Guys, come on. I appreciate Jayhawk's concern, and if anyone should comment on a chant, it should be someone from KU.
Jayhawk, believe me, everything you have talked about on here has been taken into consideration. We know that there is a good chance of it failing, but from what we have seen here, this has chance, albeit maybe not as good as something else, but it has a good chance of working because of it's history.
Having said that, Jayhawk, regardless of your stance, it has been put in motion for this to be implemented. So thank you for your concern, but that is all. Everyone else, don't turn this thread into a flame fest, he's obviously on here for a reason as are we.
That and TexAgs is really the only real message board that you can have intelligent conversations on, so I can understand why he is here. (yeah I said it.)
[This message has been edited by Raggy09 (edited 2/11/2009 4:35p).]