Muh Polls

60,474 Views | 763 Replies | Last: 14 min ago by GenericAggie
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Yep, basically this.

And even the people that know deep down in their hearts that there was some heinious **** that happened last election that has never happened in the history of our country, yet they wand-wave it away by saying "well, 81M people didnt vote for a senile pedophile, but 81M people just voted against Trump cause they hate him that badly".

Conveniently, they also ignore that Trump received 6 million more votes than his previous election, and that he is the only incumbent president in history to gain votes and lose.
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FireAg said:

mlb87 said:

I think we all know that Trump doesn't have a chance in November. The Dem's will find a way to win.
I don't "know" that at all...

I have been saying for almost a year now that the cheat will be harder if the race is outside most polling MOE's...

If it is within polling MOE's in November, then game on...just like 2020...
You think because the cheat will be "harder" somehow, that this will get Trump in the White House again? So when the MSM and Dems say that Biden got 85-90 million votes, because they counted all of those "mail-in" ballots, that somehow the GOP voters are going to all get together and say' "Nope, this is not right." and that the authorities and legislatures and justices are going to be on the GOP's side to get Trump back?
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Probably about +4 to +5 for the Democrat since Quinnipiac leans left and always has.

But it goes to show, MAGA can win primaries, but they are toxic in the general because in MAGA, the loudest, craziest voice is the one which they fall in love with. In the general, most people see a whack job and won't vote for him or her.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
oh no
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Robinson is great. He's not crazy or a whack job. The brainwashed masses think he's crazy because pravda says he's crazy. Don't want to send another hundred billion dollars to Ukraine? You're crazy. You think the American government should put American citizens first? You're crazy. Don't think biological males should compete in female sports? You're crazy. You think late-term abortion is crazy? No. You're the crazy one. "Far right wing extremist" "ultra maga republicans" are only crazy because pravda says so, and the mobs and echo chambers on reddit, x, fb, etc. repeat it over and over and over.
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Biden now leading Trump to win the Presidency in majority of polls and online betting.

We told you so.

The country is collapsing and 82 year old Biden still beats Trump again
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LMCane said:

Biden now leading Trump to win the Presidency in majority of polls and online betting.

We told you so.

The country is collapsing and 82 year old Biden still beats Trump again
TDS fully deployed.
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And yes a child authored the Newsweek article. Nice follow there with an experienced rational reporter.


Kate Plummer

Kate Plummer is a Newsweek reporter based in London, U.K. Her focus is on U.S. politics and national affairs, and she is particularly interested in the impact of social policy decisions on people as well as the finances of political campaigns, corruption, foreign policy, democratic processes and more. Prior to joining Newsweek, she covered U.K. politics extensively.

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I got the most important poll of 2024 right here:

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19% is laughable. I'm ordering quarter sawn oak bedroom furniture for one of my kids. That price is up 60% compared to when I ordered another set before Biden.
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bobbranco said:

LMCane said:

Biden now leading Trump to win the Presidency in majority of polls and online betting.

We told you so.

The country is collapsing and 82 year old Biden still beats Trump again
TDS fully deployed.
TDS is so old, so worn, and so stupid. For heaven sake come up with something new. Whether you like it or not Trump was not a good pick to get the toxic DemoRats out of office. Totally fair for real conservatives to point this out. Maybe its you that has RDS Or Reality Derangement Syndrome. Reality and boot licking have little in common.

That said I agree with Newsweek being total lefty trash. That doesn't change the fact Trump is a weak candidate against what should be a blow out win for the R's

RDS- interesting how that acronym aligns with a certain persons initials
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Trump is up 2.7 still in battleground states (those being really the only ones that matter).

Sorry commies, your dementia traitor is going to lose. Badly.
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LMCane said:

Biden now leading Trump to win the Presidency in majority of polls and online betting.

We told you so.

The country is collapsing and 82 year old Biden still beats Trump again

Hillary says hello!
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ttu_85 said:

bobbranco said:

LMCane said:

Biden now leading Trump to win the Presidency in majority of polls and online betting.

We told you so.

The country is collapsing and 82 year old Biden still beats Trump again
TDS fully deployed.
TDS is so old, so worn, and so stupid. For heaven sake come up with something new. Whether you like it or not Trump was not a good pick to get the toxic DemoRats out of office. Totally fair for real conservatives to point this out. Maybe its you that has RDS Or Reality Derangement Syndrome. Reality and boot licking have little in common.

That said I agree with Newsweek being total lefty trash. That doesn't change the fact Trump is a weak candidate against what should be a blow out win for the R's

RDS- interesting how that acronym aligns with a certain persons initials
Get a grip on reality because RDS was my first pick but he did not gain traction. But no way in hell will I spend my time until election pissing and moaning like a little girl because I dislike Trump. The opponent, the puppet Biden, is the enemy not Trump. But keep up the discord, assist Biden and maintain the high level of poltroonery..
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Rapier108 said:

Probably about +4 to +5 for the Democrat since Quinnipiac leans left and always has.

But it goes to show, MAGA can win primaries, but they are toxic in the general because in MAGA, the loudest, craziest voice is the one which they fall in love with. In the general, most people see a whack job and won't vote for him or her.
so now because we have yet another awful MAGA nominee. we are going to lose North Carolina

serious question for the Trumpers:

is there ANY amount of losing that will cause you to rethink your blind support for all Trump all the time?

November will be 2 Presidential elections, and four Congressional elections worth of losses. losing easy Senate seats. losing a chance at large GOP House Majority.

and the GOP has fewer Governors and fewer State Houses since Trump was first elected in 2016.

How many losers will you continue to support?
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Your hate sadly corrupts your analysis and renders your opinions worthless.
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Do you not understand? We're trying to vote out Biden. What is your problem with that? Unless you're a Biden man. Please answer.
oh no
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Would you care to list the awful things about Lt. Governor Robinson and why he's a terrible choice for North Carolina republicans to nominate for the governor race despite his popularity and then tell us all about the amazing conservative that got his ass kicked by Robinson in the primary in NC?

I think Stein is up in polling because of his support for baby murdering. R's need to stop bickering about america first vs "true" conservatives, support the nominees because it's too late now, and focus on defeating the physcosocialists.
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Eh. Polls said Hilary would win too. Don't put too much stock into them.
Buy a man eat fish, he day, teach fish man, to a lifetime.

- Joe Biden

I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris
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bobbranco said:

ttu_85 said:

bobbranco said:

LMCane said:

Biden now leading Trump to win the Presidency in majority of polls and online betting.

We told you so.

The country is collapsing and 82 year old Biden still beats Trump again
TDS fully deployed.
TDS is so old, so worn, and so stupid. For heaven sake come up with something new. Whether you like it or not Trump was not a good pick to get the toxic DemoRats out of office. Totally fair for real conservatives to point this out. Maybe its you that has RDS Or Reality Derangement Syndrome. Reality and boot licking have little in common.

That said I agree with Newsweek being total lefty trash. That doesn't change the fact Trump is a weak candidate against what should be a blow out win for the R's

RDS- interesting how that acronym aligns with a certain persons initials
Get a grip on reality because RDS was my first pick but he did not gain traction. But no way in hell will I spend my time until election pissing and moaning like a little girl because I dislike Trump. The opponent, the puppet Biden, is the enemy not Trump. But keep up the discord, assist Biden and maintain the high level of poltroonery..
Agree, Biden and everything he represents is the enemy. Nobody on our side has said otherwise. Thats is why its odd people would put pity for Trump over surely beating a mindless moron like Biden and his demoRats.

Pointing out Trumps mistakes is not "assisting" the demRats. Only in a boot lickers mind is that even a thought. The "little girls" that ***** and moan" are the ones that scream TDS ! TDS ! anytime anyone is critical of dear leader. Trump makes mistakes and he is soft on the demoRats and should be called out accordingly.

I have observed that Trump is full of piss and vinegar when battling other conservatives and republicans but goes easy on Biden and other rats. Why is that ?

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TDS is so old, so worn, and so stupid. For heaven sake come up with something new.
It is all they have at this point. They all throw it out at even the slightest criticism of Trump, even when that criticism is totally justified.

Truly, due to how it is used constantly to attack other members, it should fall under the ad hominem rule (only in reference to another poster) like numerous other things which started out fine, and later were considered by the staff to have crossed the line.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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ttu_85 said:

I have observed that Trump is full of piss and vinegar when battling other conservatives and republicans but goes easy on Biden and other rats.

Another who grossly misunderstands primary politics and team politics. And Trump should always call out those who are not team members. But keep whining and sow the discord.
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Rapier108 said:


TDS is so old, so worn, and so stupid. For heaven sake come up with something new.
It is all they have at this point. They all throw it out at even the slightest criticism of Trump, even when that criticism is totally justified.

Truly, due to how it is used constantly to attack other members, it should fall under the ad hominem rule (only in reference to another poster) like numerous other things which started out fine, and later were considered by the staff to have crossed the line.

Maybe because you have it so bad. Enjoy Biden again.
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techno-ag said:

Eh. Polls said Hilary would win too. Don't put too much stock into them.
Hilary did win the popular vote; she just lost the important swing states. Whether that happens in 2024 remains to be seen.
Old McDonald
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not really sure why we bother with public polling after the last 10 years

case in point, a poll out of MN yesterday had trump leading biden with under 30 voters by 30 points, after losing them by 25 points in 2020. even factoring in youth anger over israel there's no world in which that's believable.
oh no
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Old McDonald said:

not really sure why we bother with public polling after the last 10 years

case in point, a poll out of MN yesterday had trump leading biden with under 30 voters by 30 points, after losing them by 25 points in 2020. even factoring in youth anger over israel there's no world in which that's believable.
that part that's not believable is biden winning the under 30 vote in MN by 25 points in 2020 with legitimate legal votes.

as long as minneapolis is still mass-mailing out all the ballots, i wouldn't trust a poll that has Trump winning, even if it truly reflects the sentiment among likely voters in the state of MN.
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Quinnipiac poll today from shows Trump with only a TWO point lead in North Carolina.

if that happens, no way he wins Arizona and Georgia and Pennsylvania.
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techno-ag said:

Eh. Polls said Hilary would win too. Don't put too much stock into them.
could you tell Donald Trump that please?

considering for eight long years he basically talks about his polling numbers more than any actual policy.
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Ag_0112358132134 said:

Very informative OP. It seems like most people on this board don't realize that this country is about to go irreversibly democrat in both houses of Congress and in the White House. After the next 4 years of complete democrat control, the elections will be so rigged, it won't matter if 90% of the population comes to its senses and starts voting Republican. The left will manufacture the votes they need to maintain control, and anybody questioning it will get a visit from the FBI.

There is not much we can do about it at this point, but everybody needs to be aware so they can plan accordingly.
The Democrats don't need to manufacture votes when Trump gets involved.
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An argument could be made that when it comes to Biden and Trump, nearly everyone has already made up their mind and more spending for advertising may not be of much help.

More spending on getting out the vote could definitely help.

More importantly, for the House and Senate elections, more spending for advertising could be a major factor. Putting RNC money to help those campaigns instead of channeling it to Trump to pay his legal fees and Melania's hair dresser could change the election.
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ttu_85 said:

Trump is so old, so worn, and so stupid. For heaven sake come up with something new.
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Rapier108 said:

the loudest, craziest voice is the one which they fall in love with. In the general, most people see a whack job and won't vote for him or her.
ALL Democrats are bigger whack jobs than MAGA so how do they keep winning even when they don't have a MAGA opponent?
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eric76 said:

Ag_0112358132134 said:

Very informative OP. It seems like most people on this board don't realize that this country is about to go irreversibly democrat in both houses of Congress and in the White House. After the next 4 years of complete democrat control, the elections will be so rigged, it won't matter if 90% of the population comes to its senses and starts voting Republican. The left will manufacture the votes they need to maintain control, and anybody questioning it will get a visit from the FBI.

There is not much we can do about it at this point, but everybody needs to be aware so they can plan accordingly.
The Democrats don't need to manufacture votes when Trump gets involved.

But they do
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LMCane said:

Quinnipiac poll today from shows Trump with only a TWO point lead in North Carolina.

if that happens, no way he wins Arizona and Georgia and Pennsylvania.
Then he's up by at least 5 because Quinnipiac has a long, proven track record of giving 3-5 points to the Democrat candidate.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
oh no
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PA is long gone and probably lost forever. Their mass-mailed ballots have minds of their own and have already determined that Venezuela 2.0 is better than the possibility of not crushing fetus skulls at will.
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