Shanked Punt said:
Rapier108 said:
Shanked Punt said:
FPS_Dough said:
Shanked Punt said:
Wear your damn mask, mind your social distancing, its really not that hard people. Think about something other than yourself for a change.
Did you say the same to the protestors and looters?
Everyone should be wearing masks, no exceptions.
Bull***** Some people cannot wear them due to health issues, nor should very young children.
At this point in the pandemic, then it's best for those people to stay at home if they can't or don't want to wear a mask
No, it's high time for the scared ass *****es out there to stay home, let the rest of us with balls and a zest for life keep the human race going.
I honestly can't believe grown men are scared of something so un-deadly.
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."