As you all can see, the trip to Grand Isle was a success. The crew was Harris Dudley from Charleston, SC (great low country guide too), Rob (my twin brother), Kevin (kbo above) and me. We rolled out there in Rob's 3/4 ton Sprinter, amazing roadtrip mobile with hopes of seeing a few big fish. My goal was to break into a 20+ pound fish.
Day one we were met with clear skies and good wind. Harris and I fished Jarid's boat and between the two of us brought in 7 fish from the 12-27 pound range. My largest was 18.5 pounds - so close but so far away. That after oon we chased 10-20 pound fish tailing on oyster beds. It is insane how many different conditions you can fish there, floaters, tailers, marsh, open water flats etc...
Day two was tough - overcast and rainy - but the fish were floating well and Kbo and I managed to find a few fish on the islands. My first toad was caught blindcasting into some nervous mullet - 26.5 pounds of redfish that took the Mako pretty deep into her backing.
My second fish was floating off an island, made a nice 35 foot cast and got a follow all the way to the boat without an eat. The fish must have felt the boat and sucked down into the bottom but couldn't resist my fly as I drug it across the bow. Initially we didn't think he as that big but when he finally woke up and rolled his bowling ball sized head across the top of the water we knew he was solid. Cranked down on the Mako's drag which worked flawlessly and worked him in hard to keep him away from the handful of nat gas wells in the immediate area. 32 pounds. Dirty thirty- insane.
Day three met us with the worst conditions of the day - LOW tide, stiff north wind and temps in the 40's. We gave it a quick go but the fish weren't cooperating and it was not fun fishing conditions at all. Called it early and got on the road at a more manageable time to roll back to Seabrook.
Jarid and Baron do it first class. This ain't a fishing cabin, the house is NICE, they are both superb guides, and if any of you are even remotely considering this trip I 100% encourage you to book with these dudes. There are still dates available Jan-Mar. Go out there. Now!