"There Is No Climate Crisis"

86,769 Views | 928 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by oh no
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do the math...
how many gallons of gasoline do you use a year?
then figure out how many trees you need to absorb it.
1 tree absorbs 48 pounds a year.

If you drive an SUV with 15 mpg 20000 mi a year, that is 1333 gallons or 26,667 pounds of co2 a year.

You would need 555 trees for your one suv.

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wxmanX said:

U familiar with Occam's Razor?
If only there were some... natural explanation for falling and rising temperatures.

Such a hypothetical source of warming would have to be massive, however. On the order of magnitude of our own Sun.

La Bamba
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Cool. Can I get back to Frac'ing now?
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Funky Winkerbean said:

No. Can you explain it to me?
Please allow me to give it a shot. Occam's Razor is the concept that the simplest explanation is preferred to one that is more complex. For example - someone keeps telling you how much CO2 a gallon of gas produces rather than answer a direct question as to how much the ocean temperature has risen. The simplest explanation is that this person doesn't have an actual value despite previous assertions of a temperature rise being fact. The more complex answer is that this person has some better understanding of the temperature rise and is withholding this information because of some unknown reason. Ergo, the simplest and most likely explanation is that the person is bluffing and doesn't know what they're talking about.
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wxmanX said:

do the math...
how many gallons of gasoline do you use a year?
then figure out how many trees you need to absorb it.
1 tree absorbs 48 pounds a year.

If you drive an SUV with 15 mpg 20000 mi a year, that is 1333 gallons or 26,667 pounds of co2 a year.

You would need 555 trees for your one suv.

No. You are stating that this is a problem.

It is NOT a problem. That's my statement. So, its on you, if you can read -- which I have my doubts about -- prove to me that the earth that we live on is warming up.

And if it is, why is it a problem? My entire supposition is that it is NOT a problem.

It's on you to prove me wrong, if you can complete a sentence.
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ShinerAggie said:

Yeah, there's roughly 270 times the mass of the atmosphere in the ocean, and the ocean has a specific heat capacity roughly 4x that of air, but the air is the climate driver!

You cannot convince a man to find the truth when his livelihood depends on not finding it.

Don't expect the climate nazis to understand anything about actual scientific principles.
DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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wxmanX said:

do the math...
how many gallons of gasoline do you use a year?
then figure out how many trees you need to absorb it.
1 tree absorbs 48 pounds a year.

If you drive an SUV with 15 mpg 20000 mi a year, that is 1333 gallons or 26,667 pounds of co2 a year.

You would need 555 trees for your one suv.

There are over 3 trillion trees on earth. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature14967.epdf?referrer_access_token=Mm0LXzTYod6Oy04-TOmQ8dRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0PkYJmQ6VQcpxIB4Tt0SaQywsN0n2B7UMpxadfI0w_ofNLDLlhk4cGLww_vHFe5rlmtuL6JJLDXGjTbqp0LHRxHawN0BUWv-ba9M693guFIT9oWcIKB37EI4opUfgakavN4BJXZBF8GnwgJfcOi6G9R4cCt5FCu0qNJHPYaC2qONDRZ_dr2gfvyYK9Pml6I4Rk-7Ys3Ic5ZyiuGvxosdULQROmd0-XFQHTv0VIeOWiWzDo3883h5KlluI3EyRFESM5_N7t_hfjI5D74kXrYv7Ob&tracking_referrer=www.washingtonpost.com

3 trillion/555 = 5.4 billion.

This site estimates 1.474 billion cars of the planet. https://hedgescompany.com/blog/2021/06/how-many-cars-are-there-in-the-world/#:~:text=CLICK%20TO%20ENLARGE%3A%20This%20graphic,are%20in%20the%20United%20States. It looks like we have lots of trees leftover for other CO2 sources.

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I just gave you all the science, but you still don't understand it.

So sad.

Have a great evening, enjoy the hot weather.
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wxmanX said:

I just gave you all the science, but you still don't understand it.

So sad.

Have a great evening, enjoy the hot weather.

What power does man have to control the climate?

Answer: None

Climate cannot be controlled by man. Ever. So why should I bleed like a bltch all over this thread like you?

You and your team are FOS. Deal with it.
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wxmanX said:

I just gave you all the science, but you still don't understand it.

So sad.

Have a great evening, enjoy the hot weather.

This is August, in Las Vegas.

oh no
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What is xwoman's old account?
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oh no said:

What is xwoman's old account?
Don't know.

She thinks she has the science.

Fact is she has the religion. This is not a science in the classic sense. The end result of the research will not be questioned by the other members of the cult so long as it meets the prefabricated end result all climate quack science reaches in service to the government pimps financing their whorish behavior.

Satellite of Love
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wxmanX said:

planting trees won't solve it either, humans emit way too much carbon.

Remember, each gallon of gasoline produces 20 pounds of carbon dioxide. Think hard about how much you put into the atmosphere each year. There are 1 B autos on this planet now.

Humans contribute less than 10% of total CO2 emissions each year.
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We are talking about 1 molecule out of 10,000. The climate may be changing, but it ain't because of anything mankind is doing.
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if we had no co2 the planet would be frozen over.

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Then why is Mars so cold when the atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide?
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wxmanX said:

if we had no co2 the planet would be frozen over.

What are you going to do about China and its coal industry?
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wxmanX said:

do the math...
how many gallons of gasoline do you use a year?
then figure out how many trees you need to absorb it.
1 tree absorbs 48 pounds a year.

If you drive an SUV with 15 mpg 20000 mi a year, that is 1333 gallons or 26,667 pounds of co2 a year.

You would need 555 trees for your one suv.

Coal power plant permitting, construction starts and new project announcements accelerated dramatically in China in 2022, with new permits reaching the highest level since 2015. The coal power capacity starting construction in China was six times as large as that in all of the rest of the world combined.
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The atmospheric pressure is 1/100th ours. Mars atmosphere is too thin for a significant amount of greenhouse effect from co2.

Venus, on the other hand, had a run-away greenhouse effect from co2, and the atmospheric pressure is 90x our surface pressure.

The heat will keep on baking TX through early Sept. Hopefully no one burns down...lots of trees are dying around central TX. Worst drought since 2011, and this summer will beat 2011 temp wise when it is over, which was the hottest summer ever in TX.

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yea, china f this atmosphere up big time.
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wxmanX said:

yea, china f this atmosphere up big time.

Nothing we do here will change it, NOTHING. How is taxing and destroying our middle class going to save this planet with China building more coal plants than exists in the entire world?

They already withdrew from the Paris Accords, we would have to go to war to stop them, are you ready for that?
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So, by your examples, you admit that the climatic situation depends on factors other than carbon dioxide concentration alone.

If you just stopped parroting talking points long enough to fully understand what you're saying, you'd discover a fundamental flaw in your argument. I won't hold my breath long enough to see that happen, despite the fact that you and yours are convinced that might help the situation.
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Believing that electric vehicles will save our environment is ridiculous. Why don't we just go back to riding horses and using horse buggies. That makes about as much sense as driving EV's.
Casual Cynic
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It's amazing how liberals talk a lot about climate change but will never adopt a climate friendly lifestyle, always someone else that has to make sacrifices.
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DarkBrandon01 said:

StrickAggie06 said:

DarkBrandon01 said:

and 100,000 other scientists believe in man made climate change. this means nothing. when you burn fossil fuels that energy has to go somewhere, it just doesn't disappear. it is the ONLY explanation. there are no other natural factors that account for the rapid increase of greenhouse gases.

Scientists of what? The majority of articles I read that claim that "the vast majority of scientists" believe in significant man made climate change are climate scientists. As mentioned in my first post, climate scientists aren't actual scientists, plus OF COURSE climate scientists are going to believe their own studies.

Occasionally, some theoretical physicists throw their names into the mix. Unfortunately, their insights are often misguided, as they don't deal with large quantitative data sets, and don't consider the statistical flaws present in climate data. I've found they are particularly susceptible to having "tunnel vision" and just blindly believing studies put out by academics in other fields. But how many non-physics STEM researchers with backgrounds in big data and advanced statistics do you see speak out regularly? I rarely see engineers, biologists, or chemists loudly banging the climate change drum.

And did you not read my post at all, or just not understand it? Increases in greenhouse gasses don't automatically cause an equally corresponding temperature increase, and how we've measured them has changed over time. Again, correlation doesn't equal causation. If greenhouse gasses go up 30%, how much does the temp increase? You can point to the correlation all you want, but without an actual controlled study (which I'm not convinced is possible even with a a very complex artificial microclimate), you simply can't prove that one causes the other. And that "rapid" increase in greenhouse gasses uses ice core data as its early data points. As previously mentioned, ice cores are extremely unreliable for producing accurate data. There's also inconsistencies with the sites for data collection. You're taking early data from ice cores located at the poles vs newer data points located closer to civilization where CO2 emissions will be higher. This creates a significant positive bias in the trend.

Also, calling CO2 a greenhouse gas is disingenuous at best. CO2 encourages plant growth, which in turn reduces atmospheric CO2 levels. The Earth is essentially a living breathing organism, and like all organisms it strives for balance (homeostasis). CO2 levels also naturally increase as the Earth warms, so how much of that rise is due to the cyclic warming period we are? How does it correlate to the number of volcanic eruptions each year, which dump FAR more CO2 in the atmosphere than all of humanity does in an entire year?

Finally, you are still looking at a very very limited data set in historical terms. You simply can't claim unequivocally that greenhouse gas levels are at an all time high due to mankind and the sole driving factor of temp increases, without being able to accurately and comprehensively compare them to prehistoric times. Doing so violates the core mission of science.

Finally, any scientist that claims their findings are absolute facts is a fraud. Every climate report I've read does this. Actual scientists know there is ALWAYS uncertainty in the results, even with a 99%+ confidence interval. Valid publications use words like "could, might, plausible, etc" to describe their results, not definitive terms.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying that man made climate change is 100% not real. My point is that we don't have the data to say one way or another. It's logical that humanity has had SOME effect on the climate. But how much? It could be a lot or it could be negligible. Should we really declare an emergency and bankrupt the country for a complete unknown, when it wouldn't make a significant difference anyway? There are positive, effective ways to move us away from fossil fuels, but the government refuses to pursue them.
This is the most confidently incorrect reply I have seen on this website. Ice core data only measures co2 levels before the 1950s. Since 1950 we have just used the regular atmosphere to collect data, and we can see that c02 is rising unprecedently with no natural events that can explain it.

Also, c02 is 100% a greenhouse gas. No one ever said greenhouse gases were bad for the environment. The balance of gases can be thrown off due to human activity and that is a bad thing.

Also, the reason engineers, biologists, and chemists don't speak on climate change is because they are engineers, biologists, and chemists. Being an expert in one field doesn't mean you can hope over and be an expert in another field.

Also, just because we cant fully understand the climate doesn't mean we cant draw conclusions on what is going on. We have evidence and we see patterns. Denying climate change is like looking at the correlation between smokers and lung cancer and coming to the conclusion that smokers are just getting unlucky since we don't know which factor caused the cancer to form.

So your "100,000 other scientists that believe in man made climate change" are all just climatologists hanging out in their highly politicized echo chamber then? You are also unbelievably incorrect that an expert in one field can't be an expert in others. I'm an expert in several. In the case of climate, any scientist or engineer with experience in mathematical modeling, big data analytics, and advanced statistics absolutely has a valid opinion to share here. As outlined in my original post several pages back, climate modeling suffers from very high error variance in the data, so anyone with half a brain with that expertise can tell you how statistically laughable climate models are.

Secondly, if you actually possessed reading comprehension, you would have noticed that I said ice cores are used for EARLY data points. As in pre-1950s. I specifically explained in my original comments (which I'm assuming you didn't read), that the early CO2 data that climate scientists love to use to get that nice hockey stick graph they love so much is unreliable. Without a control study to determine what % of atmospheric CO2 is captured in ice cores at their time of freezing, if/how that measurement changes as ice layers compact, and how exactly they correlate to global average CO2 levels over time, the early ice core data simply can't be normalized correctly or assessed proper error tolerances. The result is that the pre-1950s CO2 data is almost certainly lower than it should be.

And no one is "denying climate change". The climate changes literally every day. What rational people question is to what degree if any man has negatively contributed to those changes. As multiple people have pointed out, yet you choose to ignore, is that natural events such as wildfires, volcanoes, and sub-sea vents contribute vast quantities of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. A single volcanic eruption releases more CO2 than man does in a year.

Finally, I highly recommend that you go watch the video that that was posted and I replied to a few pages back of a former government climate scientist explaining all of this in detail. You might actually learn something.
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I love the passion, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. It occurs to me that anyone with rigorous training in statistics, data analysis, or designed experiments would laugh at the "math" used for to prop up such a preposterous conclusion. One does not have to be a "climate scientist" to identify significant holes in the hypothesis.
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TexAg1987 said:

I, for one, am glad that is settled.

The science deniers who disagree with all of these scientists should be locked up.
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wxmanX said:

The atmospheric pressure is 1/100th ours. Mars atmosphere is too thin for a significant amount of greenhouse effect from co2.

Venus, on the other hand, had a run-away greenhouse effect from co2, and the atmospheric pressure is 90x our surface pressure.

So atmospheric pressure us a larger driving force for atmospheric temperature than CO2? Who woulda thought?
Funky Winkerbean
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And ironically, it's been a high pressure system parked over Texas that is driving this excessive heat.
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Next they will be complaining about too much rain in California.
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BTKAG97 said:

wxmanX said:

The atmospheric pressure is 1/100th ours. Mars atmosphere is too thin for a significant amount of greenhouse effect from co2.

Venus, on the other hand, had a run-away greenhouse effect from co2, and the atmospheric pressure is 90x our surface pressure.

So atmospheric pressure us a larger driving force for atmospheric temperature than CO2? Who woulda thought?
Well duh. What did you think that the distance from the sun or the atmospheric gas concentration has anything to do with these planet's temperatures?

Always, always, always remember that each gallon of gasoline produces 20 pounds of carbon dioxide!

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wxmanX said:

do the math...
how many gallons of gasoline do you use a year?
then figure out how many trees you need to absorb it.
1 tree absorbs 48 pounds a year.

If you drive an SUV with 15 mpg 20000 mi a year, that is 1333 gallons or 26,667 pounds of co2 a year.

You would need 555 trees for your one suv.

Can you calculate how many trees Al Gore would require? Bill Gates? John Kerry? Mitt Romney?
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Really? How did Venus get that pressure? From years of volcanoes erupting and pushing co2 into the atmosphere.

Which blocks IR and heats up planet.

So now, earth is about 424 ppm, up from 270 ppm from 1870s, and temperatures have warmed about 3F since then. If we get to 800 ppm probably warm another 3F.

Add CH4 and it makes it worse.
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with no natural events that can explain it.

No fires or volcanic activity in the world since 1950? No change in the Solar output?
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