Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

483,233 Views | 9115 Replies | Last: 3 hrs ago by Ag with kids
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If we really want to put the squeeze on the Russian economy then we need to stop doing business with China and India. They aren't going to stop buying Russian oil unless their economy slows down. Frankly those two and especially China scare me more than Russia. They are absolutely ruthless.
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I think BRICS as a whole would, in a sane policy analyses, be considered as to how to effectively deal with limiting their power and growth. But I doubt we see that, least of all this year. Biden's sanctions on Russia have largely been counterproductive net, particularly for Europe.

It's incredible that Biden' admin refuses to even discuss substantially closing our border at the expense of Ukraine aid.

I remain convinced all of this is quite intentional, back to the original provocation of Putin, and our own invasion. No I don't think Joe Biden can even spell "Ukraine" today but the administration is fully compromised by other powers.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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US Vice President Kamala Harris, in her speech on the opening day of the Munich gathering, issued a denunciation of Trump's views without ever mentioning him by name,

Europeans were shaken by Trump's suggestion a week earlier that he would let Russia attack countries that didn't meet the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's targets for defense spending.

Dutch premier Mark Rutte, who is the front-runner to become the next NATO chief, chided those complaining about Trump's rhetoric.

"Stop moaning and whining and nagging about Trump we don't spend more on defense or ramp up ammunition production because Trump may come back," Rutte said. "We have to do this because we want to do this, because it's in our interest."

Zelenskiy invited Trump to travel with him to the front lines and see the conflict for himself.
Highlighting every time Trump mentioned in this article about survival of EU.

EU under threat of Russian aggression and all they can talk about is Trump.

Trump, Trump, Trump.

The people in charge wouldn't know what to think if it wasn't for the guide-stone of Trump.

The existence of Trump has broken people and their ability for any kind of rational thought or analysis.

Seems like the security of the EU solely dependent on the US taxpayer AND defeating Trump.

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Someone should remind them "Russia has no ability to mount an offensive"
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Blaming Johnson for wanting to stop the corrupt pillaging of American taxpayers might be correct IF THE DEMS HAD FAIRLY INVESTIGATED THE BIDENS AND STOPPED AT LEAST PART OF THE CORRUPTION.
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Yeah, that's true.

Once again it bears repeating; all of this has strengthened the BRICS block significantly, including Russia.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Reminder that US and NATO countries were quick to go Ralph Wiggum 'i'm helping' by rushing to seize superyachts and aircraft of Russian billionaires.

Now they finding out that it costs money and are mad about it when the legal authority to seize on this basis is unclear and the court's don't know what to do.

No foresight or planning whatsoever. A search reveals these incidents are widespread. An AN-124 is sitting on the tarmac in Toronto airport rotting away.
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The government is a pretty terrible caretaker of property.

How amazing is it that Obama (!) was comparatively realistic way back when about Ukraine:

EC president basically admits to using Putin propaganda to drive green (communist) agenda. RT:


It's hard to tell if she's blaming him or crediting him, but European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told a meeting of the Paris-based Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on February 13th that "[Russian President Vladimir] Putin's attempt to blackmail our union has utterly failed. On the contrary, he really pushed the green transition."

The word "pushed" is telling and projecting. Because that's exactly what she's been doing evoking Putin to manipulate EU citizens into acceptance of a profitable system of greenwashed authoritarianism. Putin's been a busy guy here in Europe lately. Just the other week, he was apparently pushing Europe's farmers and their tractors onto highways.

Why does Queen Ursula always have to sound so shady? "Last year, in 2023, for the first time ever, we produced more electricity from wind than from gas," she said. How many ways did her battle-hardened brigade of bureaucratic paper-cut Purple Hearts have to parse the data to come up with that bright spot? Because the truth is that, at 37% of the EU's electrical power, renewables are still only just a half a percent more prevalent than fossil fuels at 36.5%, according to the EU's own data and that really hasn't changed much over the past several years.

And it's not like wind, at 13% of the bloc's electrical production, is doing the heavy lifting in powering Europe's industry when 60% of its energy is still imported, most of which is from fossil fuels. If wind and solar were actually capable of maintaining European industry, then why was the economy minister of the bloc's economic engine, Germany, bragging to citizens that he was doing his part to stick it to Russian President Vladimir Putin by taking ever shorter showers? Why did I personally have to freeze my arsch off at some of the local swimming pools in Berlin last month as the water temperature plunged to accommodate an energy austerity plan if wind was such a panacea?

When the Ukraine conflict went hot, Queen Ursula just substituted Putin for the climate-change excuse, then kept hammering the need to plough cash into renewable energy projects that just happen to be dominated by European and American big finance and their investors, like US defense contractor General Electric, Germany's BASF, Shell, and BP. Von der Leyen dropped a hint herself that all this is about not wanting to share the pie outside of her coffee klatch.

"The old fossil fuel economy is all about dependencies. The new clean energy economy is all about inter-dependencies," she said, pointing out that "clean energy can be produced anywhere." And that means being able to keep the profits among your friends and supporters. Interesting that she used the term "inter-dependencies" rather than "independence." You'd think that national sovereignty would be a good thing.

But apparently not when it could mean a country being able to tell Brussels to bugger off.

Both climate change and national security are profitable causes, first and foremost. They should just be honest about that rather than trying to hard-sell it with virtue-signaling and bogeymen. But it's the increased authoritarianism to control emissions or the ubiquitous "Russian threat" by introducing policies and tools that can also be used to quash domestic dissent, that are even more troubling. And for Brussels that seems to be a nice bonus.

It all smacks of increased supranational consolidation and control over a system that's being reoriented to profit members of a certain political caste and their cronies. And they're apparently willing to use whatever fearmongering they figure works best to subdue the masses into compliance. Putin should really start charging appearance fees for being constantly used in their advertising.
More at the link. Again, the Bundeswehr is utterly broken but this is what Germans are plowing cash into, ostensibly driven by "the Ukraine" proxy war. And we are expected to patriotically defend Germany/Nato and as well support sending another $60 billion incapable of audit to saint zelensky. Pathetic.
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WTH was he doing in Spain?
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Got a free vacation offer to Sunny Spain.
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The North Koreans, Chinese, Russians, and even Cubans do this stuff more than most/many/some realize, imho. The Russians in particular are known for various types of skills in poisons/assassinations abroad.

Meanwhile, I guess now super-serious sanctions are going to be enacted as retribution over Navalny. Perhaps this time they will include Biden familia paymasters like the Moscow mayor's widow.

Keep resisting, forever war comrades!

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Don't mind me, just noticing the russia hoax has been resurrected for election season;

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An interesting question. "New sanctions" logically invalidates a lot of the rhetoric from the war mongers in Washington.

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Not many Ukes trying to spin positivity lately, online or in this thread.
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Again the US could easily pass support providing Ukraine more munitions/funding, but the Biden administration refuses to do so because they prioritize the invasion at our own border.

This is fascinating as it jeopardizes clearly what is their proxy war on Putin, even while ramping up anti-Russian propaganda during an election year here. The machinations of the American left, in so far as the Xiden administration represents this, are anything but transparent/pro-American.

Meanwhile, Russia plans to triple LNG exports;


Russia plans to continue ramping up both output and exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak announced on Tuesday, as cited by RIA Novosti news agency.

During an address at the 'Russia' Forum in Moscow, Novak said that by 2030 LNG exports would be ramped up to 110 million tons per year, nearly triple the volume Russia supplied to the global market last year.

The deputy prime minister added that Russia already ranks as the globe's fourth largest supplier of LNG to the global market with 8% of total exports. The planned increase in exports over the next six years would allow the country to raise its share of global LNG supply to 20%.
I actually think Russia increasing its share of the global trade in LNG is good, as it hampers the communist/WEF attempts to drive prices higher for this key commodity.
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Rutte is the dirtbag "Club of Rome" believer/acolyte who led the policies to shutter much of Dutch agriculture leading to the farmers revolt.

Biden (*) keeps losing wars:


I am old enough to remember when it was considered a disgrace to even countenance the idea American could lose a war. Under Joe Biden, losing a war is a regular occurrence.

Vlad Putin took a victory lap in our latest defeat, the Ukraine War, by ruthlessly killing one of his few living Russian opponents -- Alexei Navalny. Joe Biden promised there would be reprisals if Navalny died back in 2021, but of course, that was an empty threat. Instead, buoyed by cynical regimes from China to India to North Korea willing to break international sanctions, Putin's terror state keeps on humming.

Ukraine's year-long offensive ran out of steam in the fall, just as I predicted. The Biden administration got way behind on weapon deliveries to Ukraine. There was already a huge ammo problem this summer when funds were supposedly in place.

All Biden's people have now is the ridiculous supplemental military aid package. This has billions of dollars more in "humanitarian aid for Palestine" as the price for helping Israel. No actions to secure our own borders, and just enough money to keep Ukraine fighting, but not defeating Russia, for another year. Long-requested weapons that once might have made a difference, from F-16 jets to ATACMS missiles, are still nowhere to be found.

In other words, our strategy is to fight another "no-win war," much as the Democrats ran the Korean and Vietnam wars of the 20th century, or later, the Afghanistan War.

Back in 2019, Donald Trump was impeached for wanting answers from Ukraine's new president about the corrupt payoffs to Joe Biden's family and briefly held up lethal military aid, to further this effort.
Volodymyr Zelensky tried to play it both ways; saying he had no problem with Trump, who unlike his predecessor Obama, was sending him massive amounts of weaponry to defend his country. But otherwise, not engaging on the issue.

In 2020, when the whole Hunter Biden laptop scandal broke, showing the scale of the Biden crime family's foreign payday racket, Zelensky was conspicuously silent.

Had he stepped up back then and started talking about how Biden blackmailed Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin, the highly-regarded man investigating Burisma, it would have destroyed Old Joe's presidential run.
Instead, he kept his mouth shut while Biden was elected, leaving Biden to resume Obama's policy of delaying weapons shipments, encouraging Putin to think he could invade Ukraine with impunity, especially after Biden's insane comments about a minor incursion.
LOL: oh sure NOW a realization that bespoke/precision/top quality 155mm shells might need to be cheapened to be produced faster.



To eke the maximum safety, shelf-life, and performance out of each and every shell, Western artillery ammunition is over-engineeredand then, on top of already daunting engineering requirements, the shells are subjected to an array of boutique national requirements.

Having each Western shell lovingly crafted to the exacting tolerances of a Formula 1 race-car engine offers measurable benefit. In ideal circumstances, Allied artillery systems outrange, outfire and hit harder than equivalent Russian systems. But conditions are no longer as ideal.
In short: they argue that Western artillery shells are over-engineered and should be stripped of their tedious quality control measures to favor 'quantity' over 'quality' instead. Interesting proposition!

Put another way, precision ammunition machining doesn't make much difference when the shell goes up an overused gun barrel that, in peacetime, would have long been consigned to the scrapheap thousands of shells ago.
They add that, in essence, Western military engineering is made for peacetime conditionsin real war conditions, a totally new rough-and-tumble ethos must be adopted. Where have we heard that before? Recall my article pasted above, which speaks precisely of that philosophical clash, and how Russia had already long learned the lesson having been habituated to real existential Total Wars on its territory, rather than the predatory wars of opportunity the West is accustomed to waging.
The article finishes with:

Cherished rice bowls will break. Old, longstanding methods may go away. But, right now, the overarching priorityat least for general purpose artillery ammunitionis lower price and greater speed.
Anything less helps Russia.

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Problematic; Medvedev discusses needing to take Kiev itself.


"Where to stop? I don't know. I think that considering what I have said [about the necessity to create a safety cordon] we will have to work much and hard. Will it be Kiev? Yes, it should probably be Kiev as well. If not now then some time later, probably during some other stage of this conflict's development," Medvedev said.

The politician presented two arguments for the necessity to get to Kiev, saying that, first, this is a Russian city and, second, the international threat to Russia's existence comes from there. "Though Kiev is a Russian city in its roots, it is managed by an international team of Russia's opponents headed by the United States of America. All that formally perform functions there are figure-heads with neither conscience, nor fear for the future of their country, nor possibilities. All decisions are taken across the pond and in the NATO headquarters. This is absolutely obvious. This is why yes, it may be Kiev as well," he stressed.

Asked whether Ukraine should remain an independent state following the special military operation in general, Medvedev noted that "if as a result of all that is going on something remains of Ukraine such a state probably has chances to remain, though not very high." "In any case this is not a question of today, of course, but it will be on the agenda some time later," he said. "I don't know what will remain in this territorial entity, I cannot call it a country now, maybe the Lemberg region, with a center in the city of Lemberg if the Polish or some other regions undertake for it. But this is a complicated process, not only military, but also political. And not only military forces, not only the military, but people inhabiting those lands as well should play or say their word in this process," he concluded.
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Ukraine wants to join NATO but Russia objects.
Possibly as part of a war ending treaty, the part of Ukraine that remains can be joined in some way to Poland.
This would create a stronger Polish/Ukrainian country able to fight Russia, especially as it would be NATO.
The danger is that some of these Eastern European countries hate the Russians so bad, they might START a war counting on NATO help.
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I have no idea. There's a part over in the SW that is apparently ethnically and geographically/trade wise more appropriate to put with Hungary I think, but then again Orban doesn't seem like a big fan of the folks across the border from him. Poland also just elected some leftist I think I read over xmas too so I dunno if it makes sense to combine any of that with them.

I'm not an expert in those towns/areas and would prefer it just fall into the 'not my problem' category. They do seem to need to get over their nazi sympathizing stuff, imho.
Ag with kids
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nortex97 said:

On a totally off topic subject (this is another perspective) we're actually looking to do something like that here at my work. But, with a few things different.

Cool to see others have some of the same ideas.
Ag with kids
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Rongagin71 said:

Ukraine wants to join NATO but Russia objects.
Possibly as part of a war ending treaty, the part of Ukraine that remains can be joined in some way to Poland.
This would create a stronger Polish/Ukrainian country able to fight Russia, especially as it would be NATO.
The danger is that some of these Eastern European countries hate the Russians so bad, they might START a war counting on NATO help.
Ukraine doesn't want to be part of Poland and Poland doesn't want to add Ukraine to it's territory.

I think this would be a non-starter.
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Yeah I agree there are good application cases with drones (and inevitable military ones). In some ways I think the most interesting to me would be a somewhat turnkey daytrader type of set up. I am sure some one is working on it, here's a primitive/crude example;

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Ukrainian ambassador; allies should see if they can discretely negotiate with Moscow:

Kiev's foreign backers should contact Russia behind the scenes to find out its conditions for peace with Ukraine, former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany Andrey Melnik, who now represents the country in Brazil, has said.

In an interview with the German newspaper Tagesspiegel, Melnik was asked to comment on a poll which revealed that, given the failure of Ukraine's counteroffensive last year and gains by Russian forces in recent months, 64% of Germans now believe that Kiev has lost the conflict with Moscow.

The diplomat called the results of the survey "bitter" and acknowledged that "our partners have the right to say: 'okay, we tried, we helped, but now it doesn't work anymore.'" However, he insisted that Ukraine's defeat would "be a threat to Germany's security." According to Melnik, Berlin must now focus on what else it can do to help Kiev, including supplying "Taurus [missiles], fighter jets, more anti-aircraft defenses and ammunition."

The ambassador suggested that considering how things stand at the moment, "it would at least be wise if our allies could discreetly contact Moscow to find out whether there's real willingness to compromise. Under what conditions and guarantees, for example, would the Russians be ready to withdraw from the occupied territories."
"It's not about lazy compromises or restoring a false calm on the global stage, but about leaving no stone unturned," he said, adding that "conducting exploratory talks doesn't mean giving up one's interests."
I guess Russiagate propaganda/lies are older than I realized;

I was unaware the CIA "Color revolution" template started in Serbia/Yugoslavia. Popovic is a 'colorful' fellow as he notes at the end.

Oh well we are just sending them old depreciated stuff, right?

Of course that CIA-State asset Popovic is in fact online this week advocating for a revolution against Orban in Hungary;

And re-tweeting everything from happy birthday to saint zelensky last week to arguing the rising right in Germany is 'not inevitable' etc:

Moar, faster please:

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In the last few weeks Uke's bleak outlook appears to have become self evident to just about everyone, including its formerly most vapid supporters. We've had Russian planes go down yet were spared the chest pounding that is typical of those events. But perhaps its too soon to spike the ball.
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Oh I am sure there are corners on the internet where people are popping champagne corks over the 5 or 6 losses. I might go check out the 'tactical and strategic' gang some time this weekend for amusement/updates from the Nuland perspective.

The new Tu-160's are more impactful though as standoff platforms, not that they don't have enough Tu-95's anyway but it affords the Ukrainians less time from take-off until impact. Meanwhile, Euro gear is often unusable outside of demonstrations/cameras;


Some of the military hardware supplied to Ukraine by the West has become inoperable after being damaged by rodents, Le Figaro has reported, citing a French fighter in the ranks of Kiev's forces.

The eco-friendly weapons provided to the Ukrainian military by the country's foreign backers are "sometimes unsuitable for the realities of the front" and "don't come out well" in an actual conflict, the French paper says in an article on Thursday.

As proof of its claim, Le Figaro provided an account by an unnamed French fighter, who complained that "rodents ate the cables on some of the vehicles" used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Some of the protective sheaths of electrical wires [in the Western-supplied hardware] are made of corn fiber," which attracts the gnawers, he said.

Le Figaro stressed that "the phenomenon is marginal, but it tells the story of the confrontation of the Western military equipment with reality."

"Western vehicles were designed as a technological showcase. But, in the mud and cold, they don't always work," the French fighter is cited as saying.

We really are in the silly season of the war, per the proxy commander in chief;

The question now surfacing is what would it take to bring a substantial portion of the 'refugees' from Biden-Zelensky's proxy war with Russia back home. Obviously, an end to the war, but likely as well a termination of benefits in their host countries/the EU. Zelensky is off pouting about DJT of course, but he will have to be gone anyway if there is to be any kind of country/dependency run from Kiev.


Former US leader Donald Trump's claim that he could end the Ukraine conflict in one day if he returns to power is not credible, President Vladimir Zelensky has said.

In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Zelensky was asked about the Republican presidential frontrunner's promise, and responded that he "can't understand how" Trump would achieve such a goal. "He can't solve this problem, this tragedy with me", he stated, reiterating his invitation to Trump to visit the frontline.

Zelensky suggested that if Trump were to travel to Ukraine, he would be able to "see what's going on" and "change his mind." The former US president previously said it would be "inappropriate" for him to visit the country at this time, as he did not want to create a "conflict of interest" with the administration of US President Joe Biden, which is currently dealing with the crisis.

Earlier this month, however, Bloomberg reported, citing an adviser to Trump, that Washington could potentially push Kiev to engage with Moscow by threatening to cut massive US military assistance. He reportedly added that Russia could be swayed to enter talks by threatening to ramp up aid to Ukraine if it refuses.
Of course, as Zelensky's handlers know quite well, if DJT actually took steps to negotiate while a mere private citizen, this would be another Ukraine impeachment trap from day 1 of his coming second term.
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You're looking forward to "spiking the ball" for Russia invading another sovereign country? If so you truly are a sad individual.
Mongolian Christmas
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It's pretty much over for Ukraine. I hope the US military has learned something about how our equipment holds up in this type of battlefield.
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docb said:

You're looking forward to "spiking the ball" for Russia invading another sovereign country? If so you truly are a sad individual.
You can't address the point so you address the poster. You're the sad one.

Spike the ball was in reference to the usual war supporters who show up here every time a Russian plane is shot down and start pounding their chest. Its a pretty well documented habit of theirs over the last 170 pages that appears to have stopped, for now.
Build It
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We can't stop doing business with India. We let all the pharmaceutical companies leave the US and go there.

They have all the meds we need.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

docb said:

You're looking forward to "spiking the ball" for Russia invading another sovereign country? If so you truly are a sad individual.
You can't address the point so you address the poster. You're the sad one.

Spike the ball was in reference to the usual war supporters who show up here every time a Russian plane is shot down and start pounding their chest. Its a pretty well documented habit of theirs over the last 170 pages that appears to have stopped, for now.

So you think it's odd that people celebrate losses for a country that's clearly invaded a sovereign country run by a dictator who murders his political opponents. Yea you're the smart one.
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Build It said:

We can't stop doing business with India. We let all the pharmaceutical companies leave the US and go there.

They have all the meds we need.

There in lies the problem. Don't become dependent on these countries.
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docb said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

docb said:

You're looking forward to "spiking the ball" for Russia invading another sovereign country? If so you truly are a sad individual.
You can't address the point so you address the poster. You're the sad one.

Spike the ball was in reference to the usual war supporters who show up here every time a Russian plane is shot down and start pounding their chest. Its a pretty well documented habit of theirs over the last 170 pages that appears to have stopped, for now.

So you think it's odd that people celebrate losses for a country that's clearly invaded a sovereign country run by a dictator who murders his political opponents. Yea you're the smart one.
Losses aren't really suffered by countries, they are suffered by people. Even hollywood has consistently gotten that right, such as with Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers.
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docb said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

docb said:

You're looking forward to "spiking the ball" for Russia invading another sovereign country? If so you truly are a sad individual.
You can't address the point so you address the poster. You're the sad one.

Spike the ball was in reference to the usual war supporters who show up here every time a Russian plane is shot down and start pounding their chest. Its a pretty well documented habit of theirs over the last 170 pages that appears to have stopped, for now.

So you think it's odd that people celebrate losses for a country that's clearly invaded a sovereign country run by a dictator who murders his political opponents. Yea you're the smart one.
I think its much worse than odd, its gross.
Build It
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Agreed, unfortunately it's way to late. It would take a space race level commitment to get all the pharmaceutical companies we need back here. Not to mention the chip companies.

Our populace is completely dependent on foreign governments. And we encouraged it to happen. Welcome to globalism.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

docb said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

docb said:

You're looking forward to "spiking the ball" for Russia invading another sovereign country? If so you truly are a sad individual.
You can't address the point so you address the poster. You're the sad one.

Spike the ball was in reference to the usual war supporters who show up here every time a Russian plane is shot down and start pounding their chest. Its a pretty well documented habit of theirs over the last 170 pages that appears to have stopped, for now.

So you think it's odd that people celebrate losses for a country that's clearly invaded a sovereign country run by a dictator who murders his political opponents. Yea you're the smart one.
I think it's much worse than odd, it's gross.

Yea you probably would.
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