trouble said:heynow said:jh88ag said:Every person in Texas shall wear a face covering over the nose and mouth when inside a commercial entity or other building or space open to the public, or when in an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household,"heynow said:trouble said:heynow said:
Why are you folks interpreting public spaces as excluding outdoor public spaces?
Have you read the actual order?
Show me then.
Duuuuuuuude, that's exactly what I highlighted
agsalaska said:
So the only thing that really changed today is that cities and counties can no longer wave the mask requirement from last week. Nothing changed other than that if I am correct.
agsalaska said:
So the only thing that really changed today is that cities and counties can no longer wave the mask requirement from last week. Nothing changed other than that if I am correct.
That works for me.krosber04 said:
Listen to him or we may not have a CFB season.
SoupNazi2001 said:
People who don't think this will slow the economy are absolute idiots. I know I will go out less. Let's wait and see what July numbers look like. Guaranteed they will be lower than June.
Jimmy Conway said:
Non political question ahead:
I'm getting conflicting info. Are gatherings of over 10 permissable as of July 4th , or are they not? I don't see anything in the order that stops this but some people are saying its the case.
YNWA_AG said:Oldag2020 said:
I will NOT wear a mask. This is an encroachment on our rights. IMO it's okay for businesses to mandate masks, but the state government is NOT entitled to this authority. This is crossing the line.
What are your thoughts on wearing a seat belt?
You firstBallerStaf2003 said:Oldag2020 said:
I will NOT wear a mask. This is an encroachment on our rights. IMO it's okay for businesses to mandate masks, but the state government is NOT entitled to this authority. This is crossing the line.
Get. Over. Yourself.
Have fun being a hermit for the foreseeable future. I get the frustration but are you not planning on eating anytime in the future...or do you live in an unaffected county?Oldag2020 said:
I will NOT wear a mask. This is an encroachment on our rights. IMO it's okay for businesses to mandate masks, but the state government is NOT entitled to this authority. This is crossing the line.
BallerStaf2003 said:Oldag2020 said:
I will NOT wear a mask. This is an encroachment on our rights. IMO it's okay for businesses to mandate masks, but the state government is NOT entitled to this authority. This is crossing the line.
Get. Over. Yourself.
Hand out beers to all of the guests since masks are not required if you are eating or drinking.riverrataggie said:riverrataggie said:ScottishFire said:
This is some bull sh*t. My little brother is supposed to get married Sunday in Dallas, and there's no doubt that tyrant Jenkins will endorse the 10 or less mandate.
Invite him to the wedding.
Just read the EO. Have the wedding in a pool. Good to go.
Mainly trying to have controlled spread as opposed to a raging inferno. Death rates are a lot lower but hospitalization rates are still high enough to warrant mitigation. Need to buck these trends. Can't just keep going up without some problems eventually.Anti-taxxer said:SoupNazi2001 said:
People who don't think this will slow the economy are absolute idiots. I know I will go out less. Let's wait and see what July numbers look like. Guaranteed they will be lower than June.
This. There is absolutely no joy in going anywhere anymore. Eating out isn't pleasant because it's so sterile and regimented. I can't even walk around the damn Target without this stupid mask on. This all sucks.
I want to know what the end goal is. We were told we need to "flatten the curve" and allow the hospitals to prepare. They are prepared. What are we doing now? I could possibly buy into these ridiculously arbitrary mandates if I knew what we were working towards.
Again, let your voices be heard. And yes, I unabashedly quoted my own post in response to myself.agrab86 said:
If you don't like EO-GA-29, go to and click contact at the top, and share your opinion. If enough people who don't like this share their opinions, then at least he'll know.
Of course, nothing to keep supporters of his hideous EO to do the same thing.