LOL forcing cops into enforcing this is only going to cause more issues I thought we wanted less police interference we want more now?
Bingo!jefe95 said:
When does this horse**** expire? He get to leave this in place forever?
Until he says so?
2 weeks??
Absolute abuse of power he doesn't even have.
The rona doesn't affect trolls, so you'll be fine under your bridge.Shanked Punt said:Everyone should be wearing masks, no exceptions.FPS_Dough said:Did you say the same to the protestors and looters?Shanked Punt said:
Wear your damn mask, mind your social distancing, its really not that hard people. Think about something other than yourself for a change.
FriscoKid said:
If he survives the primary and is the candidate. I will vote democrat for governor and i've never voted democrat in my life.
Shanked Punt said:
Wear your damn mask, mind your social distancing, its really not that hard people. Think about something other than yourself for a change.
Different EOMr.Bond said:
So I read it and didn't see anything about large gatherings being illegal.... Correct?
you hope more people get a potentially deadly disease to show that masks don't work. right on.LegalDrugPusher said:
With this BS I hope the cases continue to soar just to prove that these mask don't do a damn thing
Charpie said:Different EOMr.Bond said:
So I read it and didn't see anything about large gatherings being illegal.... Correct?
No recall available for the governor.C@LAg said:
Since no one can go outside anymore, you guys have time to start a recall effort.
Get him booted by year-end.
Shanked Punt said:
Wear your damn mask, mind your social distancing, its really not that hard people. Think about something other than yourself for a change.
Charpie said:
I was wondering when you were gonna show up
schmendeler said:you hope more people get a potentially deadly disease to show that masks don't work. right on.LegalDrugPusher said:
With this BS I hope the cases continue to soar just to prove that these mask don't do a damn thing
It's not because people aren't willing to contribute to a national cause, it's perpetuating a sham, that's why. It would be like the government saying "Everyone hide in your shelter, we have evidence Paraguay is about to attack us!" Yeah, I'm not interested in contributing to the panic...jteAg said:
Trump has called this " a war against an unseen enemy".
So if this is a war, we are expected to do certain things that help in the fight.
During WWII, people faced rationing, doing without certain luxuries, and had some civil rights deprived so we could help in the fight against the enemy.
Now, people are raising hell about having to wear a friggin mask if they go out, and having their ability to go to a bar deprived for a time. Good lord!
So called patriots... Good lord, man up and just wear the friggin mask if you go out!
Except this isn't a law, nor is it a legal order.JCRebel13 said:
Charpie said:
He banned them last week with some exceptions