march time and having 'Texas' throughout the song instead of 'Farmers'. 'Texas Fight' (Texas Taps) is the result."
The lyrics for "Texas Fight" are as follows:
Texas Fight, Texas Fight,
And it's goodbye to A&M.
Texas Fight, Texas Fight,
And we'll put over one more win.
Texas Fight, Texas Fight,
For it's Texas that we love best.
Hail, Hail, The gang's all here,
And it's good-bye to all the rest!
Yea Orange! Yea White!
Yea Longhorns! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Texas Fight! Texas Fight,
Yea Texas Fight!
Texas Fight! Texas Fight,
Yea Texas Fight!
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
All the livelong day.
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
You cannot get away.
Texas Fight, Texas Fight,
For it's Texas that we love best.
Hail, Hail, The gang's all here,
And it good-bye to all the rest!
Note: The line, "Hail, Hail, the gang's all here" is usually replaced with "Give 'em hell, Give 'em hell, Go Horns Go!"