Fished Gordy & Son's Galveston Classic. 25 skiffs, all jumping from Harborwalk fishing mostly the same waters under overcast conditions for two slotties with sheepy and speck side pots... what a relaxing way to spend a Saturday

Jumped back into a marsh early to look for feeding fish. I knew water clarity would be crap but we didn't have enough light to care anyway. Low tide buffet as the reds were blowing up shrimp on the marsh grass all around us but they were super spooky. We had to change our strategy a bit and focused on finding fish in ponds across from the creeks we were in, essentially casting in ponds over the grass... this was the only way we got these back-marsh fish to eat without disappearing from feeling the boat. The final tally for the marsh, 3 redfish, 18.5", 19.5", 22". Oh, and a first for me - an alligator gar which my buddy swore up and down was a big redfish as he was casting at it. Gnarly fish but smells like a pig farm and bleeds like you can't believe. Two showers later, I think I can still smell it.
Jumped out of the marsh halfway through the day and figured we'd check out the parade on the grass flats in the bay... To my surprise, the flat was empty save for a few conventional guys wading the outside for trout so we tucked in and got back at it. The grass is so thick this year that we had to change flies... I know it's not the most beautiful choice but gold spoon with wire weed guard is hard to beat in that grass. We saw a few singles, stumbled on a couple small tailers and then off in the distance I saw a slight disturbance moving towards our drift. Sure enough, a school of about 10 fish were terrorizing the flat and we yanked out another 22" fish. Now we were totally on the board! Another 250 yards up we spotted another school moving our way! This would be it! We were already on the board, just playing for lay now! Great cast, immediate take, great strip set... everything perfect except we needed the beautiful fish to grow another 5" to be inside the slot.
So goes fishing. We placed 4th and took home no hardware.
Really great time. Some awesome skiffs and even better people out there.