Both the scope and scale of the waste, fraud, and abuse in our federal government is staggering. I knew it was bad, but would never have imagined it could be like this.
I'm beginning to seriously think that the annual deficit could be completely wiped out just by eliminating the wfa without any increase in revenues. It's that bad.
It is infuriating beyond belief to think that every penny I have and will pay in taxes for my entire lifetime went to ship condoms to some foreign craphole, or to train foreign rappers to be subversives for the state department, or to pay left wing news organizations to undermine our republic, or to line the pocket of some Marxist, anti-American globalist leach.
Now that the genie is out of the bottle, Trump has no choice but to finish this or the American public will never trust the federal government again. And it has to be surgical, comprehensive, and lightning fast or the swamp will figure out a way to survive for another day. Washington has to be completely dismantled and the bad actors removed and either sent home or to prison. Our federal government has to be downsized to the bare minimum number of employees needed that will enable us to follow the principles outlined in the Constitution and nothing more.