I witnessed the worst referee moment in my 48 years on this earth tonight.
Belton Vs. Lake Girls varsity. At Belton. Yes it's a big rivalry. Yes the boys parents had a fight in the stands four years ago. This is the girls. and those people have long since moved on.
BHS has maybe 40 students in the stands, all of whom are sitting within 30 feet of their principal, two assistant principals, two school security guards, and maybe five teachers. Not to mention all the parents to their right. Anyway a few of them were being loud, but funny. They were mostly yelling at the field for being grass and having a crown causing the ball to roll out of bounds(this is legendary at this field. Its really not that bad). That's kind of an old tradition. But they said nothing directly at the ref and whatever they yelled it was funny and not remotely inappropriate. No cussing. Nothing insulting to players. I heard every word and there was nothing.
About 15 minutes into the game the AD and a Belton cop very reluctantly and on orders from the ref had three of them removed. The principal was livid. The APs and teachers were livid. The opposing team's parents were dumbfounded. But the AD said that he had no choice because if he didnt run them they would have to forfeit.
OK. So lets send three 17 yo boys, who are behaving just fine at a school function, out on the street because a ref thought he might have heard something he maybe didn't like?
The AD had an at length one way conversation with the guy at halftime. But he just sat there with a smug smile on his face as if telling him there is nothing he can do about it. And the sad part is he was right. There was nothing anybody could do, and he couldn't care less.
That ref has zero business being involved in any way with our kids. Zero. He sent three kids out on the street and basically made his profession look awful and probably went home thinking he did the right thing. Total idiot. This sport needs to purge themselves of guys like him.
I wish I knew his boss.
Belton Vs. Lake Girls varsity. At Belton. Yes it's a big rivalry. Yes the boys parents had a fight in the stands four years ago. This is the girls. and those people have long since moved on.
BHS has maybe 40 students in the stands, all of whom are sitting within 30 feet of their principal, two assistant principals, two school security guards, and maybe five teachers. Not to mention all the parents to their right. Anyway a few of them were being loud, but funny. They were mostly yelling at the field for being grass and having a crown causing the ball to roll out of bounds(this is legendary at this field. Its really not that bad). That's kind of an old tradition. But they said nothing directly at the ref and whatever they yelled it was funny and not remotely inappropriate. No cussing. Nothing insulting to players. I heard every word and there was nothing.
About 15 minutes into the game the AD and a Belton cop very reluctantly and on orders from the ref had three of them removed. The principal was livid. The APs and teachers were livid. The opposing team's parents were dumbfounded. But the AD said that he had no choice because if he didnt run them they would have to forfeit.
OK. So lets send three 17 yo boys, who are behaving just fine at a school function, out on the street because a ref thought he might have heard something he maybe didn't like?
The AD had an at length one way conversation with the guy at halftime. But he just sat there with a smug smile on his face as if telling him there is nothing he can do about it. And the sad part is he was right. There was nothing anybody could do, and he couldn't care less.
That ref has zero business being involved in any way with our kids. Zero. He sent three kids out on the street and basically made his profession look awful and probably went home thinking he did the right thing. Total idiot. This sport needs to purge themselves of guys like him.
I wish I knew his boss.
The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.