As a diversion, let us know if you have any holdings currently in your portfolio that have appreciated over 1000% since purchase. These are commonly known as tenbaggers, and are never a bad thing. If you would like to share your justification for continuing to hold them, feel free, but the purpose here is mainly to celebrate your rare good fortune (or wise judgment, however you choose to look at it)
My current crop:
PLUG - with today's action, I have achieved (on paper) the rare twenty-bagger. Up 2043% since 2013.
ORCL - eleven-bagger. This is simply the value of a blue chip buy-and-hold, as it was purchased in 1997.
AMZN - on tenbagger watch, up 940% since a 2013 purchase
Your tenbaggers?
My current crop:
PLUG - with today's action, I have achieved (on paper) the rare twenty-bagger. Up 2043% since 2013.
ORCL - eleven-bagger. This is simply the value of a blue chip buy-and-hold, as it was purchased in 1997.
AMZN - on tenbagger watch, up 940% since a 2013 purchase
Your tenbaggers?