tv1113 said:
Dude is going to have to take a break at some point.
He won't. The guy takes a break from writing by writing other things. He loves what he does and there is something so heartening when compared to the likes of GRRM or Rothfuss.
With regards to a tv adaptation, any Stormlight series is going to necessitate no less than 2 seasons of 10 episodes, to truly do it justice IMO. If you presume the first 5 of stormlight could stand on its own (much like mistborn era 1 vs era 2), you are talking no less than 10 seasons of tv. A serious commitment of both time and $$ with no guarantee it resonates like GOT did. I would assume BS would be involved in a serious way to help with any Easter eggs for the readers and connections to later in the series but at least he would finish the 5th book before a tv production would get there. If it somehow went beyond that, well then....cross that bridge, but BRandon would have to channel his inner GRRM and have a D&D-like summit to discuss the end game.
But damn, how I wish it would happen.
America's destiny is not of our own choosing. We did not seek nor did we provoke an assault on our freedom and our way of life. We did not expect nor did we invite a confrontation with evil. Yet the true measure of a people's strength is how they rise to master that moment when it does arrive.