Look at this school, believe me, we know the significance of Taps. You do not have to try to educate us on that, we got it.
What you fail to understand is that we are not creating something new here. We are not simply putting words to an existing song, as it seems to you. This Farmers Fight to the tune of Taps is the original Song of Texas A&M before the War Hymn and the Spirit were written. This is nothing new, it is something we used to do a long time ago.
You may think it is a fail, but I can guarantee you that if you didn't have Rock Chalk, and tried to instill that in the present era, you would have an extremely hard time doing so because of it's simplicity and rhyming scheme.
You want the actual history of it? Read the OP, or check here:
http://www.music.utexas.edu/LonghornBand/History/Songs.aspxDemonstrating it to yourself out loud is redundant. A single person does not make a chant sound haunting, even Rock Chalk wouldn't with a single person, so don't try to use that logic there.
Look Jayhawk, over 800 people support this idea, many Athletes included. That alone warrants the notion of bringing this back.
ZIP '09