Muh Polls

60,552 Views | 764 Replies | Last: 22 min ago by agsalaska
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Not even the ******s like RoboJoe.

And even these stupid useful ******s will vote for him, en masse, in November. And then complain about how our country sucks.
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agsalaska said:

aggiehawg said:

texagbeliever said:

Back to Polls

Siena College poll has Biden up +8 in NY. For reference during the 2020 cycle that was 18.6 margin at its smallest and the last polls had Biden up +30. Actual results were Biden 60.7%, Trump 37.7% so Bident +23.

I'm not saying NY is going Red but that is just another confirmation of major alarm bells. That means Trump has to be getting close to 100% republicans and 100% independents.
I was thinking the other day if Trump won the popular vote but lost in the EC?

In the abstract that would not be the worst thing in the world.(other than four more years of Biden). The electoral college is one of if not the most important institution this country has. And it has been attacked for years by the Democrats. Other than the dumb dumb 'muh fraud' idiots, the rest of the Republicans would not delegitimize the winner of the electoral college because of a win in the popular vote like the Dems have. At least I don't think so.

Not trying to jab you here bc I respect you and your posting. And agree with your comment.

But L O effing L if you have any brain cell thinking this place wouldn't burn to the ground and prob never recover (likely just get axed by Brandon/staff) if that were to happen.

This place can already be insufferable for a guy that has zero liberal slants just doesn't go in lock step with the echo chamber.

Seriously though, this place would spark like a matchstick house and never be seen again if that happened haha
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WestHoustonAg79 said:

agsalaska said:

aggiehawg said:

texagbeliever said:

Back to Polls

Siena College poll has Biden up +8 in NY. For reference during the 2020 cycle that was 18.6 margin at its smallest and the last polls had Biden up +30. Actual results were Biden 60.7%, Trump 37.7% so Bident +23.

I'm not saying NY is going Red but that is just another confirmation of major alarm bells. That means Trump has to be getting close to 100% republicans and 100% independents.
I was thinking the other day if Trump won the popular vote but lost in the EC?

In the abstract that would not be the worst thing in the world.(other than four more years of Biden). The electoral college is one of if not the most important institution this country has. And it has been attacked for years by the Democrats. Other than the dumb dumb 'muh fraud' idiots, the rest of the Republicans would not delegitimize the winner of the electoral college because of a win in the popular vote like the Dems have. At least I don't think so.

Not trying to jab you here bc I respect you and your posting. And agree with your comment.

But L O effing L if you have any brain cell thinking this place wouldn't burn to the ground and prob never recover (likely just get axed by Brandon/staff) if that were to happen.

This place can already be insufferable for a guy that has zero liberal slants just doesn't go in lock step with the echo chamber.

Seriously though, this place would spark like a matchstick house and never be seen again if that happened haha
Maybe. I have said since this all started in 2020 that MAGA doesn't really care if they win or lose as long as they get to vote for Trump. And nothing has happened in the last three years that has changed that view.

So, to your point, if Trump won the popular vote and lost the elecotral college MAGA would predictably lose their collective minds about 'muh fraud.' I have zero doubt that they would cause mass hysteria.

So, fair enough. You are probably right. MAGA couldnt handle losing in any way. That I agree with. There is a 0% chance MAGA believes that they lose in 2024.
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Here is a nice poll. Lol

Trump could cure world hunger, or bring world peace and Democrats would hate it because it is Trump. Lol

Also proves TDS.

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will25u said:

Trump could cure world hunger, or bring world peace and Democrats would hate it because it is Trump. Lol


Remember, before June of 2015, Trump was an award winning ally of both the black community and the LGBT+ community. He's still the most pro-gay/trans President we have had. Biden would be if he had even a lone, working brain cell.

Since announcing back then, he's "literally Hitler".
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Kari Lake pulls even (or ahead 1??) in Arizona? Wow, if true, but I am skeptical. McCain angry widow gonna have to really spend some beer money to stop the GOP this cycle. I wonder if they'll have her cry at the DNC again this year about how mean Trump is.
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Trump is in a much better position than a lot of people are giving him credit for.
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hoov said:

Trump is in a much better position than a lot of people are giving him credit for.
Pray and hope you're right.
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With the popular vote looking close I wanted to see what are the deltas between 2020 actual poll results and 2024 polls (with some adjustment to bias of polls and undecideds clouding things up). I downloaded data from 538 (very easy to do) and also pulled 2020 actual results including votes cast by state. Those values are how i got the estimated voter number change impact below.

I define the Swing states as: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin.

The rest of the states i defined as R = Trump won in 2020 and D = Biden won in 2020.

Based on current polls here is what the impact of the current 2024 state polls means for total votes by State category (R, D, & Swing) versus 2020 results. So -1MM means forecasted 1 MM less votes across all the states in 2020 vs 2024.

Trump________-0.03MM____-1.8MM____-0.6MM = -2.5MM fewer votes then in 2020 (likely Kennedy impact & undecided voters still)

Biden________-1.7MM____-4.2MM____-5.1MM = -11.3MM fewer votes then in 2020. Similar things as Trump but at a much higher rate.

Obviously the ones that jump out are Trump's Swing & D vs Biden's Swing & D state poll implications.
In the swing states here is what Biden poll results imply (value is what Biden won 2020 election by):
Arizona: -370k votes (Biden won 10k votes)
Georgia: -181k votes (Biden won 12k votes)
Michigan: -208k votes (Biden won 154k votes)
Minnesota: -173k votes (Biden won 233k votes).
Nevada: -39k votes (Biden won 33.5k votes)
North Carolina: -420k votes (Biden lost 74k votes). Only state Trump is polling less votes, 25k less.
Pennsylvania: -240k votes (Biden won 81k votes)
Wisconsin: -108k votes (Biden won 21k votes)
Trump currently is polling to flip every swing state except for Minnesota. And hold North Carolina too.

If you look at the bigger picture the only people who don't seem to like Trump more in 2024 is really just the republican strongholds. Likely voters who are conservative but have the luxury of not voting for Trump and knowing that there is no penalty for such a vote in the EC outcome.

Hold fast onto hope. Good things are on the horizon!
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Is Rasmussen a Republican polling company?

Their latest poll shows Trump up 9 & 10 pts

I think this election is either gonna be a blowout by Trump or it's close again.

I have a feeling this is going to be a blowout and going to make Dem heads blowup.
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That's how we felt last election. Does anyone remember the thread that night where betting lines were almost impossible for Trump to lose....until about 3-5am? He was leading in almost every swing state by hundreds of thousands of votes.

The CIA has rigged elections all over the world, and last cycle we saw that they were not gunshy at all about doing it here to get the pro-Alphabet establishment ****** over the goal line...even if it required normalizing two or 3 weeks of counting votes , that has never been done before, to do it.
oh no
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Trump up 10 in mid June won't mean much once the candidate swap occurs.
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2023NCAggies said:

Is Rasmussen a Republican polling company?

Their latest poll shows Trump up 9 & 10 pts

I think this election is either gonna be a blowout by Trump or it's close again.

I have a feeling this is going to be a blowout and going to make Dem heads blowup.
Rasmussen favors Republicans, yes.
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oh no said:

Trump up 10 in mid June won't mean much once the candidate swap occurs.

I think they planned the debate so early to see if Biden can turn the tide. But if he blows it big time than the Dems pull him

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2023NCAggies said:

oh no said:

Trump up 10 in mid June won't mean much once the candidate swap occurs.

I think they planned the debate so early to see if Biden can turn the tide. But if he blows it big time than the Dems pull him

Define blow it? Lie out his old ass? Talk in circles? I honestly don't see how Biden doesn't fail, even if they think he succeeds
oh no
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If polls indicate the regime is still within rigging distance after the debate, maybe they roll with the same empty suit puppet. Otherwise, they payoff the geriatric's family for him to step away for "health" reasons. Convention delegates will know who the next chosen puppet is.
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Interesting that Trump is doing what a lot of other GOP presidential candidates have not done in the past. He's going straight to the heart of Democrat-land and really focusing on the cities in blue states. He's reaching out directly to the democrat base. He's not going to win the vote in those cities but all he really has to do is shave off something like 5-10% of the Dem vote in blue counties.

Zeldin thinks New York could be surprisingly close.
oh no
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And it's only possible for him to do this because the lowly plebes in the electorate aren't all quite as stupid as the elitists in the regime and their Pravda media arm think they are. People can see that Joe Biden is the worst president in our nearly 250 year history.
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there was a poll in New York that had Biden +8

if that happens then Trump wins the Presidency

on the other hand, last night's rally in Philly was in literally HALF the arena, the entire upper decks were closed off. so Trump was bragging in 2016 about how every arena he went to was lines outside in the snow with extra attendees who couldn't get in.

that may be an ominous sign. It was a philly crowd once again 95% white.
oh no
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LMCane said:

there was a poll in New York that had Biden +8

if that happens then Trump wins the Presidency

on the other hand, last night's rally in Philly was in literally HALF the arena, the entire upper decks were closed off. so Trump was bragging in 2016 about how every arena he went to was lines outside in the snow with extra attendees who couldn't get in.

that may be an ominous sign. It was a philly crowd once again 95% white.
this is what a real Philly crowd looks like for the hometown hero Joe Biden

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95% white. Sure thing.

Slotkin up only a couple in Michigan is again portentous of the battleground states offering a lot of room for Trump to over-perform if he is doing better with black voters this cycle. RCP has Democrats needing to run the table on all 9 toss ups to hold the senate right now.

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BadMoonRisin said:

That's how we felt last election. Does anyone remember the thread that night where betting lines were almost impossible for Trump to lose....until about 3-5am? He was leading in almost every swing state by hundreds of thousands of votes.

The CIA has rigged elections all over the world, and last cycle we saw that they were not gunshy at all about doing it here to get the pro-Alphabet establishment ****** over the goal line...even if it required normalizing two or 3 weeks of counting votes , that has never been done before, to do it.

I don't remember that but it sounds like the betting sites were just taking advantage of ignorant people. It was always clear that Biden was going to win to anyone who was paying attention. But I understand that a lot of people fall for wishful thinking.

The CIA take is just nonsense.
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They list Texas as a toss-up LOL what
oh no
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agsalaska said:

BadMoonRisin said:

The CIA has rigged elections all over the world,
The CIA take is just nonsense.
you disagree the CIA has rigged elections all over the world?

Zuckerberg told Rogan it was the FBI, our own government, that told FB to censor the Hunter Biden laptop, which contained proof of Joe's corruption, before it came out. Musk bought Twitter and let independent journalists release proof that the fbi and dnc pressured them to censor that laptop, too, and they wiped stories from the nation's longest running news publication founded by Alexander Hamilton. So much for "freedom of the press" and the 1st amendment. Then, the Biden campaign wrote a letter claiming the laptop containing proof of corruption was fake and got 51 government intel community members to sign off on it and got their Pravda media arm to perform fellatio on it as they disseminated the letter to the masses. You really think our own government doesn't work against the will of the people to rig our elections? They've already been working tirelessly since then to find crimes on the regime's opposition and Pravda has been feeding the masses with fake news about it for the next round of interference.
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It's called a Color Revolution, and they did it about a decade ago in the corrupt piss-ditch known as Ukraine to install Poroshenko. OUR (tax payers) dollars have been flowing into that country ever since.

Just another "coincidence", I am sure.

They even bragged about tipping the elections for Boris Yeltsin in the 90s and also bragged about "fortifying" the election in 2020 in our own country in Time Magazine.

You seriously cannot be this dim.
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And john brennan's part in russia, russia, russia.
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BadMoonRisin said:

It's called a Color Revolution, and they did it about a decade ago in the corrupt piss-ditch known as Ukraine to install Poroshenko. OUR (tax payers) dollars have been flowing into that country ever since.

Just another "coincidence", I am sure.

They even bragged about tipping the elections for Boris Yeltsin in the 90s and also bragged about "fortifying" the election in 2020 in our own country in Time Magazine.

You seriously cannot be this dim.

It's ridiculous to claim they would do it in the US.

That's it. Not going to debate it.
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50 ex-intelligence agreed to sign a bogus letter. Were they STUPID or COMPLICIT?

That's the only two options.
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It's a conversation for a different thread.

That's all.
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