BlackGoldAg2011 said:
Eliminatus said:
drred4 said:
So on the long line of Russian armament etc close to Kyiv. What would be the best options for the Ukes in combating this with what they have?
Drones hands down. If the Russians are smart though, and that is suspect to date, that column should have some of the best air protection of any Russian asset in Ukraine right now.
Based on the level of convoy security we've seen in the videos, some good night vision tech might also be a welcome addition to the aid already being sent. Especially when these convoys are in areas with dark woods to slip away into.
I agree with the TB2s being the first preference for attacking that column and I think it's only a matter of time. The Ukrainians need to hit that convoy because it is a prize that would have cascading efacts.
I try to picture myself in the situation of being an invading Russian stuck in a truck in a 30km long traffic jam.
The weather is cold and my visibility from with the cab sucks. The infantry are reluctant to patrol more than a few meters into the woods to protect the flanks because of the weather and we've been sitting upright in these unpadded seats for 36 hours. Our tactical dispersion sucks because we are bunched up. My fue is at 1/4 tank and every few hours I walk to the fuel truck 1/4 up to road to fill a Jerry can with fuel because I am burning it at idle to run the heater. If we got attacked right now I could drive off the road but the ground is soft and I wouldn't get far before getting stuck.
If the TB2s hit some big vehicles, preferably includiing a fuel truck, about 1km or so behind the lead vehicles it would cut off the head ad they would be likely to go forward to get out of the kill zone. The vehicles behind the burning trucks would have no room to maneuver and turn around. If the Ukrainians have the ability to do it, they should hit the convoy in multiple locations about a kilometer apart. The sight of smoke and flames in the distance both in front and behind a vehicle would sow panic..
One it starts, that panic is contagious, especially mong young and poorly trained and led conscripts. Most of those vehicles either don't have radios or might as well not have radios because they aren't using them. Based on what has been seen over and over again around Ukraine, many of the Russians would flea their vehicles rather than fight.
Hitting the convoy creates chaos and fear and it rums time off the clock. It would snarl he MSR north of Kyiv and make it a 30km long obstacle for follow on forces. They don't have to kill even he the vehicles to effectively remove all of them from the fight.
Ona separate topic, I wonder who gives Putin the report on casualties and lost equipment. I would really like to know how honest that are when delivering those reports because Putin is reputed to handle bad news very poorly. How many troops and vehicles does Putin think he has lost?