Who doesn't love to see INSTANT KARMA served?
Well, I witnessed it firsthand this morning. My daughter and I went out for as short trip because we had a funeral to attend at 2. We were poling down a shoreline, checking some guts, or drains, for redfish feeding on bait flowing out on the tide.
As we poled up the shoreline a bay boat came running the shore going the opposite direction. I thought they were certainly inconsiderately close, considering they had the whole bay to run, but whatever, they went on and I just mumbled a bit under my breath. About 20 minutes later were coming up on a drain, about 100 yards away, and here come the same guys from behind us, still burning the shore; they go out around us again, but this time they dip right into the drain dead ahead. Directly in our path.
Now I was pissed. What a douchy move. They had seen us twice, they knew what we were doing and decided to cut us off within hailing distance. One bailed off one side of the boat and one off the other, wading. As we got closed the distance to about half I told my daughter I was going to pole right by their boat and continue up the shore. There was no need to get on top - we'd just pole right past them, between guy #2 and the boat, and be on our way. This wasn't going to ruin our stalk.
However, when we got within 100 feet they had made their way back to the boat in a hurry and, you guessed it, decided they get up. That REALLY pissed me off. First they cut us off and then REALLY sh*t on us by blowing out. Their problem was...
they couldn't get up. They tried. They tried again. As we got closer they tried a third time... no luck. We practically had to hold up to keep clear of whatever was about to happen or get splashed with mud.
They jumped off and started pushing frantically to avoid closer contact with us. I couldn't help it. As we poled past them in their mud ball I pointed to the intercostal a mile away and said "Hey guys, deep water is that way". They never made eye contact, they just raised a single hand each acknowledging the communication. My daughter said I did laugh audibly for the purpose of them hearing me... I think I was just laughing sincerely, but either way - they deserved to be laughed at by this time.
This was them after we were well past and my frustration gave way to gloating.

But Karma is a b*tch because sometimes it's the gift that keeps giving. This was a good 20 mins later, after they had tried unsuccessfully in at least 3 other spots to get on plane, they were STILL PUSHING. I'll bet they pushed well over half a mile.

I don't own the water. They were well within their legal rights to cut me off, even if it was a douchbag move, and I am well within mine to shame them accordingly, and share such with my internet friends. I didn't take a picture of a single fish, but I did take a picture of them pushing a dang nice bay boat that was just a bit out of its depth. They provided the entertainment for the day.