Overdue Trip Report- MT Carp/ Mexico Tarpon!
I do some work in North Dakota and occasionally have an opportunity to drive to Fort Smith, Montana with coworkers and do some trout fishing on the Bighorn River. (yea, freshwater... this was a setup for the next trip, bear with me!)
Much of the West has had significant snowfall this winter and there has been a lot of runoff this spring/ summer. Bighorn Reservoir straddles Montana and Wyoming and has tremendous storage capacity. We were paying attention to the releases and were excited to see the flow drop under 10,000 cfs and figured we would have a great trip nymph fishing from drift boats. Because of the tremendous runoff, they have been filling and releasing water so quickly, the average water temperature is higher than normal and the trout fishing has been terrible. We met out guides and they asked "Do you want to do some carp fishing?" Heck yea, it's on!

The carp were cruising the lake looking for ants in the morning and cicada's around mid-day.

We were in drift boats, rowing around on Bighorn Reservoir sight casting to rising carp! Some of these guys could be chased down and many were caught carefully waiting for them to rise and send a cast 2-6' from their head and wait for a very slow take.

We had a number of "doubles", was a great time preparing for the next adventure- Tarpon!

Thought we were going to Belize but the flights were full (Bags packed, ready to go but where?) A friend dropped off a spare 8 wt rod while we were checking options from Boise, Idaho to Chile! We quickly found open flights to Merida, Mexico and developed a plan to fish in Campeche, Mexico. A quick call to the US rep of Campeche Tarpon yielded a driver, hotel room and two spots on a boat at 5:30 am the next morning. Travel went well and we met the owner the next morning in our lobby and were quickly shuttled to the marina. Rule one compliant- Wife was the first to land a big "Baby Tarpon"!

Landed a few myself

Campeche, Mexico is a beautiful city with many buildings that go back to the 1500's. The people are very friendly and we felt comfortable walking everywhere.

You can't go to the Yucatan peninsula without visiting Mayan ruins. This is Edzna, about an hour from Campeche

The food was fantastic, the margaritas strong and all of this was pretty cheap!

Enough sight seeing, time to catch some tarpon! The Tarpon were pretty active in the morning and as many of you know, even the "Babies" put on a hell of a fight.

Here is the biggest Tarpon we landed. Picked this guy up in the afternoon with a fast 20' cast to a spooky fish. He chased it down and game on! When he came out of the water the first time, I swear he was 5' in the air. His first move was towards some underwater limbs (Pulled him over) then back towards the shelter of the Mangroves. As I played the fish, our guide poled us into safer water, great fun and teamwork.

Solid boats, we were able to get into some fairly skinny water and great guides.

Campeche has a beautiful board walk perfect for an evening stroll. We saw many large fish feeding about 100 yds offshore as we walked at night.

This is a great trip for couples, as there is plenty of non fishing activities. We are already planning a return trip with some fishing friends!