I don't see that at all. WoR is by far my favorite of the seris
1. WoR
2. Oathbringer
3. WoK
4. RoW
My thoughts (RoW Spoilers):
I didn't really like how many of the things teased in Oathbringer, which I then hypothesized on, were just given to us without any fanfare. For example, Jasnah being able to summon Shardplate. What was the point in being cryptic about that in Oathbringer when you were just going to throw it in randomly in RoW? I know there were others, but I can't remember them right now.
Really, I'm just getting tired of being in the head of these characters CONTINUALLY struggling with the same thing, every book. It is getting tedious and I hope I don't have to trudge through another 1,200 pages of Kalidan being sad he can't save people and Shallan being afraid to face her past then doing stupid things. I get the point and understand Sanderson likes to play with his mental illness stuff, but I personally don't like being in the head of a depressed person for hundreds of pages across multiple books.
I spent all that time, bored out of my mind with Kaladin, knowing he was finally going to swear the 4th ideal and convert windspren to armor. That was fairly obvious with all of the hints from the series, this far. I just feel the occupation of Urithiru dragged on, and on, and on. From the early chapter when Raboniel gave her plan, I knew they would take the tower, Kaladin would not have his powers for a while, then he would swear the 4th ideal and fight them off. Why did I have to wait the entire book for that?
Then he killed Teft. I really was pissed at Sanderson at that point. I get a subpar, tedious story ending in the death of one of his good characters. IDK... I guess I felt betrayed by him as a reader. If you are going to kill a character like that, at least give me a good story first.
I did like the reveal of Shallan breaking her oaths before. That really explained so much that I saw as a gaping hole in the story. Always wondered how she had a shardblade but then started from scratch with pattern. I thought she had done that, but with Pattern.
Secret History and RoW sp
I guess it's pretty obvious that Thaidakar is Kelsier. Will be interesting to see what happens there.