"There Is No Climate Crisis"

78,988 Views | 920 Replies | Last: 3 hrs ago by nortex97
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Also given on geological timescales we are at or near historic lows in atmospheric CO2 during the period dominated by terrestrial vertebrate life, and in the last few million years we have intermittently flirted with near global levels of cooling and glaciation due to gradual geological carbon mineral capture and gradual lessening of volcanic atmospheric inputs, it might not be an awful thing to introduce an additional co2 warning buffer into the atmospheric content long term.

Excessive Cooling is very bad compared to warming when it comes to complex life.
Texas velvet maestro
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Honestly, lets say climate change is a serious menace, The globalist billionaire solution is population reduction, carbon credits, taxes on breathing, 15 minute prison cities, etc...

F all that. Bring on the climate change. My great grandkids can melt, as free men. Don't care.
Don't want to save the planet so billionaires can lord over a servant class.
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ShinerAggie said:

If you have to fall back on "peer review" to save your belief in the unscientific, political hypothesis that is "climate" change, then, as if it wasn't blatantly obvious, you are not scientific despite all of your hollow posturing.

You clearly admitted above that they all fudge the data.

You provide no scientific justification for said data manipulation nor any of your own data analysis from raw data that you claim to have. Even UHI adjustments add to the warming trend which is not how you correct for a warm bias induced by urbanization.

By the way, "peer review" does not mean any scientific premise is correct. Rather, at best it is an unbiased review of published work to ensure it conforms to minimum scientific standards. As it is implemented today, it is a political filter used by climate zealots to squelch any opposing data and scientific analysis.
I have not admitted they fudged the data. I pull in the raw data and look at trends myself using python and excel. It easy for anyone to do. And it matches what NCDC/NASA/ECMWF/JMA post.

Scientists want the truth, that is all. That is all I wanted, the truth.

Truth--planet is warming rapidly.

If urbanization is causing it, why did all these rural therms break their records? Why did Lake Charles break their warmest summer by several degrees? The therm is not near the city, it is by the airport away from urban effects.

Average high Lake Charles this month: 99.6F, previous record was 96.4F in 2011. Was a complete blow out this year. And their trend is straight the F up.

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So, once again you're using a weather event to push "climate" change. It's fun to watch the charlatans swap back and forth between weather events and climate data to try to keep the charade alive. I hope you're rewarded well for your part in this deception, comrade.

And, as an aside, no credible scientist, meteorologist or climate scientist presents such flimsy examples and speaks in such vagaries and platitudes.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Tanya 93 said:

It was 56 on my walk this morning.
It's 78 in Las Vegas right now. I've been here since 1995 and 2023 is the coolest year I've seen here. The winter had one day where we hit the normal high for the day, every other day was below normal. We had the latest date for the first 100 degree day of the year and August was by far the coolest August I've seen.
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ShinerAggie said:

So, once again you're using a weather event to push "climate" change. It's fun to watch the charlatans swap back and forth between weather events and climate data to try to keep the charade alive. I hope you're rewarded well for your part in this deception, comrade.

And, as an aside, no credible scientist, meteorologist or climate scientist presents such flimsy examples and speaks in such vagaries and platitudes.
it the TREND!!!!!!
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VegasAg86 said:

Tanya 93 said:

It was 56 on my walk this morning.
It's 78 in Las Vegas right now. I've been here since 1995 and 2023 is the coolest year I've seen here. The winter had one day where we hit the normal high for the day, every other day was below normal. We had the latest date for the first 100 degree day of the year and August was by far the coolest August I've seen.

That's just the weather. Ask the expert above. Only high temperatures support climate change dogma.
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VegasAg86 said:

Tanya 93 said:

It was 56 on my walk this morning.
It's 78 in Las Vegas right now. I've been here since 1995 and 2023 is the coolest year I've seen here. The winter had one day where we hit the normal high for the day, every other day was below normal. We had the latest date for the first 100 degree day of the year and August was by far the coolest August I've seen.
good, just down the road it was 119F in PHX with all-time records in late July. And I was in Vegas last month and it hit 117F, all-time high.

throw me some more cool weather, and I will give 10x more warm weather this year:

Japan all-time warmest
China 126F all-time hottest
Greece 117F all-time hottest
Morocco 122F all-time hottest.
Miami hottest summer ever...the list goes on and on.
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Ok. It is hotter in a lot of places this summer for the sake of argument - still haven't seen the data that links it to being human caused.

And if our leaders pushing this truly believed it, why aren't they using economic sanctions against China and India since they have both refused to comply. Surely if our survival as a species is at stake, doing everything possible to reduce the largest contributors to our imminent extinction has to be more important than cheap goods from China.
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According to Al Gore, John Kerry, and other climate change zealots, we should all be dead 3-4 times over by now. Why do they continue to be so wrong in their predictions I wonder?

Just 10-20 more years before the next end of the world, right?
DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
Mr Mojo Risin
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Great evidence provided by wxman...almost as good as Shel's article on kbtx talking about the "fingerprints of human-induced climate change" that provided no real evidence. He hand picked 1970's average morning low for reference of "low 70s." This year was 78.6, which means the average is more than 5 degrees warmer. Then he babbled about Urban Heat Islands.

If the earth has been around for millions or billions of years, 50 is less than the blink of an eye.

These guys saw the dipsticks from CDC, NIH, county health officials, etc have their 15 minutes with the wu-flu and they have tried to up their game. Everything has the potential to be "the (storm, drought, flood, hurricane, freeze, whatever) of the (decade, century, since records have been available)."

Just tell me if it's gonna be hot or cold, rain or no today/tomorrow, best guesses for the upcoming week, and leave the alarmist BS out of it.
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wxmanX said:

Scientists want the truth, that is all. That is all I wanted, the truth.

Truth--planet is warming rapidly.

If urbanization is causing it, why did all these rural therms break their records? Why did Lake Charles break their warmest summer by several degrees? The therm is not near the city, it is by the airport away from urban effects.

Average high Lake Charles this month: 99.6F, previous record was 96.4F in 2011. Was a complete blow out this year. And their trend is straight the F up.

Would you mind bringing it down a couple of levels from your overly technical scientific descriptions so us lay people can understand you better?
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I can do that, too, but this one is relevant and much closer to reality:

Just admit that there is no amount of contrary data or analysis that will ever shake your faith in the climate change scam. I know you won't do that, either, because that would require integrity and humility.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Then you better sell your car and house and live in a tent. (And by the way, it won't make any difference. There is no man made climate change)
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Rockdoc said:

Then you better sell your car and house and live in a tent. (And by the way, it won't make any difference. There is no man made climate change)
You know he/she/zhe won't do it, but rest assured they/them wouldn't think for a second about having you and I do it.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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ShinerAggie said:

Rockdoc said:

Then you better sell your car and house and live in a tent. (And by the way, it won't make any difference. There is no man made climate change)
You know he/she/zhe won't do it, but rest assured they/them wouldn't think for a second about having you and I do it.

Kind of weird how brainwashed they are. Sad really.
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Rockdoc said:

ShinerAggie said:

Rockdoc said:

Then you better sell your car and house and live in a tent. (And by the way, it won't make any difference. There is no man made climate change)
You know he/she/zhe won't do it, but rest assured they/them wouldn't think for a second about having you and I do it.

Kind of weird how brainwashed they are. Sad really.
Yes, and fearful of the wrong things. The actual climate is fine, but the political climate is what they should be worried about.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Shiner Ag, go learn some physics, please.
It is so basic a 5th grader can understand it.

In fact, they have known about co2 and global warming since the 1800s.

"In 1859, Tyndall showed that gases including carbon dioxide and water vapour can absorb heat. His heat source was not the Sun, but radiation from a copper cube containing boiling water. In modern terms, this was infrared radiation just like that emanating from the Earth's surface."

Why do you think it warmer on a cloudy night? H2O is absorbing the IR.
CO2 keeps going up and is doing the exact same thing.

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If you really understood physics and thermodynamics (and yes, I have formal training in both), then you'd understand the supreme irony in your statement that water vapor is a greenhouse gas (that varies in the percent ranges) but yet you insist on blaming the 400 ppm CO2 when the IR absorption bands for CO2 are almost completely saturated:

________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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are you just making this **** up as you go along?
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wxmanX said:

are you just making this **** up as you go along?
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That escalated quick...
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Or, should we have noticed it was "trending straight up?"
Think I will go enjoy a cold Shiner Bock this fine summer evening....
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wxmanX said:

are you just making this **** up as you go along?
Cope and take the L
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It's just output from one of the beloved climate models. I thought those were gospel for the faithful?

Bless your heart. You're such a devoted convert to the religion of climate change.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
Anastasia Beaverhaven
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The only hot air today comes from the climate religion. Might be why they actually believe in man made climate change?

This has been a brutal follow for the religion.
B-1 83
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wxmanX said:

VegasAg86 said:

Tanya 93 said:

It was 56 on my walk this morning.
It's 78 in Las Vegas right now. I've been here since 1995 and 2023 is the coolest year I've seen here. The winter had one day where we hit the normal high for the day, every other day was below normal. We had the latest date for the first 100 degree day of the year and August was by far the coolest August I've seen.
good, just down the road it was 119F in PHX with all-time records in late July. And I was in Vegas last month and it hit 117F, all-time high.

throw me some more cool weather, and I will give 10x more warm weather this year:

Japan all-time warmest
China 126F all-time hottest
Greece 117F all-time hottest
Morocco 122F all-time hottest.
Miami hottest summer ever...the list goes on and on.

That's some serious "science" to prove warming…….. Let's invest hundreds of billions in wind and solar (China says "Hell yeah!"), and send Somalia a few million so they can move their shanties off the beach a few feet. You're no scientist.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
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ShinerAggie said:

If you really understood physics and thermodynamics (and yes, I have formal training in both), then you'd understand the supreme irony in your statement that water vapor is a greenhouse gas (that varies in the percent ranges) but yet you insist on blaming the 400 ppm CO2 when the IR absorption bands for CO2 are almost completely saturated:

1920px-1979-_Radiative_forcing_-_climate_change_-_global_warming_-_EPA_NOAA.svg.png (19201309) (wikimedia.org)
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Ocean Warming | Vital Signs Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (nasa.gov)

Guess all the scientists at NASA are wrong too.

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Well, that's interesting, isn't it? I noticed that your source omitted the most important greenhouse gas on this planet…namely water vapor. Strike two. At least you tried to present something more scientific, right?
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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no **** sherlock.

It is the most important greenhouse gas, and guess what it goes up as the planet warms from CO2 and CH4.

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Just admit it. No amount of contradictory evidence or analysis will shake your faith in the climate change scam. You'd actually become a LOT more credible if you admitted that the analysis is flimsy and the results are designed to produce a political outcome.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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