I'm not a indoor cycling fan, but my wife got us a Peloton after we stopped working out after baby #2.
I'm trying to figure out if they're a company or a product (or products), but they are definitely different than a typical workout bike. For one, I think it's safe to say they have the best/most famous instructors. Second, they have quite a community - I don't know if it's too early to tell if it's like GoPro (something I would short) or Starbucks. They have a new treadmill, yoga/cardio workouts, and supposedly are coming out with a row machine.
I think it's safe to say their $$$ are going to come from the subscription service, not the hardware. And I don't think they're competing with other workout bikes - I think they're getting people who don't have the flexibility to do camp gladiator or orange theory. Now they're the hot name - Lebron, Curry, Rory McElroy all post about their Peloton workouts. Tons of older former athletes post about them, too.
On my wife's team of 4 other people, 2 of them purchased a bike in April. When someone uses your referral code you get $100 to spend on merchandise and the overpriced store has been consistently sold out. I think they're killing it short term, but I don't know if that's already factored in.