AggieArcher17 said:
4X4 F-150, and I use it!
Lots of off the beaten path wade in spots between San Luis pass and the Colorado River (Matagorda). Not a bad drive down from CS to that area either.
Galveston has good fishing but it's tough to get away from other people there, so I tend to go elsewhere. You may enjoy it, and there's lots of tips on the OB for fishing west galv. by foot.
Here's a nice flat at Mitchells cut in Sargent. Parts of it are soft mud but usually if you hug the bank you'll be ok. It's close to a pass to the Gulf so it gets good current movement which means the reds like it there.

There's a similar flat by Bryan beach and the mouth of the Brazos. You can also go north from Sargent to cedar lakes area (hard driving). A pass was open to Gulf at one point which should have given some good fishing.
Matagorda is probably your best bet. Tons of walk in wade spots from matagorda beach to East matty. You'll have to explore and experiment until you find the sandy bottom areas. I've done most of my exploring around brown cedar cut but there are sand bottoms and grass beds sprinkled along the beach side shore of EMB. You also have the option of hitting the surf if you see cruising jacks or the water is trout green.
Google Earth is your friend. You're a good drive away from the coast, so scout as much as you can on GE before you go.
If you end up in the tine after graduation (May 17?) hit me up. Sometimes I'm looking for a fluff chucker to fill the skiff last minute.