120 Days is outstanding. I've been doing something similar this year. Someone uncovered my trusty tarpon spot and things slowed down, so I went on a mission for a new tarpon nirvana.
Used Google maps to search for coastal ponds, creeks and tidal flood zones. Ended up walking about 17 miles in various locations over a couple weekends.

Some places looked good on a map, but were total busts..

And some places only had ducks..

Or bass...

Kept carrying my gear all over the Everglades and beyond, trying to find clues of tarpon. Of course I never saw rollers, that would be too easy. But I did find places where sawgrass gave way to mangroves, and bluegill were replaced by needlefish and mojarra.

Gar were everywhere

This gator stayed in the current of a shallow creek and ate several gar. Very cool to watch up close.

And since this isn't a gar thread, I eventually went back to the beginning and found poon where I originally left 'em. Same spot as always. They just didn't want to bite until dark, which means extra thermacells and a headlamp.

Working on night moves..