yeah; Zuckerburg didn't donate millions out of the kindness of his heart and love of "democracy" only to put more Mercedes Benz's on the streets. Apartment complexes and nursing homes didn't have 100% voting rates because they were motived by mean tweets. The money had a purpose. Grass roots! Get out the vote! (with access to the insecure and compromised registration rolls and enough bodies to get as many ballots as they needed. On top of that, you have really convenient "water main breaks" causing pipes to burst during counting at State Farm Arena leading observers to be sent home while counting continued on Wednesday. Of course in certain locations in GA they had to stop counting because workers were tired, conveniently they'd happen to know how many they need the next day. This isn't supposed to be a feature of "democracy". In addition to True The Vote's work with cell phone geofencing, Favorito has done a ton of work identifying duplicate batches of votes and well over 100,000 votes that lack required chain of custody, among other things. The state can't even tell you how many of the absentee ballots were mailed vs dumped in dropboxes and serviced/delivered by NGOs.richardag said:GeorgiAg said:A ballot is not counted unless it is in a properly signed and verified envelope.richardag said:Everything you mention is lost completely as soon as the ballot is removed from the envelope.GeorgiAg said:In Georgia, to vote absentee, you have to be a registered voter and request an absentee ballot. They track absentee ballots and if more than one is received, it's flagged by the system. If you vote in person and by absentee, it is flagged by the system. And you may be prosecuted for doing that when you are caught.Funky Winkerbean said:
You people are too much. A man clearly presents video information showing a very high probability of voter fraud, and you attack him.
But, that's what liberals do when things get uncomfortable for them.
How did these mules know thousands of people who were registered to vote, but weren't going to vote in the presidential election? 11 thousand was the margin of victory.
How did these mules request absentee ballots and intercept them from these people's registered mail address? You can't request a ballot and send it somewhere else other than where you live. Was there a huge scheme to pay $ for people to request ballot and give it to a mule? Ok prove it. How did they advertise that to over 11,000 people and execute that with no one being caught.
They were able to all this perfectly without a large number of multiple votes from the same people that would have set off enormous red flags for the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State, REPUBLICAN Governor and REPUBLICAN Elections chair? They executed this over eleven thousand times without an error?
You people are too much. There is ZERO probability that happened. There may have been a few cases where people voted how they wanted and the absentee ballots were delivered by someone other than the voter. While not legal, that's still a person voting how they want. They confirmed the guy in the video had a large family. HIm delivering the ballots was LEGAL. There are no videos of multiple trips by the same person.
The premise of the movie is Trump actually won because fake names voted, or registered voters who weren't going to vote (in a presidential election, yeah right) voted, or somehow Trump voters absentee ballots were taken and the Trump voter didn't otherwise vote? That's hella dumb. What really happened is a registered voter request a ballot, received it, voted and that ballot found its way into a box, most likely by that voter delivering it.
And no, I'm not watching the movie, because the underlying premise of the movie is dumb and impossible. If you could just print a ballot, write "John Smith" on it, drop it in a box and have it count, then yes this evil plan could work. But you have to have a real person, registered voter AND request an absentee ballot.Where do the mules get 11,000 unique envelopes?
- There are affidavits disputing this
How did they sign all 11,000 correctly?
- The organizations they visited between drop boxes obtained them.
- Signature verification was ignored. Where are the envelopes?
Re 2000 Mules, if voting more than once is bad, and submitting the votes for other people is bad, then why should everyone simply dismiss and ignore TTV's data showing these people visiting that many drop boxes that many times?