"There Is No Climate Crisis"

86,716 Views | 928 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by oh no
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Not that scientists or data are going to be able to sway a political debate:

"There Is No Climate Crisis"…1600 Scientists Worldwide, Nobel Prize Laureate Sign Declaration


1609 signatories recently signed a declaration that states there is no climate crisis, thus casting doubt over man's alleged role in climate change and extreme weather.

There is no climate emergency
Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth's climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. They do not only exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases, they also ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.

CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. More CO2 is favorable for nature, greening our planet. Additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also profitable for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. Go for adaptation instead of mitigation; adaptation works
whatever the causes are."

Link to the document:
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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I, for one, am glad that is settled.
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I remember NOAA scientists fabricating data to start all of this silliness which is now indistinguishable from a religion
Definitely Not A Cop
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That sounds like a consensus.
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Definitely Not A Cop said:

That sounds like a consensus.
Bravo! Well done

Now it will be "My consensus is bigger than YOUR consensus!".
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Science is a democracy now? Ok
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
oh no
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but if we aren't alarmed and don't program our youth to be scared ****less of the world's end, then how can we have our great reset and join a global communist utopia? governments need trillions of tax dollars to change the weather now or else capitalism might continue!!!!!
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yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

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Science was already settled, these guys missed their chance. We all know that once "Science" is settled, you never re-look or re-evaluate the findings or basis. It is a fact once it is settled.
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Nice weather report; username fits.

But we're talking about CLIMATE.
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

LOL. One year's worth of data doesn't make it a crisis. and certainly doesn't point to any manmade causes. When we have a cooler summer in a year or two, does that mean we've solved the climate problem?

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TexAg1987 said:

I, for one, am glad that is settled.
Me too! Now let's move on to the myth of systematic racism.
OverSeas AG
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

yeah... so when there was an ice age and that was THE NORM. And it was to anything living at that time... what was it that caused the warming then? Humans? Farts? Animals? Or perhaps just a cycle like EVERY OTHER CYCLE that has ever happened.

Additionally, at some point in time, records were broken for cold and heat. However, let's discount that we could also be a cycle that is ranging high. Let's not SCIENCE and make a determination, instead let's EMOTION and scare people to make our point. Well played!

Come back to us when you SCIENCE with proof that the climate change is man-made and not a natural occurrence..

AND FOR THE RECORD - I am not saying that it is not man made. I am saying that the science isn't proven, but it sure as hell has become an emotional issue.
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

...highest ever recorded by humans.
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Yea, whatever. Simple question. Why are we not under water? You people promised we would be under water. And why is Saint Obama building houses on the beach?

And BTW, you have at most 100 years of data on temps. There's absolutely no way to know if any of these temps are the highest ever. I can go through and cherry pick low temp records over the past couple of winters too. And those would also not be "the lowest temps ever".
tk for tu juan
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Highest temps ever? Let's ask the creatures from the Mesozoic era about temps back then
nu awlins ag
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Now....get your models out and adjust for subsea geothermal activity and solar impacts....

Jock 07
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

And yet folks were still skiing at Mammoth til last week. Weird.
Old May Banker
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever


What's the correct temperature and where's the thermostat? Government taxes fix it? Move to a mud hut somewhere and exist off of berries and twigs if you think it matters.

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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Spend a short few minutes watching this video and it will bring very logical explanations to much of this charade.

oh no
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

well raise my taxes then! build some carbon vacuums and tell china to have those kids in africa mine some extra cobalt and lithium! today's weather report sounds like a problem only big government can solve with a few extra trillions of dollars right now!
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.
The Hunga TongaHunga Haapai volcano says hello.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

This lack of critical thinking is what makes liberals liberal.
DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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i'm not even a liberal.
Voted republican since I was born.

Just know the science is correct. Later.
Definitely Not A Cop
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You just said it's the highest temperatures ever right now. We can definitively prove that is not true. So it appears your "science" is incorrect.
OverSeas AG
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wxmanX said:

i'm not even a liberal.
Voted republican since I was born.

Just know the science is correct. Later.
I know the Science is correct as well - and it hasn't proven crap. Later.
oh no
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provides current weather report.

the science is correct. laters!!

you sound vaccinated with all that trust the one and only (my) science crap.
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wxmanX said:

i'm not even a liberal.
Voted republican since I was born.

Just know the science is correct. Later.
Says the guy who was all in on the WuFlu shots, and even discounted natural immunity.

Your posting history betrays you.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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wxmanX said:

i'm not even a liberal*.
Voted republican since I was born.

Just know the science is correct. Later.

*Concerned Moderate
DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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wxmanX said:

i'm not even a liberal.
Voted republican since I was born.

Just know the science is correct. Later.
yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

Sodom and Gommorah say Hey for hottest ever @ 2000 degrees C.

"We saw evidence for temperatures greater than 2,000 degrees Celsius," said Kennett, whose research group at the time happened to have been building the case for an older cosmic airburst about 12,800 years ago that triggered major widespread burning, climatic changes and animal extinctions. The charred and melted materials at Tall el-Hammam looked familiar, and a group of researchers including impact scientist Allen West and Kennett joined Trinity Southwest University biblical scholar Philip J. Silvia's research effort to determine what happened at this city 3,650 years ago.

tk for tu juan
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Guess we now know the KBTX weatherman's username
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tk for tu juan said:

Highest temps ever? Let's ask the creatures from the Mesozoic era about temps back then

He has a name...CanyonAg77.
Old May Banker
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wxmanX said:

i'm not even a liberal.
Voted republican since I was born.

Just know the science is correct. Later.

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