"There Is No Climate Crisis"

87,095 Views | 928 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by oh no
oh no
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

wxmanX said:

that shows TWO in a 4 year period so far (2020-2023). Wow. I bet there were never more than TWO in a 4 year period. Oh wait.

'32-'35 = 5
'66-'69 = 3
'77-'80 = 3
'03'-06 = 6
'16-'19 = 6

We got a ways to go this season to even be the 4th most in the last 100 years.

responses like this don't help get more government or impoverish more citizens and might be bad for communism.
Captain Pablo
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This thread delivers like few others have
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Manmade Climate Change Remains Unproven, Dutch, German Scientists Say


A highly topical peer-reviewed study in the scientific magazine "climate" proves on the basis of measured data that the "man-made" climate change claimed by the media and politicians is anything but certain.

37 international scientists from different institutions statistically examined public data on the temperature development on the continents of the northern hemisphere. They specifically chose the north, since the largest part of the earth's land mass is located here and therefore a particularly large number of values from measuring stations from many decades are available.

Natural warming or industrial global warming?
Government scientists claim that the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere has risen since 1850 because booming industry has been blowing huge amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the air ever since. The "climate" study examined measurement series from 1850 to 2018 and found that the mean temperature has risen by 0.89C per century. That's true for mixed measurement data from settlements and the province. If one uses only values from rural areas, one obtains a warming of only 0.55C (38% less).

Warm industrial age is good for mankind
Now, one could say that even if there is a small error in the data, CO2 still heated the world. Not at all until 1850 the "little ice age" prevailed in the northern hemisphere, as the cooling phase lasting about 400 years is somewhat dramatically called. It is to be expected that after this long period of time it will naturally become warmer again, and this is good for people. And nothing new: The High Middle Ages and the Roman period were epochs of rich harvests and cultural flourishing.

________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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And THIS is why they are trying so hard to convince people that there is a climate crisis:

The Climate 'Emergency' Is Coming for You 'The urge to curtail individual freedom is visible in countless blueprints for a controlled future'


Excerpts: But the notion of a national emergency today isn't farfetched. The United Nations website blares: "What you need to know about the Climate Emergency." The European Parliament has declared one. So have hundreds of jurisdictions in at least 39 countries, including the U.K., Canada, Japan and Bangladesh. Climate-activist teenager Greta Thunberg gave away the game in 2019 when she said, "I want you to panic," and, "I want you to act as if you would in a crisis." Emergencies are an excuse to do whatever you want.

This nonsense could never happen in the U.S., could it? Well, in 2016, New York University professor Matthew Liao suggested, "possibly we can use human engineering to make the case that we're intolerant to certain kinds of meat." He even suggested deploying a "Lone Star tick where, if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat."

Add to the mix the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which has an "ambitious target in 2030" of no meat, no dairy, no private vehicles and only "three new clothing items per person per year." Plus one short flight every three years. That sounds like climate lockdowns to me. Who are these kooks? "A global network of nearly 100 mayors" including 14 in America: Austin, Texas; Boston; Chicago; Houston; Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; New York; Philadelphia; Phoenix; Portland, Ore.; San Francisco; Washington and Seattle. Michael Bloomberg is president of the board. Better stock up on socks while you can.

When you declare an emergency, anything goes. The Biden administration pushes electric vehicles, and this summer we had a glut of theminventories were 92 days, double what is typical. As of midyear, Ford had 116 days of unsold Mustang Mach-Es. Maybe because saner Americans are becoming preppers and loading up on good old gasoline-fired cars before California's Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations, which other states follow, outlaws them in 2035. Vroom, vroom.
Original WSJ Link but I don't have a subscription
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Lab Experiment Shows A 2500-Fold CO2 Increase Delivers Surface Cooling, Not Warming


Thorstein Seim and Borgar Olsen (2023) have analyzed their experimental setup in further detail. They discover that in the Harde and Schnell (2021) greenhouse effect experiment, when the CO2 is increased 500-fold, or from 0.04% (400 ppm) to 20% (200,000 ppm), the plate temperature increases by just 1.18C. Further, raising CO2 from 20% to 100% (1,000,000 ppm) adds just 0.4C additional warming (1.6C).

Since it is assumed that the 100 ppm (0.01%) atmospheric CO2 increase since 1950, from ~310 to 410 ppm, has been the primary cause of 1950-to-present global warming, an experiment that shows increasing CO2 2500-fold (0.04% to 100%) only produces a warming of 1.6C would hardly appear to support the "verification" of the CO2 greenhouse effect.

But it may be worse than that. Seim and Olsen modify the Harde and Schnell experiment to better simulate "the earth/atmosphere situation." Instead of modestly increasing the plate temperature by a degree and a half, the modified experiment shows that increasing CO2 from 0.04% to 100% actually cools the blackbody (plate) by about -0.2 to -0.3C.

The temperature stabilizes at 1.1C after 150 minutes of heating when only air (78% N2, 21% O2, 0.04% CO2) is used in the container. But when the air is replaced by CO2 (100%), the temperature stabilizes at 0.8C a few tenths of a degree cooler. The average cooling when 0.04% CO2 is replaced with 100% CO2 is determined to be -0.22C.

An observation that shows increasing CO2 by a factor of 2500 elicits cooling in a laboratory is characterized as an "unexpected surprise" by the authors. (emphasis mine)

Link to Paper

From the paper:

Simply expressed: the greenhouse effect contributes to some warming of the Earth's surface and by this also to some additional convection, but not to any remarkable direct warming of the air temperature. At least that is the lesson learned from the experiments with CO2, methane and nitrous oxide. This finding is of particular importance since air warming is a necessary prerequisite for the alleged CO2-water vapor feedback, without which there would be no threatening Earth warming.

From our measurements and their comparison with the calculations we derive the radiative forcing of the gases when doubling their concentrations. This is an important measure to characterise the emissivity of the gases under higher concentration levels, when already stronger saturation on the absorption bands is observed, but it also serves as a relative measure at lower concentrations. The found forcings are in good agreement with literature values, which to some degree is also the H. Harde, M. Schnell: Verification of the Greenhouse Effect in the Laboratory Science of Climate Change https://doi.org/10.53234/scc202203/10 24 result of calibrating the set-up to the spectral calculations based on the HITRAN database, but which independently determine the impact of the gases as a function of their concentration.

While standard calculations for such comparison are using a Lorentzian lineshape for the individual collision broadened transitions, measurements on absorption bands of CO2 suggest that the far wings decrease approximately exponentially with detuning from the line center, and thus are contributing less absorption for larger detunings than Lorentz profiles. Therefore, we have performed additional calculations with a sech2 -wing-suppression profile, and under our experimental conditions we find for the radiative forcing of CO2 at doubled concentration: F2xCO2 = 3.4 W/m2 , for CH4: F2xCH4 = 2.2 W/m2 and for N2O: F2xN2O = 4.5 W/m2 . These values are for CO2 and N2O about 10% and for CH4 20% lower than the standard values. (emphases mine)

________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
B-1 83
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Sure, but did they do cow farts?
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
oh no
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How are lab experiments like that going to help government create more poverty and usher in more socialist cabal rule? Come on! Studies and experiments are supposed to be alarming and scary!!!
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I don't subscribe to the man made climate change hypothesis, but how does the 100% CO2 in the air result tell us anything meaningful?

1. We'd all be dead if the Earth's atmosphere was 100% CO2.

2. The water vapor and CO2 relationship was missing from the tests, and we know that water vapor is much stronger at heating the atmosphere.

DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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samurai_science said:

wxmanX said:

You are missing 250,000 plus years, can you post those? The dates you gave a meaningless without them. I dont think you understand how small of a time the dates you listed are, its sad you think this means something.

Y'all, there is no way an adult human being can be this insane. Reading *this persons comments through this thread is worse than Alice in Wonderland.

Edit: this individual
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I asked the same question at first, but then I realized the brilliance in it. If CO2 doesn't cause runaway warming at 400 ppmv, 20 mol percent or 100 percent, it DOESN'T cause runaway warming. If enhanced warming occurs under real earth conditions, it MUST be something else causing the warming. Thought about in a different way, it shows the fallacy in the argument that the temperature on Venus is due to runaway greenhouse warming caused by high CO2 concentration. It's a clever way of showing that neither the climate on Mars nor Venus is due to high atmospheric CO2 concentration.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Why don't Americans trust university researchers and why it matters for climate change


Scientists have developed a strong consensus that Earth's climate is changing and that human activities play an important role in these changes. However, current research shows that in the United States, there is significant partisan polarization on climate change and its causes, leading to climate denialism. In this paper, we shed light on the political and social determinants of climate action. Using a May 2022 nationally representative survey of American registered voters (n = 2,096), we examine the multivariate correlates of trust in university research and opinions about climate change. Our results confirm that segments of the American electorate do not believe climate change is a problem for the United States and that climate change is not a consequence of human activities. But we also show that part of the problem regarding climate denialism is a lack of trust in university research. We argue for a comprehensive four-stage research strategy based on the empirical results. First, more research must be done to understand who trusts or distrusts university research on climate change and who is persuadable. Second, more research is needed on climate communication framing and messaging. Third, additional research on appropriate messaging is necessary. Finally, we need to develop a culture of trust in climate research and how it is communicated across society.

That significant climate denialism exists in the United States, despite the scientific research showing that climate change is real and that it is being influenced by human activities, has generated significant frustration in the climate science community. This frustration has reached such a point that some climate scientists have recently argued "for scientists to agree to a moratorium on climate change research as a means to first expose, then renegotiate, the broken science-society contract"

A better outcome for the world couldn't be envisioned than these charlatans going on strike...permanently!

Then THIS doozy (which is not science AT ALL):

Climate change science is settled to the point of global consensus. We have fulfilled our responsibility to provide robust knowledge. We now need to stop research in those areas where we are simply documenting global warming and maladaptation, and focus instead on exposing and renegotiating the broken science-society contract. The IPCC's 6th Assessment will be completed in 2022. Will the response to this assessment be any different to the previous five assessments? Nothing indicates that this will be the case. In fact, given the rupture of the science-society contract outlined here, it would be wholly irresponsible for scientists to participate in a 7th IPCC assessment. We therefore call for a halt to further IPCC assessments. We call for a moratorium on climate change research until governments are willing to fulfil their responsibilities in good faith and urgently mobilize coordinated action from the local to global levels. This third option is the only effective way to arrest the tragedy of climate change science.
But, but, but you idiots are just too dumb to understand (sound familiar?):


Second, and relatedly, we need more research on the framing and messages needed to strengthen trust for the already trusting and persuade those with more malleable opinions. Furthermore, these results suggest scientists cannot necessarily expect that these groups will automatically trust their work, even if their research is of high quality and well-evidenced. Instead, scientists need to be more sensitive to understanding how to translate and discuss their work in ways that are understandable, and which generate trust among the public. We believe that the Generalizing Persuasion Framework (GPF) may be useful for guiding the next stages of study regarding trust in climate and sustainability science [64]. Scientists will need to be briefed about how to best frame and discuss their research in ways that will establish trust in their work. For instance, we refer in Section 1 to Rekker's [14] generalizable object of science polarization framework, which provides two interpretative lenses to understand Psychological Science Rejection (PSR) and Ideological Science Rejection (ISR). Frameworks like these may be helpful for improving public trust in science by identifying PSR and ISR trigger points.

Similarly, Druckman's [64] conceptualization of GPF allows identification of contradictory statements through a multidimensional lens involving different actors, treatments, outcomes and settings (see Table 1 in [64]). As we highlighted above, GPF can guide in selecting appropriate speakers, topics, message content, and framing of climate action to lead to desired outcomes across diverse attitudes, behavior, emotions and identities that may help in handling PSR and ISR. Future research should study the effectiveness of various components in GPF for improving trust in university research.

Third, additional research on the appropriate messengers is necessary. It is not necessarily the case that the best messengers for establishing trust in university research are the researchers themselves, instead other types of ingroup messengers might be best for communicating climate research [14,65]. While additional research is necessary, our survey results indicate that religious organizations and leaders might provide an important mechanism for the generation of higher levels of trust in university research. There may be other trusted leaders and influencers, who when provided well-crafted messages can help solidify trust and persuade those who might have more malleable opinions.

So, address legitimate, objective scientific questions? NEGATIVE
Own general circulation model inaccuracies and poor signal-to-noise ratio? NEGATIVE
Acknowledge natural drivers of climate change and quantify their impact? NEGATIVE
Develop a more comprehensive response than "trust us, you idiots"? NEGATIVE
Develop better propaganda to persuade the scientifically illiterate? AFFIRMATIVE
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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They're not scientists, they're sophists.
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No One Talks About It: Solar System "Climate Change"… Happening Beyond Planet Earth


Triton has warmed 3K
For example, warming is happening on Triton, Neptune's moon. According to Germany's wissenschaft.de: "Neptune's giant moon Triton is the first body in the solar system where global warming could be detected."
According to measurements, the atmospheric pressure doubled and the temperature rose 3 degrees Kelvin. "The cause is probably higher solar irradiation of the nitrogen ice cap at Triton's south pole."

Mars warmed 0.65K since 1970s

German online news weekly Stern also reported in 2007: "The average temperature on Mars has risen by about 0.65 degrees Celsius since the 1970s," citing American astronomers. Blamed here, though, are Martian dust storms. Why would dust storms on Mars be getting stronger? It's likely linked to increased solar activity.

The Moon 3C warmer, due to man!

Newly analyzed temperature data show the surface temperature of the moon raised by about three degrees Celsius, reported Germany's Business Insider here in 2018. But NASA blames the astronauts! "By walking around and poking at the lunar surface."

"Climate change" on Pluto

According to www.wissenschaft.de here, Pluto's atmosphere has warmed to being 40K warmer than the temperature at the surface (-220C). The reason for this temperature gradient is the "absorption of sunlight [by methane] reflected from Pluto's surface into the atmosphere."

Methane makes up only half a percent of Pluto's atmosphere. This small fraction heats the atmosphere in sunlight.
But not only Triton, Pluto and Mars are warming in our solar system, as Prof. Homburg suggests, other planets are warming as well. And there's only one common denominator: The Sun. Global warming scientists do all they can to ignore this rampaging elephant in the room.

Jupiter's "planetary heat wave"

Scientists last year found "an unexpected 'heat wave' of 700 degrees Celsius, extending 130,000 kilometers in Jupiter's atmosphere."
What's behind it? Jupiter experiences variable intensity auroras around its poles as an effect of the solar wind.

Saturn heating

The surface of Saturn has been "slowly heating up" as well, reports Popular Science here. But NASA blames Saturn's rings for the recent phenomenon.
"According to the paper, the most feasible explanation is that icy ring particles raining down onto Saturn's atmosphere cause this heating. writes Popular Science. "A few things could be driving this shower of particles, including the impact of micrometeorites, bombardments with particles from solar wind, solar ultraviolet radiation, or electromagnetic forces picking up electrically charged dust. Additionally, Saturn's gravitational field is pulling particles into the planet while this is all occurring.
Note how it's never the sun's solar activity and variability. It's always some mysterious explanation.
Yet, there's a reason why it's called the "solar" system. It's because the sun is at its center, and so its solar storms and variability impact all the bodies in it
But, but, but....your SUV will destroy the planet!!!!!

Original Tweet in German
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
Ellis Wyatt
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wxmanX said:

Man caused this.
Gigatons of CO2 baby
Prove it.
Mr Mojo Risin
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Yeah. Has nothing at all due to the sun as I suggested several pages back. I'm sure the cow farts are going all the way to Uranus (womp, womp).
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OMG, more climate change news!!!

The first snow of the season arrived at several areas of Colorado including Rocky Mountain National Park where Trail Ridge Road was closed for several hours.


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The problem isn't most of the scientists. It it the politicians and activist interest groups "interpreting" the research out of its context and out of its limitations and bounds and applying it towards political motives it often does not support or justify.
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"We've already snared the gullible and naive into our climate change "science" consensus trap, but we must determine ways to lie more effectively to gather those still clinging to the truth, common sense, and ACTUAL SCIENCE"
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Huge water vapor increase and NASA said the amount from this volcanic eruption was responsible for and equal to an increase of10% of all the water vapor in the atmosphere. Just in case you don't know, NOAA says water vapor is responsible for 50% of the greenhouse effect. Even the article from NASA says global temperatures were likely to increase over the next several years. Guess what? They did.

Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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ShinerAggie said:


Mars warmed 0.65K since 1970s

German online news weekly Stern also reported in 2007: "The average temperature on Mars has risen by about 0.65 degrees Celsius since the 1970s," citing American astronomers. Blamed here, though, are Martian dust storms. Why would dust storms on Mars be getting stronger? It's likely linked to increased solar activity.

Technically it was probably Matt Damon using that radioactive source to keep warm and then he left it there exposed. ****ing Hollywood people.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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agent-maroon said:


"We've already snared the gullible and naive into our climate change "science" consensus trap, but we must determine ways to lie more effectively to gather those still clinging to the truth, common sense, and ACTUAL SCIENCE"
Oh, come on, man. I bolded the important highlights for you!
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:

ShinerAggie said:


Mars warmed 0.65K since 1970s

German online news weekly Stern also reported in 2007: "The average temperature on Mars has risen by about 0.65 degrees Celsius since the 1970s," citing American astronomers. Blamed here, though, are Martian dust storms. Why would dust storms on Mars be getting stronger? It's likely linked to increased solar activity.

Technically it was probably Matt Damon using that radioactive source to keep warm and then he left it there exposed. ****ing Hollywood people.
That bas$*@*!
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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panhandlefarmer said:

wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Huge water vapor increase and NASA said the amount from this volcanic eruption was responsible for and equal to an increase of10% of all the water vapor in the atmosphere. Just in case you don't know, NOAA says water vapor is responsible for 50% of the greenhouse effect. Even the article from NASA says global temperatures were likely to increase over the next several years. Guess what? They did.

This is true, but the impact wasn't really showing up in the data a month ago:

Hunga-Tonga Mysteries

I'm not saying water vapor didn't get injected into the stratosphere, but the volcanic signature seems muted in the temperature records so far. Also, I think the NASA "data" is just model output and not real measurement data, but I could be wrong on that.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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This is why the trend is "straight the F up":

Here is the "adjusted" faked data:

Here is the REAL data:

As Mr. Heller points out, record, RECORD I SAY, temperatures in areas where there is NO data. I guess the weather mouthpiece has earned a vacation...

Here is something more resembling the truth...
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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And then, there's this.....
Have Sea Level Rise Data Been Faked? Altimetry 'Corrects' Non-Trends To Show Rapid Acceleration


"Correcting" stable sea levels to show accelerated rise
A few years ago Australian scientists exposed a similar assumption-based assessment approach in estimating trends in global sea level change.

According to long-term global tide gauge data (from the 100 tide gauges with more than 80 years of continuous data), sea levels have been gradually rising at rates of about +0.25 mm/year with no perceptible acceleration since the early 20th century.

Likewise, when satellite altimeters were originally deployed in the 1990s to early 2000s they consistently did "not show any sea level rise."

A lack of sea level rise didn't advance the narrative, of course.

So instead of reporting on what the actual satellite observations showed, arbitrary, subjective assumptions were employed to "correct" the data to show sea levels have been rising at rates of 3.2 mm/year instead.

The GMSL satellite altimeter data showed no rising trend for the first 5 years of the record. The first 5 years were then "corrected" to show +2.3 mm/year of sea level rise.

The GRACE satellite data showed the was a -0.12 mm/yr sea level fall trend from 2003 to 2008. After "correction," this was changed to a +1.9 mm/year sea level rising trend.

But, they don't adjust fake sea level!
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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So I could be looking out at the ocean from my front porch in Dripping Springs in 1,396,851 years.
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ShinerAggie said:

No One Talks About It: Solar System "Climate Change"… Happening Beyond Planet Earth


Triton has warmed 3K
For example, warming is happening on Triton, Neptune's moon. According to Germany's wissenschaft.de: "Neptune's giant moon Triton is the first body in the solar system where global warming could be detected."
According to measurements, the atmospheric pressure doubled and the temperature rose 3 degrees Kelvin. "The cause is probably higher solar irradiation of the nitrogen ice cap at Triton's south pole."

Mars warmed 0.65K since 1970s

German online news weekly Stern also reported in 2007: "The average temperature on Mars has risen by about 0.65 degrees Celsius since the 1970s," citing American astronomers. Blamed here, though, are Martian dust storms. Why would dust storms on Mars be getting stronger? It's likely linked to increased solar activity.

The Moon 3C warmer, due to man!

Newly analyzed temperature data show the surface temperature of the moon raised by about three degrees Celsius, reported Germany's Business Insider here in 2018. But NASA blames the astronauts! "By walking around and poking at the lunar surface."

"Climate change" on Pluto

According to www.wissenschaft.de here, Pluto's atmosphere has warmed to being 40K warmer than the temperature at the surface (-220C). The reason for this temperature gradient is the "absorption of sunlight [by methane] reflected from Pluto's surface into the atmosphere."

Methane makes up only half a percent of Pluto's atmosphere. This small fraction heats the atmosphere in sunlight.
But not only Triton, Pluto and Mars are warming in our solar system, as Prof. Homburg suggests, other planets are warming as well. And there's only one common denominator: The Sun. Global warming scientists do all they can to ignore this rampaging elephant in the room.

Jupiter's "planetary heat wave"

Scientists last year found "an unexpected 'heat wave' of 700 degrees Celsius, extending 130,000 kilometers in Jupiter's atmosphere."
What's behind it? Jupiter experiences variable intensity auroras around its poles as an effect of the solar wind.

Saturn heating

The surface of Saturn has been "slowly heating up" as well, reports Popular Science here. But NASA blames Saturn's rings for the recent phenomenon.
"According to the paper, the most feasible explanation is that icy ring particles raining down onto Saturn's atmosphere cause this heating. writes Popular Science. "A few things could be driving this shower of particles, including the impact of micrometeorites, bombardments with particles from solar wind, solar ultraviolet radiation, or electromagnetic forces picking up electrically charged dust. Additionally, Saturn's gravitational field is pulling particles into the planet while this is all occurring.
Note how it's never the sun's solar activity and variability. It's always some mysterious explanation.
Yet, there's a reason why it's called the "solar" system. It's because the sun is at its center, and so its solar storms and variability impact all the bodies in it
But, but, but....your SUV will destroy the planet!!!!!

Original Tweet in German
escaped CO2 migrating to those planets
oh no
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B-1 83
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panhandlefarmer said:

wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Huge water vapor increase and NASA said the amount from this volcanic eruption was responsible for and equal to an increase of10% of all the water vapor in the atmosphere. Just in case you don't know, NOAA says water vapor is responsible for 50% of the greenhouse effect. Even the article from NASA says global temperatures were likely to increase over the next several years. Guess what? They did.

A model that worked!!!
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
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The Rising-CO2-Causes-Warming Perception Not Supported By Real-World Observation

From a 2022 peer-reviewed paper:

"Clearly the results […] suggest a (mono-directional) potentially causal system with T as the cause and [CO] as the effect. Hence the common perception that increasing [CO] causes increased T can be excluded as it violates the necessary condition for this causality direction."
From the latest 2023 paper....results confirmed:

"All evidence resulting from the analyses suggests a unidirectional, potentially causal link with T [temperature] as the cause and [CO] as the effect."

Models violate several logical and physical laws, yet we're supposed to tear down society because of the "science".
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Mr Mojo Risin said:

Yeah. Has nothing at all due to the sun as I suggested several pages back. I'm sure the cow farts are going all the way to Uranus (womp, womp).

It's the sun. You get proof every night when globe cools about 20 deg
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Crazy how that works...
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AggieMD95 said:

It's the sun. You get proof every night when globe cools about 20 deg
except for central tx 5 months of the year. it only drops 15 degrees
oh no
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C@LAg said:

AggieMD95 said:

It's the sun. You get proof every night when globe cools about 20 deg
except for central tx 5 months of the year. it only drops 15 degrees
oh crap. give the government all your money then. The government can surely decrease the day-night temperature differential in central texas if they could just get more dollars from the suckers who still have jobs
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FTA 2001 said:

I think this issue highlights a problem that the GOP has that they need to overcome if they want to win nationwide elections going forward.

The GOP needs to accept reality that there is a problem and present to voters a conservative solution.

The problem is people are stupid and let those who can manipulate their emotions and "appeal to authority" usurp their own rational thought processes.

The solution is to recognize the manipulation and refuse to go along with the groupthink. Be a skeptic. Resist.
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