Took several days off to celebrate America, and spent a lot of that freedom at the beach. I have the gate code to a local park, which means 24/7 access and avoiding crowds by fishing when the park is closed.

Saw this shark in the backcountry. There were twin dorsal fins, so I was hoping it was a smalltooth sawfish, but it was probably a big lemon shark.

Fresh sea turtle tracks are pretty common this time of year. It's cool to be the first person to see them though. Soon the whole beach will have temporary protective cages marking each nest.

I usually stand high on the sand and slowly stroll a couple of miles while scanning for snook. They'll get real snug to the beach and lay where the retreating wave hits the newest incoming wave.
If there's a bad glare, I'll get my feet wet and peer through the crests. Each incoming wave will have a temporary window with highlights and shadows, and sometimes a fleeting glimpse of a snook. This pic doesn't do the scene justice.

As far as catching a snook goes, I'm still trying to figure out what works best. Casting a fly right on their head actually works... unless they see the line in the air and bolt before the fly lands. I love Royal Wulff BTT, but use Airflo Ridge Clear Tropical on the beach.
When it all comes together, it's glorious.
My buddy and I ended up with a dozen snook, a big jack and several ladyfish over the week. Unfortunately my gopro pics didn't come out, so I only have some cell phone pics.

And this older gopro pic.