Is it just me?

17,054 Views | 274 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by BoerneGator
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Am I the only liberal that posts on this board?
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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Sort of makes you (or one) think.
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Can you explain your reason for being a liberal? Not making fun, just curious what is appealing about being a liberal.
Ellis Wyatt
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You aren't. There are quite a few

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Imagine being a liberal in 2021.

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TxAgswin said:

Am I the only liberal that posts on this board?
Depends how many accounts you have. Additional question. do you drive with your Brights on?
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you may all go to hell and i will go to Texas
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OP what are your pronouns LOL
DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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TxAgswin said:

Am I the only liberal that posts on this board?
I am a liberal too.

ban pot.



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WestTexasAg said:

Can you explain your reason for being a liberal? Not making fun, just curious what is appealing about being a liberal.
No worries. My skin has to be pretty thick on this board.

Happy to answer your question...

The reason for my ideology revolves around dignity and fairness.

I believe in universal health care. I find it undignified that the wealthiest country in the world is so tied up in their own bull**** that we can't take care of those that can't take care of themselves. I am fortunate enough to not have to dread making financial decisions about my family's health. I got it. But most do not. The fire department doesn't send you an invoice after they put out the fire in your house. The police don't bill us when they protect us from bad guys. Those services are baked into our fundamental rights, and healthcare should be as well.

I believe our court system is broken. There are way too many people in jail. And there is definitely a race element to that. I won't dig into that because people get very defensive about it, but that's what I believe. Our criminal justice system is fundamentally flawed and, in my opinion, conservatives are to blame for that.

I believe that education is the answer. It always has been. We should put every spare nickel we have into education.

John Adams said, "Laws for the liberal education of the youth, especially of the lower class of the people, are so extremely wise and useful, that, to a humane and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant."

I support our troops (of course), but I think the Pentagon gets waaaay too much money.

I am a "liberal" (or whatever) because I think we should prioritize differently.

That's just me though.

"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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Starring because i appreciate your explanation
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OneProudAg said:

TxAgswin said:

Am I the only liberal that posts on this board?
Depends how many accounts you have. Additional question. do you drive with your Brights on?
Just the one account.

Additional question. Why did you capitalize brights?
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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BaileyAg said:

Starring because i appreciate your explanation
Thanks. I don't get too many stars on this board!
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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Tanya 93
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Tanya 93 said:

You're such a flirt.
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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If healthcare is a fundamental human right then doctors, nurses, scientists, etc should be forced to work for free. Healthcare should be elevated to the same level as freedom of speech. If healthcare is a basic human right then it should be free.

But it's not. Someone has to go to school at a great cost to themselves and then work their ass off daily to treat sick or injured people.
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If you have 14 socks, then yes you are.

PS: I have got a bill from the fire department
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Your wants don't grow on a magical money tree.
Tanya 93
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TxAgswin said:

Tanya 93 said:

You're such a flirt.

But you have to be worthy of my time for me to flirt.

I need to floss my teeth

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delete thread.

ban */everyone.
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You have purple hair and live off your mom's credit I right?
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There are many lower case 'l' liberals on this board. Classical liberalism is still the basis of the American experiment and it is more under attack now by the progressive left than it was during the late 90s by the religious right.

Removing government's infantilization of the people would resolve many of your concerns. The scope creep and institutionalism of government should be the main focus of your dissent.
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FriscoKid said:

If healthcare is a fundamental human right then doctors, nurses, scientists, etc should be forced to work for free. Healthcare should be elevated to the same level as freedom of speech. If healthcare is a basic human right then it should be free.

But it's not. Someone has to go to school at a great cost to themselves and then work their ass off daily to treat sick or injured people.

Do you know what we are talking about?

What I am suggesting is that we place healthcare in the federal budget and fund it.

Do police officers work for free? Does the military work for free? Do public school teachers work for free?

"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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TxAgswin said:

FriscoKid said:

If healthcare is a fundamental human right then doctors, nurses, scientists, etc should be forced to work for free. Healthcare should be elevated to the same level as freedom of speech. If healthcare is a basic human right then it should be free.

But it's not. Someone has to go to school at a great cost to themselves and then work their ass off daily to treat sick or injured people.

Do you know what we are talking about?

What I am suggesting is that we place healthcare in the federal budget and fund it.

Do police officers work for free? Does the military work for free? Do public school teachers work for free?

there is no right to a police or fire force. nor for teachers.
many areas do not have these

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tysker said:

There are many lower case 'l' liberals on this board. Classical liberalism is still the basis of the American experiment and it is more under attack now by the progressive left than it was during the late 90s by the religious right.

Removing government's infantilization of the people would resolve many of your concerns. The scope creep and institutionalism of government should be the main focus of your dissent.
I agree with all of that 100%.

Side comment, the evangelical right has lost all credibility.
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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TxAgswin said:

tysker said:

There are many lower case 'l' liberals on this board. Classical liberalism is still the basis of the American experiment and it is more under attack now by the progressive left than it was during the late 90s by the religious right.

Removing government's infantilization of the people would resolve many of your concerns. The scope creep and institutionalism of government should be the main focus of your dissent.
I agree with all of that 100%.

Side comment, the evangelical right has lost all credibility.

The progressive left are the new evangelical right
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C@LAg said:

TxAgswin said:

FriscoKid said:

If healthcare is a fundamental human right then doctors, nurses, scientists, etc should be forced to work for free. Healthcare should be elevated to the same level as freedom of speech. If healthcare is a basic human right then it should be free.

But it's not. Someone has to go to school at a great cost to themselves and then work their ass off daily to treat sick or injured people.

Do you know what we are talking about?

What I am suggesting is that we place healthcare in the federal budget and fund it.

Do police officers work for free? Does the military work for free? Do public school teachers work for free?

there is no right to a police or fire force. nor for teachers.
many areas do not have these

Huh? Where? What areas in the US do not have schools and police?

Also, what does hth mean?
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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TxAgswin said:

FriscoKid said:

If healthcare is a fundamental human right then doctors, nurses, scientists, etc should be forced to work for free. Healthcare should be elevated to the same level as freedom of speech. If healthcare is a basic human right then it should be free.

But it's not. Someone has to go to school at a great cost to themselves and then work their ass off daily to treat sick or injured people.

Do you know what we are talking about?

What I am suggesting is that we place healthcare in the federal budget and fund it.

Do police officers work for free? Does the military work for free? Do public school teachers work for free?

Yeah, I do. You think healthcare is a right.
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TxAgswin said:

WestTexasAg said:

Can you explain your reason for being a liberal? Not making fun, just curious what is appealing about being a liberal.
No worries. My skin has to be pretty thick on this board.

Happy to answer your question...

The reason for my ideology revolves around dignity and fairness.

I believe in universal health care. I find it undignified that the wealthiest country in the world is so tied up in their own bull**** that we can't take care of those that can't take care of themselves. I am fortunate enough to not have to dread making financial decisions about my family's health. I got it. But most do not. The fire department doesn't send you an invoice after they put out the fire in your house. The police don't bill us when they protect us from bad guys. Those services are baked into our fundamental rights, and healthcare should be as well.

I believe our court system is broken. There are way too many people in jail. And there is definitely a race element to that. I won't dig into that because people get very defensive about it, but that's what I believe. Our criminal justice system is fundamentally flawed and, in my opinion, conservatives are to blame for that.

I believe that education is the answer. It always has been. We should put every spare nickel we have into education.

John Adams said, "Laws for the liberal education of the youth, especially of the lower class of the people, are so extremely wise and useful, that, to a humane and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant."

I support our troops (of course), but I think the Pentagon gets waaaay too much money.

I am a "liberal" (or whatever) because I think we should prioritize differently.

That's just me though.

I starred your post because at least you put your positions out there, even if I disagree with some of them.

Police and firefighter services are not 'fundamental rights', they're paid for by local taxes. What I'm getting from this is you believe help mainly law enforcement/fire prevention/and healthcare) are all fundamental rights citizens should receive 'free', in the sense that they're paid for by the community via taxes. Is my summation correct?

Our court system isn't broken and we don't have too many people in jail. All stats about "America has more people in prison than any other country" ignore the fact that we have a fu ckton more people than any other country, so yes, if you go by sheer numbers, we have a lot of people in prison. We have 2.12 million prisoners in this country, which sounds like a lot, until you understand we have 329.5 million people in this country. So less than 1% (.6% actually) of our population is in prison. So you want me to worry about the .6% or the 99.4% of people who manage to do right and stay out of prison?

There isn't a race element to whether you end up in jail or prison, there is a poverty element to it. Poor people can't afford lawyers so it is easier for them to be manipulated into pleading out. Guess who also commits the most crime, by far? Poor people. Too many people point to race when the real issue is poverty.

Agree with you in theory on education, but too many look at it as the silver bullet. World history is filled with poor immigrants who came to a country with just the clothes on their back and little or no education. Those immigrants were able to turn a strong work ethic and a frugal mindset into financial success. Putting more money into education isn't the answer, it just leads to more corruption and bloated administrations trying to justify their existence. Look at modern universities if you disagree. What we need is more promotion of the value of self-education. We should promote financial independence. We should promote entrepreneurship. We need to promote literacy and numeracy and intellectual curiosity. Promoting the former two is easy, no idea on how you promote the latter.

Wild West Pimp Style
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Do you expect to pay for the poor healthcare choices of your neighbors? Do you expect them to pay for yours? Why is that fair?

I'm not saying we dont owe our neighbors some sort of help, assistance, money, etc as part of living in a civil society but is healthcare the expected means of communal exchange?

Again i think your problem is viewing the outcomes as 'wrong' when maybe these results were the (un)intended consequences of institutionalism all along. No responsibility for bureaucrats and plenty of spending.
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tysker said:

TxAgswin said:

tysker said:

There are many lower case 'l' liberals on this board. Classical liberalism is still the basis of the American experiment and it is more under attack now by the progressive left than it was during the late 90s by the religious right.

Removing government's infantilization of the people would resolve many of your concerns. The scope creep and institutionalism of government should be the main focus of your dissent.
I agree with all of that 100%.

Side comment, the evangelical right has lost all credibility.

The progressive left are the new evangelical right
How so?

The hypocrisy of the evangelical right is crystal clear in their support of Trump. The progressive left has been pretty consistent in being Godless heathens that want to destroy America.
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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FriscoKid said:

TxAgswin said:

FriscoKid said:

If healthcare is a fundamental human right then doctors, nurses, scientists, etc should be forced to work for free. Healthcare should be elevated to the same level as freedom of speech. If healthcare is a basic human right then it should be free.

But it's not. Someone has to go to school at a great cost to themselves and then work their ass off daily to treat sick or injured people.

Do you know what we are talking about?

What I am suggesting is that we place healthcare in the federal budget and fund it.

Do police officers work for free? Does the military work for free? Do public school teachers work for free?

Yeah, I do. You think healthcare is a right.
"A house divided cannot stand"

Abraham Lincoln
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TxAgswin said:

I believe in universal health care. I find it undignified that the wealthiest country in the world is so tied up in their own bull**** that we can't take care of those that can't take care of themselves. I am fortunate enough to not have to dread making financial decisions about my family's health. I got it. But most do not. The fire department doesn't send you an invoice after they put out the fire in your house. The police don't bill us when they protect us from bad guys. Those services are baked into our fundamental rights, and healthcare should be as well.

There's a crapload of problems with this single paragraph, for starters. First, healthcare is nowhere near like police and fire. It has minimal things in common. Scratch that -- it has almost nothing in common. Police come, eliminate the IMMEDIATE threat, then move on. That's not health care. Its more like an EMT -- which, as you suggest, you get through most fire departments. Police and fire do the jobs they do because there are no one else that legally can do it. Firemen due to training and police due to state certification. Both exist for an orderly society. If a situation occurs on your property that requires police or fire and they don't respond, your neighbors may be affected.

That's not the case with healthcare. You're mistaken when you say healthcare if a fundamental right. That's hillary-speak. There's no such right. It doesn't exist except in the minds of those that want to grow government (more on that later). Why should I be required to pay for your healthcare? There's no benefit for me.

There's this thing called insurance. But that's been screwed up royally by those that seek to blur the lines between insurance and healthcare itself. They want to call healthcare spending insurance and vice-versa. Insurance is meant to pool the money for a group and pay when the needs of a few overwhelm those few, and the amount of the pool is based on risk. But it was never designed to be the ENTIRE amount to be paid for one's healthcare. Sadly, that's what many think it is or should be. You pay a certain amount a month, pay for your healthcare expenses separately, then when something major comes along, hit your insurance for the cost. THAT is what insurance is or was designed for. Nothing else.

The problem is what the left wants to do with healthcare, and you've bought into it hook line and sinker, and that's use it for their own power grab. In spite of TELLING you they care about you and all this fundamental right BS, they don't give a damn about you. They want to federalize anything and everything. Healthcare is far worse now than it ever was in history. We have many more people uninsured (as a percentage) than we did before Bill Clinton took office and promised health care reform (remember that?). That's due to the rising costs of insurance and the fact that many insurers left the market all together. It was by design: Obamacare was designed to make insurers fail so the government would have to step in.

Thus the issue: if the left were truly interested in healthcare REFORM, they'd look at free market type solutions instead of strictly government solutions. Create high deductible plans for every American and then offer government assistance to those who can't afford either the premium or the deductible when something happens. Instead, affordability isn't the goal; power is.

Are you going to seriously suggest that there are NO rational conservative or free market solutions to ANY problem a liberal would have? NONE? That's the rub: when EVERY potential solution involves more government control, it isn't about the problem, solution or anything else. Its about the acquisition of power and nothing else.

Seriously dude, at best you're a useful i****; at worst, you know all these things and you're a troll. Which is it?
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Many evangelicals despised Trump. They were the foundations for the never Trumpers. Not sure where they stand nowadays tbh.

But that's assuming Trump was a Conservative which I don't believe he was except for a select few major issues.
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